Sinking State of Bangladesh: Idiotic Musings

does he even know the meaning of what he has written? What and how much has he invested in Yunus and what is he expecting in return?
He follows the script I bet. Just posts whatever he's provided with.
Bangladesh and Its Imminent Collapse

Bangladesh is on the verge of collapse, a victim of its own war against itself. The country’s accelerated Islamization—enabled in part by misguided U.S. policies under the pretext of ‘regime change’—has opened the door for rogue actors like Pakistan to deepen their influence. The current unelected Chief Advisor, Muhammad Yunus, a Nobel laureate but a political non-entity, is now a mere figurehead. The real power lies with Islamist factions guided by Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI).

Economically, Bangladesh was once a rising star. Its booming garment exports fuelled infrastructure development and provided much-needed stability. But the Islamist conspiracy to trigger religious riots and seize power derailed this progress. The U.S. State Department, under President Biden’s administration, foolishly interpreted the unrest as a natural popular uprising and ended up empowering the very Islamist forces that now threaten the nation. This remains one of Washington’s gravest strategic miscalculations in recent years.

Earlier, U.S. Presidents Bill Clinton and Barack Obama had backed Muhammad Yunus—a banker, Nobel Prize winner, and their personal ally—pushing him into national leadership despite his lack of political acumen. Yunus was tasked with managing a deeply poor and diverse nation, which had, until then, shown signs of steady recovery under Sheikh Hasina’s leadership.

Then came Donald Trump. His open disdain for Islamists dramatically altered the equation. The Clinton-Obama influence in Dhaka vanished. Trump encouraged India—the nation most directly affected by Bangladesh’s Islamization—to act decisively. Yunus, under pressure, stripped the Islamist factions of their immediate power. A desperate coup attempt by the Pakistani ISI within the Bangladeshi military failed. Sensing the shift in Washington, Pakistan retreated—for the time being.

Now, Yunus stands completely isolated. His attempts to reach out to Prime Minister Modi, seeking a meeting in Thailand, went unanswered. Bangladesh’s economy is deteriorating, with exports falling rapidly. The nation is left with one remaining option: the military must purge Islamist elements from its ranks and oversee a swift return to democratic elections. This would be the first step toward national recovery. If it hopes to survive and prosper, Bangladesh must correct its course—sooner rather than later.
Bangladesh and Its Imminent Collapse

Bangladesh is on the verge of collapse, a victim of its own war against itself. The country’s accelerated Islamization—enabled in part by misguided U.S. policies under the pretext of ‘regime change’—has opened the door for rogue actors like Pakistan to deepen their influence. The current unelected Chief Advisor, Muhammad Yunus, a Nobel laureate but a political non-entity, is now a mere figurehead. The real power lies with Islamist factions guided by Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI).

Economically, Bangladesh was once a rising star. Its booming garment exports fuelled infrastructure development and provided much-needed stability. But the Islamist conspiracy to trigger religious riots and seize power derailed this progress. The U.S. State Department, under President Biden’s administration, foolishly interpreted the unrest as a natural popular uprising and ended up empowering the very Islamist forces that now threaten the nation. This remains one of Washington’s gravest strategic miscalculations in recent years.

Earlier, U.S. Presidents Bill Clinton and Barack Obama had backed Muhammad Yunus—a banker, Nobel Prize winner, and their personal ally—pushing him into national leadership despite his lack of political acumen. Yunus was tasked with managing a deeply poor and diverse nation, which had, until then, shown signs of steady recovery under Sheikh Hasina’s leadership.

Then came Donald Trump. His open disdain for Islamists dramatically altered the equation. The Clinton-Obama influence in Dhaka vanished. Trump encouraged India—the nation most directly affected by Bangladesh’s Islamization—to act decisively. Yunus, under pressure, stripped the Islamist factions of their immediate power. A desperate coup attempt by the Pakistani ISI within the Bangladeshi military failed. Sensing the shift in Washington, Pakistan retreated—for the time being.

Now, Yunus stands completely isolated. His attempts to reach out to Prime Minister Modi, seeking a meeting in Thailand, went unanswered. Bangladesh’s economy is deteriorating, with exports falling rapidly. The nation is left with one remaining option: the military must purge Islamist elements from its ranks and oversee a swift return to democratic elections. This would be the first step toward national recovery. If it hopes to survive and prosper, Bangladesh must correct its course—sooner rather than later.
No clue if BD would collapse so soon but its economy definitely would which in turn spells disaster for us for that's where these sub humans would come pole vaulting to.

Another reason why there'd be continued instability is coz the BNP is likely to hit the streets post Eid to demand immediate elections which Yunus & the people & party he fronts won't be amenable to.

This in turn sets the stage for a clash between the students responsible for the so called people's revolution against SHW & the AL vs the BNP. It'd be very interesting to see which way does the JeI swings coz a good deal of Islamists are within the current administration.

The other player namely the BD Army or Bangladesh Senabahini is to be watched out for as while a good deal of them are supporters of the JeI & other Islamic parties, there are also a substantial number of BNP supporters in it .

To add to the melodrama, BD underwear makers have grown so fed up of the current regime that they've actually dared to go public with their woes & the Army behind closed doors.

I'd say the clock is ticking for Yunus. Whether he quietly steps down or goes down fighting will determine how deeply BD sinks. The BD Army incidentally has already started cracking down on vigilante groups, self appointed custodians of Islam & the so called students movement leaders.Either way things seem set for further chaos to unfold in BD.

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No clue if BD would collapse so soon but its economy definitely would which in turn spells disaster for us for that's where these sub humans would come pole vaulting to.

Another reason why there'd be continued instability is coz the BNP is likely to hit the streets post Eid to demand immediate elections which Yunus & the people & party he fronts won't be amenable to.

This in turn sets the stage for a clash between the students responsible for the so called people's revolution against SHW & the AL vs the BNP. It'd be very interesting to see which way does the JeI swings coz a good deal of Islamists are within the current administration.

The other player namely the BD Army or Bangladesh Senabahini is to be watched out for as while a good deal of them are supporters of the JeI & other Islamic parties, there are also a substantial number of BNP supporters in it .

To add to the melodrama, BD underwear makers have grown so fed up of the current regime that they've actually dared to go public with their woes & the Army behind closed doors.

I'd say the clock is ticking for Yunus. Whether he quietly steps down or goes down fighting will determine how deeply BD sinks. The BD Army incidentally has already started cracking down on vigilante groups, self appointed custodians of Islam & the so called students movement leaders.Either way things seem set for further chaos to unfold in BD.

i really want paki nd kanglu nation failed hardly....they beg to everyone, but dont find any money from others. just like south korea become prosperous nd north korea remain poor, same type of condition i want in our case with two neighbours. slowly pakistani r realising it nd their realisation will grow with time...same case should happen with bangladesh. their majhabi kidaa only leave, if they become dirt poor. nd struggling for basic comodity. our army (2.7 million approx active nd reserve) is huge enough to guard with our 4 borders of pakistan, bangladesh, china nd myanmar. we only need to make proper border with no men land, just like in LOC. those no men land should filled with land mines, traps etc. hope we will see robot guarding borders 24 hours soon. 😂
What is this kanglu speaking about this boat? Any bong bros who can translate?
The voice over was saying great Bangladeshi inventor has invented this water plane :bplease: , but the guy who had actually built it was quite humble, he said he and people from his village cannot afford to fly in plane hence he built that so people can get some plane like feeling.

Diplomats from Fatichardesh threatening India that people from their country will seek treatment in China if India denies them medical visas.

Plus China's inaugurating a "friendship hospital" in Dhaka & planning other huge investments there.

Looks like Fatichardesh after losing their collective shirts thanks to the economic downturn are planning to lose the innerwear they're wearing too .

Alhamdulillah !

Diplomats from Fatichardesh threatening India that people from their country will seek treatment in China if India denies them medical visas.

Plus China's inaugurating a "friendship hospital" in Dhaka & planning other huge investments there.

Looks like Fatichardesh after losing their collective shirts thanks to the economic downturn are planning to lose the innerwear they're wearing too .

Alhamdulillah !
No one in universe can provide cheaper healthcare than India. Going anywhere will cost expensive flight tickets.
No one in universe can provide cheaper healthcare than India. Going anywhere will cost expensive flight tickets.
They will go nowhere but 6 feet under the ground at this rate. Cant come to India anymore, can't afford any other country, don't have facilities in-house, now where but to go down, 6 feet, all because some students got it in their head their chaddi baniyaan ikanamee makes them invincible.

Diplomats from Fatichardesh threatening India that people from their country will seek treatment in China if India denies them medical visas.

Plus China's inaugurating a "friendship hospital" in Dhaka & planning other huge investments there.

Looks like Fatichardesh after losing their collective shirts thanks to the economic downturn are planning to lose the innerwear they're wearing too .

Alhamdulillah !
Will now loose their organs too in the chinese hospital. For the chinese organ traffickers its basically free real estate as it was for hospitals in west bengal.

Diplomats from Fatichardesh threatening India that people from their country will seek treatment in China if India denies them medical visas.

Plus China's inaugurating a "friendship hospital" in Dhaka & planning other huge investments there.

Looks like Fatichardesh after losing their collective shirts thanks to the economic downturn are planning to lose the innerwear they're wearing too .

Alhamdulillah !
Bangladeshis when they wake up and see the Chinese doctors.


Mental health ward in the same 'Friendship Hospital'.

Time is right for ejecting Yunus and Islamists out.

The Army chief has more influence than one of the bearded commander and he also can be arrested together with Yunus.

There will not be any huge hue and cry in US as Biden is gone and Yunus backers are in retreat in Washington.

Trump has advised Modi to do whatever needed to fix Bangladesh.

That is why I say that time now is right to fix Bangladesh.
Bangladesh is a gone case.
There has never been a case where a country cedes to islamists that has gone back. That has never happened and will not happen with Bangladesh.

It might become another state like Pakistan where the military rules by proxy and islamists are given a free hand to do whatever they want.

the genie is out of the bottle and is not going back in.

If you tempted to give examples of Saudi, don't. The monarchy always had absolute control in that state, not the islamists.

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