China military and weapon development

certainly being undocumented is not always because people are evil, but certianly the Mexican inmmigrant has differences with other immigrants.

Most Mexicans have family in the USA.

Chinese are not really american, Mexican are born in the americas, and we like it or not a nation is defined by borders.

When I say Mexico I say borders, Mexico has borders among them cultural ethnic linguistic religious.

Do good people pay? definitively yes they do but let us face China has nukes, millions of Chinese are like WWII Japan

The solution was for Mexico to become the 52nd state,

Do you agree
Are you so slow or you can not see? China is the 21st century Emprire of Japan and like the empire of Japan, China will be beaten.

Coast Guard crews spot 4 Chinese warships near Aleutian Island​

There are more than a dozen American bases along China's coast,

Gatestone Institute senior fellow Gordon Chang weighs the national security threats coming from suspicious drones over New Jersey and New York as well as Chinese geopolitical pressures
‘WE’RE GOING TO GET HIT’: China expert warns of attack on US soil
The solution was for Mexico to become the 52nd state,

Do you agree

Well US had that chance to add Mexico as a state several times and each time it refused to do so. Ever wonder why? Why don't you educate yourself first?
I have deleted several posts because those posts were not leading the thread to anywhere productive or useful. No shitposting or trolling allowed on this thread. Warnings issued.
There are more than a dozen American bases along China's coast,
Your exaggerated territorial and EEZ claims does not make them "along" your "coast".
So what is your point? What are you trying to accomplish with a post like this?

Because some Mexican brought up the topic of illegal immigration in the United States,

and I just went along with it
Because some Mexican brought up the topic of illegal immigration in the United States,

and I just went along with it

Doesn’t mean you have to go along with it or resort to shitposting or trolling.
Of course they would lament every time wanting shiny toys. That statement feels very diabolically uncomfortable than numerous fifth columners in India. So a armed forces personnel is looking for a "Magic Bullet" from a external entity and look at the tone of mentioning Bangladesh. Papa, Mummy they have Shiny toys and I also want to have one.

"Hmph, Bloody Civilians going on about MRFA MRFA, while us esteemed Marshall Racers have set our sights even higher

Rants over our esteemed Marshall Racers aside, how effective would be a "Ukraine Model" type counter of these over 9000 Black Jets of China using ground based anti-air systems, can project Kusha radars detect these 5th gen fighters? Are there any radars we can (((impoort))) and integrate with deshi missiles?

Unlike engines and jets our missile programs seem decent, no idea about radars.

I'm talking about missiles and ground based AA because even if they go full throttle on Kaveri it will still take a decade and even if tomo they buy 114 Rafales it will again take a decade to get all 100, you can be assured too that the Deal Master 9000 will make sure we don't get GE F404 or F414 engines unless we pay Jaziya of buying F16s, there go your Tejas planes in either case.
I think it's time to build asymmetric options.. this race cannot be won. IAF should heavily focus on anti air systems and drones than on fighters. We don't have the money nor the capacity to build at this rate. Also we must get rid of no first use policy on nukes as our conventional deterrence is depleting
There is no need to RACE as such & match their capacity. China is preparing for war against West.
Sure, we need much stronger IADS (Integrated Air Defence System), but we should not stall our R&D on other things like future fighter.
If we get rid of no 1st use of nuke policy then entire world will do it & WW3 will happen immediately. But if China or Pak use nuke against us then it will be MAD:crazy::headache::frusty::daru: (Mutually Assured Destruction).
There is no need to RACE as such & match their capacity. China is preparing for war against West.
Sure, we need much stronger IADS (Integrated Air Defence System), but we should not stall our R&D on other things like future fighter.
If we get rid of no 1st use of nuke policy then entire world will do it & WW3 will happen immediately. But if China or Pak use nuke against us then it will be MAD:crazy::headache::frusty::daru: (Mutually Assured Destruction).
Well the whole iaf narrative puts it as a capability race and many of the main stream defense commentators have sounded alarm since j-20.. new j-35 has puckered our holes even tighter and now this happened... Also, I am not advocating stop r&d of course on indigenous progs... rather scrap 114 mmrca and use the fund for more detection capabilities incl LR radars, awacs, IR/airborne EOTS systems,anti air missiles and build better SEAD/DEAD survivability for these.
U are right but no asymmetric options can save you from huge nos of fighter aircrafts and that too from a nation that has capability to produce them in mass

Forget 6th gen we currently need mk2 in huge nos and amca flying
But that's not possible we can't complete testing of mk2 in few years heck we can't even fly it before 2026
Situation is more pathetic wrt amca

We need fighters that too 5th gen
5th gen is primarily stealth capability isn't it.. and that is an offensive capability.. considering a Himalayan conflict our 4-4.5gen will have a decent chance to offset detection ranges from Chinese radars for any offensive action in Tibet(surely not for mainland China)... The focus should now be more on the defensive anti stealth capability for IAF... Let the AMCA develop...let's not fund any 5th gen imports in the interim.
5th gen is primarily stealth capability isn't it.. and that is an offensive capability.. considering a Himalayan conflict our 4-4.5gen will have a decent chance to offset detection ranges from Chinese radars for any offensive action in Tibet(surely not for mainland China)... The focus should now be more on the defensive anti stealth capability for IAF... Let the AMCA develop...let's not fund any 5th gen imports in the interim.
My response was based on mrfa
I never said 4th gen aircrafts are obsolete
They have significant roles in future warfare
But if u r importing then better import 5th gen aircrafts rather 4th or 4.5 as we are making it here and will mass produce it
There is no need to RACE as such & match their capacity. China is preparing for war against West.
Sure, we need much stronger IADS (Integrated Air Defence System), but we should not stall our R&D on other things like future fighter.
If we get rid of no 1st use of nuke policy then entire world will do it & WW3 will happen immediately. But if China or Pak use nuke against us then it will be MAD:crazy::headache::frusty::daru: (Mutually Assured Destruction).

China will not go for a full scale war with India but will be more than happy to give their cutting-edge tech to Pakistan.The latter having no concern for it's economy and its people's well-being has never missed a chance to go for a large scale bellicose with India whenever it achieved a sort of military parity with India.

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