Western doing business used three factors: army, businessman, priest.
They conquered India, but didn't manage to change their religions, that's why even had huge losses, India is the most politically independent nation and still keeps hope to be a raising power.
Situations in America is different, they were totally fxxxed up by such 3 factors. Among them, the worst of worst are Philippines (i almost treat it as Latin America nation) and Mexico: Spain domination + Catholic + USA exploitation, now you see how chaos they are: internal disorder and powerless on armed force externally.
China should find the way to do business in such new era.
mister propaganda man thinks a bright future for China.
The USA will fall, and fragment into different nations why? simple California is Mexican, Texas too, Florida is Cuban, the north west is Anglo Saxon protestant, the north East is secular and perverted.
So Mister propaganda thinks we will do business and control the world because of a weak USA, a weak Russia and a weak Europe, India a weak ally yes this is the way Mister propaganda thinks the world is.
However Mister propaganda thinks as in 1800, but Globalization is different, I have you a Clue, Mister propaganda, the EUropean Union is 30 nations together, Mercosur is the Brazilian lead South America, Russia wants its own league of Slavic nations and the Arabs their own Arab union.

What will happen? the three morons (USA, China, Russia) will fight each other,
the world government will take over the world, and 10 global economic unions similar to the European Union
will make a world government lead by corporations and Banks, and the three morons (USA, China, Russia) will be their slaves as well as the rest of the world.
I have a spiritual clue everything was to weaken the Christian west, so they used China and Japan, but their last goal is world government, a weakened west by multiculturalism and secular perversion, the west will fall but not its spirit, the world government will rule for a few years
Think tech companies like Apple, Microsoft, Amazon, Google, and Facebook have too much power? Here's how they compare financially to the richest countries in the world.
Certain major tech and financial companies have grown so much, their market capitalization is worth more than the GDP of some countries or regions.