Bangladesh Civil War & Coup 2024

Given the fast changing and growing demographics at home and in neighbouring countries the deluge on us is inevitable and demography is destiny. The only practical solution of saving our civilization is making Hinduism a missionary faith just like how other faiths are
Another masterstroke of vishwaguru and Bhajipao to let him travel internationally without sorting out his dual citizenship issue! UK claims he is their citizen and India does not allow dual citizenship. So how is he traveling internationally and on what passport? Can he participate in elections with dual citizenship? He should thank his stars that he is in India. If he was any other beloved country in the neighborhood on the east or west, he would lynched by now. People have been for far lesser crimes!

Absolutely spineless supreme leader - not one corruption prosecution in 10+ years!! Does that mean UPA years were clean and if so, what was all the commotion about maa, beta, daamad then?!?! Now that retarded duffer is creating mischief all over and ripping the country apart!! Effin finish your enemies off for good when you have the chance or else they live to fight another day!! They will sh.t on all your infra - roads, rails, sandaas and on you and the country when they get a chance!!!

Every mutha effin empire in Indian history did this and paid the price. Did you think Vijaynagar/Hampi had shortage of infra/education???!? Comic book followers are always loyal to their popat and chummah - plain and simple! Nothing else matters. If they appear to be cooperating, its only because they are biding their time and waiting for demographics to be in their favor. Get it through your thick gujju skull - there is more to life than good politics!

Bumping this up again in light of the mischief this retard is creating in the US. Sikhs cant wear turban and minorities persecuted in India??? The volume of properties owned by the Church and WAQF is second only to Govt of India!! If this is persecution, a lot of minorities worldwide would love to be subjected to it. :facepalm4:
Massa viceroy will be visiting Bangladesh. After Bangladesh visit, dear Massa viceroy will visit India to ask us to be nice to their new bitch & give them freebies or else.....

Modi will be "asked" to call Chunus.


Bangladesh Continues To Gravitate Towards Pakistan, Celebrates Jinnah’s Death Anniversary For First Time​



Americans have still not "accepted" the creation of Bangladesh in their minds.

Hence we will have a rewriting of history.

Tagore, Mujib Rahman etc. will be demonized & new daddies will be invented.

Expect "intellectual" articles regarding 1971 & associated topics.
There kanglus going back to 0 with their reverse- evolution,
here Adani cut off the power supply to lungustan... kanglus will start rndy rna and lungu dance soon .. that Endia is doing Julm by not providing them free electricity, so, they will take the revenge by making the hilsa rot in freezer without electricity and ice..:angry:

Documents show U.S. set in motion plan to oust Hasina​


USAID activity -





Lunderica is on a mission to cap, rollback, exterminate any Indian influence & set in motion a sequence of events leading to further Islamist consolidation across the borders which it will use as a tool.
America and Bangladesh

Is America after regime change contract in Bangladesh is going to leave it in the same way as it has left Iraq with lower end government and total unable to govern itself?

Shame on America if that is what they have in mind.

America used Pakistani ISI to farther its cause of regime change. Truthfully, Pakistani is not a successful country. It is military run for its own interests with the economy going to hell. Bangladesh is in worst situation as vagaries of weather, cyclone and rivers flowing uncontrolled can cause worst situation in Bangladesh.

Did you think properly America/Donald Lu of US State Department.

Documents show U.S. set in motion plan to oust Hasina​

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USAID activity -

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Lunderica is on a mission to cap, rollback, exterminate any Indian influence & set in motion a sequence of events leading to further Islamist consolidation across the borders which it will use as a tool.

We need to charge these 4 people with the aid and abetting of murders of hindu civilians.
We need to charge these 4 people with the aid and abetting of murders of hindu civilians.
We don't even have guts to kick out rohingyas or execute sullahs involved in desecration of hindu temples, riots, killings like Kanhaiya Lal, and not to forget Prosecute WB begum in chief...are you not hoping for too much bruh ?

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