ADA Tejas Mark-II/Medium Weight Fighter

Neither were you nor was I born yesterday. This condescending attitude , left handed compliments , casual racism & so on from members of the west is something I've grown used to but not inured to in the nearly 2 decades I've been on Social Media.

That man seems to be implying that just coz we're a third world country we don't deserve those Turbo Fans coz we're a threat ? In what manner ? Coz we can't afford it ? Or does he fear we'd reverse engineer it ?

Or in all likelihood he seems to be implying we'd go to the Russians with this tech in which case he should've been clear enough in his choice of words & not come across as a twit.

No, the average Westoid on the internet( including the Bri'ish green you're replying to ) thinks we're too stupid to reverse engineer it ourselves.

Therefore the technology will be sold to Russia :bplease: because we're a "Russian Ally"
No, the average Westoid on the internet( including the Bri'ish green you're replying to ) thinks we're too stupid to reverse engineer it ourselves.

Therefore the technology will be sold to Russia :bplease: because we're a "Russian Ally"
Its pretty fucking hard to reverse engineer jet engines, and can take more than a decade if you dedicatedly do it.
hard but doable right? chongs did it, we can too but then who will guarantee funding for 15 years?
After a decade you will have a late 4th gen engine, not to mention the billions of dollars of resources needed to reverse engineer it and developing machines and knowledge to makes its components.
Much better way is the collaboration route gov is going for AMCA engine.
No, the average Westoid on the internet( including the Bri'ish green you're replying to ) thinks we're too stupid to reverse engineer it ourselves.

Therefore the technology will be sold to Russia :bplease: because we're a "Russian Ally"
I don't understand why so many are getting so carried away. It was pointed out that India might have potential sales of Tejas Mk2 to other countries blocked by the US refusing permission for F414 to be exported to them.

It is reported that a potential Gripen E sale to Columbia has recently been blocked for precisely that reason and that another to Peru may also be blocked. Use of F414 in KF-21 may also be an issue in offering it to the Philippines.

On reverse engineering, don't ascribe ideas to me that I do not have. Instead of inventing my opinion of India's F414 reverse engineering capabilities and telling others what I think, consider the implications for India of reverse engineering US military products.

By the way, I doubt that the average Westoid on the internet has ever given any thought to India reverse engineering the F414.
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I don't understand why so many are getting so carried away. It was pointed out that India might have potential sales of Tejas Mk2 to other countries blocked by the US refusing permission for F414 to be exported to them.

It is reported that a potential Gripen E sale to Columbia has recently been blocked for precisely that reason and that another to Peru may also be blocked. Use of F414 in KF-21 may also be an issue in offering it to the Philippines.

On reverse engineering, don't ascribe ideas to me that I do not have. Instead of inventing my opinion of India's reverse engineering capabilities and telling others what I think, consider the implications for India of reverse engineering US military products.
Dhotis couldn't even reverse engineer Russkie maal, forget about American ones.
Dhotis couldn't even reverse engineer Russkie maal, forget about American ones.
Actually we can
But the ruski maal( engines of su30mki and mig29's)we have are mid to late 3rd gen engines.
Dry Kaveri performance wise is already early 4th gen engine category.
We can make jet engines, the problem lies with making them good enough for modern times or to design an relatively small aircraft around more than one engine.
Like if Tejas mk2 was twin engine jet in the same category as mig29k's we could use two Kaveri engines to power it.
But we went with single engine design to save time and cost.

For comparison.
Mig 29upg- max payload-4.5 tons( with two rd33 series 3 engine, with each engine have 50kn dry a 81kn wet thrust)
Tejas mk2- max payload 6.5 tons.( with single f414in6 engine with dry thrust of 58kn and max thrust of 98kn)
And Both have similar combat radius with internal fuel and standard air to air load out.

The only advantage mig 29upg gives here is better top speed.

Using 2 Kaveri engines with 79kn max thrust and using good delta and closed coupled canard configuration we could have made rafale category aircraft( max thrust of each of rafale's two engines is 75kn wet and 50kn dry), with similar payload, somewhat lower range and endurance, no supercruise, and relatively somewhat less engine life.
But due to lack of confidence by airforce in not proven and still not completely developed engine and airforce not wanting to wait long time for new jet we went with single engine Tejas mk2
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Total rubbish, GE414 in the form which India will get, does not have higher T/w ratio than F135 or F119.
GE wont share those metallurgical and mechanical components using which it's thrust can be

increased from 98kN to 115kN at the cost of reduced operational hours.
I doubt GE will even share those details using which it generated 98kN.
Actually f414 does have twr of 9 which higher than f135 & f119
F119 is 2.4ton heavy.

I suppose you are talking abt f414epe where they increased thrust from 98 to 117kn
The thing is they tripled the life of some major components while increasing life.
Thats most advance variant they also reduced one hp stage.

But that's none of our business as were getting in6
Btw they did offer epe for AMCA.
Anyways in6 is quite advance engine
We are getting alot of know how & almost 80% manufacturing processes atleast that's what is being said.

At the end
End goal of this deal is to give india technology it needs & they are somewhat willing to do not all though
So they're not point in discussing with whiteods
Muh india might reverse engineer it.
India didn't reverse engineer damn al31, despite manufacturing it & india will reverse engineer f414 ??
Actually f414 does have twr of 9 which higher than f135 & f119
F119 is 2.4ton heavy.

I suppose you are talking abt f414epe where they increased thrust from 98 to 117kn
The thing is they tripled the life of some major components while increasing life.
Thats most advance variant they also reduced one hp stage.

But that's none of our business as were getting in6
Btw they did offer epe for AMCA.
Anyways in6 is quite advance engine
We are getting alot of know how & almost 80% manufacturing processes atleast that's what is being said.

At the end
End goal of this deal is to give india technology it needs & they are somewhat willing to do not all though
So they're not point in discussing with whiteods
Muh india might reverse engineer it.
India didn't reverse engineer damn al31, despite manufacturing it & india will reverse engineer f414 ??
Twr of f135 is 11.2
The thrust is around 191kn & it weighs around 2900kg so how is it 11.2
It should be around 6.5
Divide 19100kg by 2900kg
Acc to awaiting geek f135 with afterburner weighs 1700kg.
Thrust-to-weight ratio: 7.47:1/11.47:1(afterburner)

Though 191÷17= 11.2

The weight you are talking about is probably the f135 used in f35B varient, with rotating nozzle for vertical takeoff

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