Chinese Economy Watch


I have been asked by a few people to comment on how China should view and react to Niger’s soft nationalization of Chinese state owned oil fields in Niger as well as its expulsion of Chinese officials.

My answer deeply connects to Doggy’s answer here, Niger did this because it views China as a rich country but unserious power that would be unable to act in any credible way to stop it.

As I said in the past month, China’s complete lack of action in a region where it does have vast economic interests(Congo- Rwanda) sent a clear message. If you’re Niger and you’re seeking an easy payday why not just take what you think you can seize? You know there will be no real threat or any serious action coming.

The non interventionism policy is reaching its final era, Xi’s successors will have to be more aggressive in a multipolar world if China is indeed serious about the concept.

If they are not, then well……


Niger discovered that great helmsman 2.0 & Zhongghuo are 纸老虎 ! @rockdog




All right, @rockdog . It's game up. Tell your handlers at the MSS whoever is handling all those paid influencers, they need to change their strategy since people the world over have noticed this sstrategy meaning it's having the opposite effect as intended. Otherwise you'd have another Xu Yanjun case in the MSS .


All right, @rockdog . It's game up. Tell your handlers at the MSS whoever is handling all those paid influencers, they need to change their strategy since people the world over have noticed this sstrategy meaning it's having the opposite effect as intended. Otherwise you'd have another Xu Yanjun case in the MSS .

? like this?


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And what's the comparison between influencers being paid to promote China in Social Media versus news about Chinese products ? Do you think the entire world's like China where there's no news only propaganda 24x7.

Btw we're more happy than you are that Deep Seek or BYD is prevailing over its competition in the west apart from China . We want more of Chinese businesses to sweep the floor with western competitors in the west & in China .

It helps precipitate a war even if great helmsman 2.0 doesn't invade Taiwan.
You didn't think so in other thread. ^_^

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Is there an equivalent for a conjunction in Mandarin ? Do you know the meaning of the word "If ?" Did you miss the conjunction - if in the screen shot of the post of mine you've quoted ? How does Baidu mistranslate render the word ? I'm very curious coz you come across as a reasonably sensible person. How do you keep making the same mistake time & again ?

Besides if China's so powerful what's it doing to avenge what happened to you in Niger ? Coz IF you don't , some other nation will emulate Niger & so on . The CCP will be the laughing stock of the world. 🤣
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We don't need to buy Chinese medicine in any form . We'd do to you what you're doing to the world . Copy the formula minus the patent . 🤣

You probably aren't aware of Indian laws concerning medical patents. It's hopelessly loaded against medical companies especially foreign ones with plenty of patented products.

That's the reason Indian companies are so go good in generic medicines having built up a reputation world wide for cheap & effective medicines.

Do read up more on the topic in case you're interested.

And of yes , before I forget , all the best to Chinese EV OEMs in setting up shop in the Americas now that Trump is back , even if the CCP agrees to permit BYD to set up a factory in Mexico.
They may be penny wise but pound foolish. No one would ever invest in a deadbeat country like Niger. Niger has burned all the bridges.

Niger is one of the world's leading producers of uranium, attracting investment from France, Canada and other countries.
In recent years, gold mining has attracted a lot of investment, especially from companies in China and Australia.
Investment in the telecommunications sector is also increasing, mainly from Western and African companies.

I agree that investing in Africa does have risks that investors need to be wary of

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