AHCA (Advanced Heavy Combat Aircraft) concept, 5/5.5/6gen? Su-30MKI replacement? TEDBF 2.0?

look dude...right now we r "actually" working on 4.5 nd 5 genration....which result "may be" fruitful untill 2035. after that do u really think in next 5-10 years, we r ready to make a 6 genration aircraft??? which will replace our su 30 mki. if yes, than excellent. if no, than we hv to replace su 30 mki with a 5 or 5.5 genration fighter.
1:- my assessment based on our recent capabilities, not based on other countries capabilities nd which technology they r using. so yes a 5-5.5 genration medium weight single engine fighter jet make more sense to replace our su 30 mki fleet. instead "any 6 genration aircraft". yeah we will remainb10-20 years behind than other countries in aircraft segment. but it will far better than today, when we r 30-40 year behind in fighter aircraft manufacturing. coz we r building a 4 genration (tejas) fighter now, which other countries made 30-40 year before. definitely in some areas, like aesa radar, RWR, bvr missile, jamming pods etc we r making current level of technology.
2:- if we imported any other countries 6 genration fighter or get engine etc....than that is different topic to discuss.
I hope by now your doubts are clear that it is more about catching up with global tech resulting in a heavy jet by 6gen characteristics which would coincidentally & automatically be the next heavy jet after Su-30MKI, unless GoI goes for Su-57 in big numbers.
It is a misconception actually for many people that a new jet is intentionally made just to replace another jet.
How many types of jets AF+Navy will get just depends on tech level in era to era, industrial ecosystem, geopolitics, geography, funding, will power to compete in global market.
I mentioned Su-30MKI replacement only bcoz airframe design commonality with Su-33. Russia has not indicated what will replace it.
India has the opportunity now to do what Capitaist West simply can't do, what China is planning.... field 5gen jets in big numbers & doing R&D on 6gen. Our DoD is working on DEW pod, new sensors & components. We just need a JV VCE engine, custom weapons & proper fighter UCAVs. 15 years is long time also & passes fast also if misused.
ADA needs to stop its inear approach. Although it has sub-teams working on different products but they are wrongly linked in a chain rather than in parallel.
Our nation had many financial scams, tax theft, etc, hence funding issues.
If we act sincerely then we won't need to import or colaborate on 6gen jet like FCAS or 1-engine NGAD, etc. Otherwise history will keep repeating itself in vicious circle.

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