Haha, is that what the British did? They called their country Great Britain yet choose to live in half the planet. Indians are doing the same thing.There are no "facts" that were presented. I'm not comparing the US to India. I'm comparing India to India. India, which is begging foreign tourists to come to it's country. Yet the people do not have a basic sense of civic hygiene. I don't care what it's like in the US. I already live here. I already know what to expect, and there is a basic sense of civic decency. Even in American mandirs, Indians do not know how to form a line (queue) and will simply try to cut in front of you. Even in American mandirs, Indians do not know how to follow directions or read directions and will put DAL on a Shivalingam (instructions clearly stated water or milk only). If you are so desperate to compare America to India, I have given you two real life examples with Indian-Americans.
Otherwise, the comparison is with India alone. Hygiene is hygiene. I didn't go to Kenya or some random other country. I went to India. And I was unbelievably disappointed by substantially lackluster hygiene conditions. You are the one who is attempting to cope by dragging third party places into the picture.
I'm serious, I'm genuinely shocked at the lack of reasoning ability with Indians. Two true things can exist simultaneously: Indians can have good personal hygiene but AWFUL civic hygiene. Two true things can exist simultaneously: Indians recognize they have poor civic hygiene but they also don't want to do anything about it. (By the way this ability is called "Theory of Mind")
Edit: "Nowhere in the US do you get better for $50/night than in India. There arent even crap motels in the US for 50 bucks a night, those are shared bunkbed accomodation from the YMCA where you can end up over the bunk of a drunk loser rapist westoid." Lmfao. Lmfao. Hahahaha. https://www.airbnb.com/rooms/263227...arch&check_in=2024-12-26&check_out=2024-12-29
Literally randomly picked Houston TX. Hahaha. Moron.
Edit 2: If you have such disregard for "westoids", leave. I'm serious. You came to this land as an immigrant (like me). If you can't respect the people that live here, leave. India is the greatest, right? Go back.
You do realize the cleanest city on the planet Singapore is founded by an Indian right.