Aero India 2025

The international defence firms doing "client demos" to bag a piece of UN Airforce's pie! Also UN AF demo'ing its might in screwdriver-giri by fitting Israeli/India avionice and weapons on Russian and western systems. Not comparing our research capabilities to the Chinese or South Koreans but are we inferior to the Turkish imbeciles?!? Their domestic defence industry is far ahead of us!
AESAs are more power efficient for given size than PESAs. And in AESAs too, GaN is the current gold standard compared to things like GaS; so yeah, he's absolutely right.

But this power thing shouldn't be a big concern as you can always upgrade the alternators with modern technologies or add auxiliary power generator like ram air turbine if you need a slight increase in electrical power.

You're getting a 2,400 TRM GaN radar, if you need to sacrifice even a hardpoint as a price for that then also it's all justified.
Was just posting about naval procurement budget for next 15 years.

Should do similar projection for iaf.
IAF has capital outlay of approx 7 billions usd ( similar to navy +- half a billion dollars.)

So for next 15 years it shall have approx 220 billion usd to spend by 2040 if capital budget grows at 10% per annum.

Out of this as per current plan.
73 lca mk1a == 6 billion usd ( some already paid in).
97 more == 10 Billion usd.
Mk2 108 == 16 billion usd.
Amca will come only after 2035 so may 20-40 by 2040 == 5-10 billion usd.
This totals to 42 billion usd max.
Add to this su30 upgrade cost
And rafale 114 so another 30-35 billion usd.
Rest for awacs / tankers another 10-12 billions.
100 more mk2 ??

Anyways budget for iaf shouldn't be a problem.

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