Chit Chat

There are no "facts" that were presented. I'm not comparing the US to India. I'm comparing India to India. India, which is begging foreign tourists to come to it's country. Yet the people do not have a basic sense of civic hygiene. I don't care what it's like in the US. I already live here. I already know what to expect, and there is a basic sense of civic decency. Even in American mandirs, Indians do not know how to form a line (queue) and will simply try to cut in front of you. Even in American mandirs, Indians do not know how to follow directions or read directions and will put DAL on a Shivalingam (instructions clearly stated water or milk only). If you are so desperate to compare America to India, I have given you two real life examples with Indian-Americans.

Otherwise, the comparison is with India alone. Hygiene is hygiene. I didn't go to Kenya or some random other country. I went to India. And I was unbelievably disappointed by substantially lackluster hygiene conditions. You are the one who is attempting to cope by dragging third party places into the picture.

I'm serious, I'm genuinely shocked at the lack of reasoning ability with Indians. Two true things can exist simultaneously: Indians can have good personal hygiene but AWFUL civic hygiene. Two true things can exist simultaneously: Indians recognize they have poor civic hygiene but they also don't want to do anything about it. (By the way this ability is called "Theory of Mind")

Edit: "Nowhere in the US do you get better for $50/night than in India. There arent even crap motels in the US for 50 bucks a night, those are shared bunkbed accomodation from the YMCA where you can end up over the bunk of a drunk loser rapist westoid." Lmfao. Lmfao. Hahahaha.

Literally randomly picked Houston TX. Hahaha. Moron.

Edit 2: If you have such disregard for "westoids", leave. I'm serious. You came to this land as an immigrant (like me). If you can't respect the people that live here, leave. India is the greatest, right? Go back.
Haha, is that what the British did? They called their country Great Britain yet choose to live in half the planet. Indians are doing the same thing.

You do realize the cleanest city on the planet Singapore is founded by an Indian right.
Is anybody else confused at these fools' inability to understand the irrelevance of what they're talking about? If Singapore was founded by an Indian, it's miles beyond clean compared to what India is today. And again, it's irrelevant. I'm not talking about Singapore, or the UK, or the USA, or Congo, or your mom's bunghole. I'm talking about India (there's probably little difference between the two though).
1. Irrelevant point. "Same standards." Hygiene is hygiene. I went to google (actually I use duckduckgo) and typed in "Dirtiest street in Bangkok". I'm not even kidding, these came up:

View attachment 16923

View attachment 16922

Irrelevant. If you rely on googling to get an idea, that just means you have no real experience. Also as i said, civic hygene isnt relevant to your accomodation - only hygene of the accomodating place is relevant, which India >USA for same price range.

2. . Point is, Modi government wants foreign tourists to come to India. This will never happen if India remains as dirty as it is. Your comparison to the US is entirely irrelevant. This is a very legitimate critique that you, as somebody sitting in Canada, for whatever reason, is taking extremely personally. If you don't like Canada, rather than pollute it, return to India. I'm absolutely serious.
Pollute ? we are the cleanest, most law abiding and richest ethnicity in Canada and USA. the whites are the polluting ones compared to us.
Again, statements mean nothing - those are for PR. What means somehting is actual monetary investment and such - India has not done any such thing to significantly boost foreign tourism, as is indicated by the financial perks given by govt. to the hospitality sector for foreign tourism.

3. You dumb***. Whether they "respected the people before" or not is irrelevant. You again have to have some basic level of capacity to think to understand this. What differentiates you from them? If you cannot have a basic sense of respect? I hope you're deported.
IT is relevant. Whats good for the goose, is good for the gander. Westoids will be treated exactly by the same standards they set.
What separates me from them ? I am a civilized colonizer, like my ancestors, who just come and bring our culture and abide by rules and laws of the land to spread ourselves via fair competition and not euro savages who come bearing plague blankets to genocide the locals to take their land.

Your hope is a cope because you are a typical uncompetitive and butthurt westoid.
Irrelevant. If you rely on googling to get an idea, that just means you have no real experience. Also as i said, civic hygene isnt relevant to your accomodation - only hygene of the accomodating place is relevant, which India >USA for same price range.

Pollute ? we are the cleanest, most law abiding and richest ethnicity in Canada and USA. the whites are the polluting ones compared to us.
Again, statements mean nothing - those are for PR. What means somehting is actual monetary investment and such - India has not done any such thing to significantly boost foreign tourism, as is indicated by the financial perks given by govt. to the hospitality sector for foreign tourism.

IT is relevant. Whats good for the goose, is good for the gander. Westoids will be treated exactly by the same standards they set.
What separates me from them ? I am a civilized colonizer, like my ancestors, who just come and bring our culture and abide by rules and laws of the land to spread ourselves via fair competition and not euro savages who come bearing plague blankets to genocide the locals to take their land.

Your hope is a cope because you are a typical uncompetitive and butthurt westoid.

"Indians are so clean" then why is it that Indians are known to smell extremely bad in the West?






So clean. In fact so clean everybody can literally smell the cleanliness off of you. Chutiya.

"If you rely on googling". I am speaking of my DIRECT experience in the dirtiest country I have ever been, India. And I'm not the only one that feels this way.

I am literally talking about India and you're bringing up "Well this other country is like this. You have unrealistic hygiene expectations! I'm going to cry about it and just insult you because my brain lacks the capacity to actually process what you're saying!"

Edit: I just realized. I was looking for places in Bangkok that are dirty and freaking INDIAN cities showed up. Lol.

Edit 2: Indian hygiene standards:

"Indians are so clean" then why is it that Indians are known to smell extremely bad in the West?






So clean. In fact so clean everybody can literally smell the cleanliness off of you. Chutiya.

"If you rely on googling". I am speaking of my DIRECT experience in the dirtiest country I have ever been, India. And I'm not the only one that feels this way.

I am literally talking about India and you're bringing up "Well this other country is like this. You have unrealistic hygiene expectations! I'm going to cry about it and just insult you because my brain lacks the capacity to actually process what you're saying!"

Edit: I just realized. I was looking for places in Bangkok that are dirty and freaking INDIAN cities showed up. Lol.

Edit 2: Indian hygiene standards:

What’s the etymology of the word Shampoo? What did Europeans do before Shampoo?
The word "shampoo" has its origins in the ancient Indian practice of champī, a therapeutic massage of the head and body that usually involved the use of hair oil. The practice was introduced to Britain in the 19th century by Sake Dean Mahomed, a British Indian entrepreneur. He opened a bathhouse in Brighton, England where clients could receive a shampooing. The word "shampoo" didn't take on its modern meaning of being limited to washing hair until the late 1800.
"Indians are so clean" then why is it that Indians are known to smell extremely bad in the West?






So clean. In fact so clean everybody can literally smell the cleanliness off of you. Chutiya.

"If you rely on googling". I am speaking of my DIRECT experience in the dirtiest country I have ever been, India. And I'm not the only one that feels this way.

I am literally talking about India and you're bringing up "Well this other country is like this. You have unrealistic hygiene expectations! I'm going to cry about it and just insult you because my brain lacks the capacity to actually process what you're saying!"

Edit: I just realized. I was looking for places in Bangkok that are dirty and freaking INDIAN cities showed up. Lol.

ah yes, trying to prove shit with 4chan, reddit and other western propaganda cope trope nonsense.
Nobody can smell anything off of us except for clean fresh soap smell. Cope.

You are not the only one who feels the way you do because of being fed western propaganda ? sure. I'd rather swim in the ganges than half the rivers in Europe, bub. because poo and decomposing bodies are a helluva lot cleaner than industrial grade chemicals in a dead river.

You are talking of India in isolation because thats how you get to slant the scales. Thats why you want no comparison because by comparison it shows that Indian tourism sector is actually nicer and cleaner than murrica for the same price point.
You wanna talk in isolation because you wanna avoid the point of 'you want to get western standard accomodation, then pay western standard prices and you will then see, for SAME price, India > west in accomodation quality'.

The only one that lacks brain capacity is you, which is why the moment you got cornered by the fact that Indian hotels and AirBnB are far more hygenic and cleaner and nicer than the ones in the US for same price point, you switched to 'eww dirty streets' as a cope.

all of this is just typical inferior western butthurt at being inferior to indians at every metric in their own homeland.
Whatever dude. I hope you're deported.

Btw, if I pay money or not it doesn't change the fact that no matter where you go, you're going to see street pollution in India. It is ubiquitous. Your hope (false, really) of trying to bring in irrelevant things is pointless.
It’s funny you make fun of Indian hygiene but it seems that the British learned to bathe from Indians. What does that make h the British, if Indians are unhygienic.

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