China's achieved 1 trillion USD in trade surplus with the world & ASEAN countries which are signatories to the RCEP saw ~ 1700 factories shut down in Thailand , Indonesia importing ~ 800 million USD of toys while its domestic toy industry shut down & they also banned the trade app TEMU from China.
While all this happened ASEAN imported more than ~ 500 billion USD worth of goods from China. It's the same story the world over . Hence even without Taiwan the stage is set for a war between China & the US with its allies beginning with a trade war.
As I remarked earlier to
@rockdog Zhongguo & great helmsman 2.0 will have it good till 2026 or 2027 after which things will go downhill very fast.
"The Empire Long Divided Must Unite & Long United Must Divide , Thus It Has Always Been. "
~ Romance Of The Three Kingdoms.
Zhongguo has been united for far too long . Time for the warring state period once again.