Chit Chat

Whatever dude. I hope you're deported.

Btw, if I pay money or not it doesn't change the fact that no matter where you go, you're going to see street pollution in India. It is ubiquitous. Your hope (false, really) of trying to bring in irrelevant things is pointless.
Your hope is a cope.
What is not a hope but reality, is that westoids are going extinct and non white birth numbers are greater than white birth numbers in most of the anglosphere, germany and sweden. meaning, whites = minority in their own land to us inside of 1-3 generation is not a hope but reality.
So you can cope with your hope, while we laugh at you with reality.

Street pollution is a point you brought up after i proved your whines about accomodation to be pure BS.

PS: Cannot deport a citizen. So cope some more as we colonize the west and improve it with our higher standards.
You proved nothing dude. Only in your feeble mind do you think you proved anything. The sad truth is you do not understand or maybe have the capacity to understand basic reasoning and logic. The aforementioned theory of mind is missing. Bringing up USA or China or whatever you like to do is not relevant to the disgust that is prevalent in India. Cost has nothing to do with hygiene.

Since you're so insistent that India is so clean, here are pictures that I personally took at various temples. I didn't take many pictures of trash because who wants that on their phone, but I did take a few. I never imagined I would be posting these on this forum and it makes me wish I took more, but again, who wants this crap on their phones:

Dhari Devi:


This one is just outside Gangotri Mandir. There's no trash, but if you look carefully, you will see a "dustbin" (or garbage or trashcan as we call them here). The beautifully mustached man in the middleground of the photograph, facing the right, couldn't be bothered to walk 5 feet to throw his garbage in that trashcan. He instead just threw it on the ground, directly in front of me. At Gangotri Mandir.


Please tell me again how the USA has any bearing on this?

This last photograph is just a beautiful picture that I took that I rather liked:

If you cannot accept that India is a dirty country and that Indians must do better to keep it clean, yo uare truly hopeless as a person. The USA and other places have no relevance to this.

Edit: Lol I was just reminded of the corruption I directly experienced by the Gujarati priests at Kedarnath. Don't get me started on how broken of a society India is.
You proved nothing dude. Only in your feeble mind do you think you proved anything. The sad truth is you do not understand or maybe have the capacity to understand basic reasoning and logic. The aforementioned theory of mind is missing. Bringing up USA or China or whatever you like to do is not relevant to the disgust that is prevalent in India. Cost has nothing to do with hygiene.
I proved that you know jack shit about tourism and that for same price point India offers far better accomodation than what you get in your own country.
If you wish to argue that a masters in math with 20 years IT resume doesnt understand logic or reasoning, then you are even more butthurt than i thought.

Since you're so insistent that India is so clean, here are pictures that I personally took at various temples. I didn't take many pictures of trash because who wants that on their phone, but I did take a few. I never imagined I would be posting these on this forum and it makes me wish I took more, but again, who wants this crap on their phones:

Since you are so insistent on warping my argument, you auto lose. I never said anything about civic hygene. I simply pointed out that for the same $$ spent, you get far better accomodation in India than anywhere in the west.

Dhari Devi:
View attachment 16931

View attachment 16932

This one is just outside Gangotri Mandir. There's no trash, but if you look carefully, you will see a "dustbin" (or garbage or trashcan as we call them here). The beautifully mustached man in the middleground of the photograph, facing the right, couldn't be bothered to walk 5 feet to throw his garbage in that trashcan. He instead just threw it on the ground, directly in front of me. At Gangotri Mandir.

View attachment 16934

Please tell me again how the USA has any bearing on this?

This last photograph is just a beautiful picture that I took that I rather liked:
View attachment 16935

If you cannot accept that India is a dirty country and that Indians must do better to keep it clean, yo uare truly hopeless as a person. The USA and other places have no relevance to thi
India is no more dirty than the west was at its corresponding stage of development and is arguably actually cleaner at comparative state.

As for your pictures, they look like standard beaches in New Jersey or California to me - bottles strewn all over the place and plastic everywhere.

if you wish to spread propaganda about us being smelly and stuff from butthurt inferior westerners being butthurt at being inferior to us in everything in their own country, then you are the truly hopeless person.
not me.
So cope.
I proved that you know jack shit about tourism and that for same price point India offers far better accomodation than what you get in your own country.
If you wish to argue that a masters in math with 20 years IT resume doesnt understand logic or reasoning, then you are even more butthurt than i thought.

Since you are so insistent on warping my argument, you auto lose. I never said anything about civic hygene. I simply pointed out that for the same $$ spent, you get far better accomodation in India than anywhere in the west.

India is no more dirty than the west was at its corresponding stage of development and is arguably actually cleaner at comparative state.

if you wish to spread propaganda about us being smelly and stuff from butthurt inferior westerners being butthurt at being inferior to us in everything in their own country, then you are the truly hopeless person.
not me.
So cope.

You don't have to spend any money to see how dirty India is. Whether you stay at a hotel or not, you see trash EVERYWHERE in India.

Leave Canada. Go back to India. You clearly think it's better, so just leave.

Edit: Btw, the amount of money spent or whatever wasn't brought up by me. It was brought up by some third-rate guy who I am now ignoring.
You don't have to spend any money to see how dirty India is. Whether you stay at a hotel or not, you see trash EVERYWHERE in India.
sure. But that wasnt the point i challenged you on. I challenged you on the point that you can find better accomodation for $50 in usa than india, when reality is, every single commercial $50/night accomodation in India is superior in quality to the US as well as under AirBnB.
Leave Canada. Go back to India. You clearly think it's better, so just leave.

Edit: Btw, the amount of money spent or whatever wasn't brought up by me. It was brought up by some third-rate guy who I am now ignoring.
why should i leave canada if i think india is better ? did your fellow whites leave north america coz they thought europe is/was better ?
Again, whats good the goose, is good for the gander. you people dont respect the locals of the land where you immigrate to, neither shall we. But since we are better than you people(as indicated by stats in your home country and other western countries), we wont bring plague blankets to take your shit away from u by force but outcompete you fair and square by our superiority.
I hope your kids marries an indian/chinese etc. to improve their future generations.
I'm literally not white lol. Haha. Idiot. You "challenging" me on something that's tangentially related to my initial complaint is irrelevant. I don't care how much money I can spend in the US vs India and what I get. I'm talking about hygiene in India and how it's frankly substandard. You are the one that thinks India is some amazing place per $ spent, not me.

My child will probably marry whoever makes them happy. I'm literally not white. lol

edit: You really should leave Canada. You have no respect for the people that are there and think you're some "holier than thou" colonizer when in reality you're probably a smelly, skinny guy. Tough talk on the internet but if somebody confronted you, you'd call the police. Too scared to handle your own business.
I'm literally not white lol. Haha. Idiot.
Ah so you are white worshipper coolie/chan. Thats why you are butthurt at us not worshipping your master.
The blacks have a term for people like you : the house negro. We do too: gungadeen. Whats your language's term for the white worshipper ?

You "challenging" me on something that's tangentially related to my initial complaint is irrelevant. I don't care how much money I can spend in the US vs India and what I get. I'm talking about hygiene in India and how it's frankly substandard. You are the one that thinks India is some amazing place per $ spent, not me.
You should care because if you make blatantly false statements like you can get better for $50/night in USA than India, then you will be challenged on that and running away from that won't help you.

My child will probably marry whoever makes them happy. I'm literally not white. lol

edit: You really should leave Canada. You have no respect for the people that are there and think you're some "holier than thou" colonizer when in reality you're probably a smelly, skinny guy. Tough talk on the internet but if somebody confronted you, you'd call the police. Too scared to handle your own business.

You are yet to explain why i should respect the natives of the land if they didnt do the same when they were not natives of the land, despite the fact that my behaviour is already far, far better than theirs in my position.
I aint holier than thou. I am better. So are my people. Stats prove that decisively.
Rest is more cope from you because you are the house negro being butthurt at your master being treated the way they treat others.

You sound like a typical east asian white worshipper. Am i correct ? If so, no wonder - your people dont even have the self confidence to get married in local culture dress of your ancestors and larp as white people on your marriage day, the biggest day of your lives. So its understandable where your white worship comes from if you are an east asian. Am i correct about your origin or what ??

PS: correct on the skinny guy. I look like a typical indian farmerboi - skinny and wiry. thats by design and i get quite a lot of envy for being skinny and wiry in my sports circles coz i am a mountain climber by hobby and thats pretty much the dream build for a mountain climber, plus being short but not too short.
I can't even understand what you just said. I'm done. If you want to believe you "won", go ahead. I wasn't even trying to have a debate. Unfortunately for you, I will always be more intelligent and respected.

Edit: I can't stop without telling you to leave one last time. If you want to meet up and settle this, lmk. I'll book you a flight. I have no problem providing a dose of whoop ass in real life.
I can't even understand what you just said. I'm done. If you want to believe you "won", go ahead. I wasn't even trying to have a debate. Unfortunately for you, I will always be more intelligent and respected.

Edit: I can't stop without telling you to leave one last time. If you want to meet up and settle this, lmk. I'll book you a flight. I have no problem providing a dose of whoop ass in real life.
work on your english if you cant understand what i said.
As i asked, are you east asian ?
Intelligent and respected ? i think thats more cope from you for being outed for being a retard and inexperienced idiot who uses reddit to mke a point.

You have yet to explain to me why i should leave. You providing dose of whoopass ? Ok. Come to calgary anytime between now and end of jan or end of feb through to the summer. Put your money where your mouth is, kiddo.
Lets see how that courage holds up, inferior bootlicker.
Calgary is rather far. If you were in Toronto, Ottawa, Montreal, I'd be there tomorrow. Like I said chutiya, tough talker on the internet. You'd call the cops the second you saw me. Pussy.

edit: whoops. I can't tomorrow. Any other day this week.
Calgary is rather far. If you were in Toronto, Ottawa, Montreal, I'd be there tomorrow. Like I said chutiya, tough talker on the internet. You'd call the cops the second you saw me. Pussy.

edit: whoops. I can't tomorrow. Any other day this week.
ah so you are too poor to put your money where your mouth is.
The one talking tough is you, i am not the one threatening to beat up someone on the net coz i got butthurt with the facts, white bootlicker. You are.
Why would i call the cops when i can take you down in 5 seconds flat ? ever fought a climber ? nah didnt think so.
LMK when you scrounge up the pocket change to get to calgary and then we shall see who is running away and who isnt. I dont even need to punch or kick a loser like you. just a simple handshake is enough to crush your hand inside mine.

PS: I was right about guessing you are a typical white wannabe east asian, wasnt i ? I bet you also got married trying to look like a white dude in a suite and not honour your own ancestors culture like a typical white bootlicking east asian.
Lol. I'm too poor but you're the one too scared to leave your hometown? Grow up dude. "Ever fought a climber" lol. Hahaha. Dude is like 10 years old. Lmk when you've actually taken a hit on the chin or been choked unconscious.

Edit: Calgary can't be your hometown since you seem to love India so much lolllll
Lol. I'm too poor but you're the one too scared to leave your hometown? Grow up dude. "Ever fought a climber" lol. Hahaha. Dude is like 10 years old. Lmk when you've actually taken a hit on the chin or been choked unconscious.
i am not the one threatening to beat up someone over the internet, you are. you wanna show up and beat me up, onus is on you to come to me, not for me to come to u.
as i said, people like me dont even need to punch or kick people like you. all we need to do is shake hands with you. that is sufficient for us to crush your hand inside ours in the first place. no hand = no punch to the chin in the first place.
As i said, when you man up and not puss out, LMK when you can come and beat me up. you threatened me, i told you where to find me. Now man up instead of being an overconsumer of soy estrogen like typical hairless beta east asians cuckboy.
Wow. I've been talking to a 10yo this entire time.
says the 10 year old who is quoting reddit/4chan to make a point about 'streotypes' and is the one to threaten to beat someone up over the internet.
That dude isnt a 10 year old.
But the dude who says 'ok, u wanna beat me up, this is where i live lmk when u arrive' is the 10 year old.
Genius logic, i must say.
No wonder your only station in life is to lick the whiteman's soles, coz you yourself isnt competent enough to stand up to your own ancestral values and culture.
Edit: I can't stop without telling you to leave one last time. If you want to meet up and settle this, lmk. I'll book you a flight. I have no problem providing a dose of whoop ass in real life

Serious reading comprehension issues.
Edit: I can't stop without telling you to leave one last time. If you want to meet up and settle this, lmk. I'll book you a flight. I have no problem providing a dose of whoop ass in real life

Serious reading comprehension issues.
u offered to meet up and settle this, i already told u where i live. LMK when you can scrounge up nuff money to put your money where your mouth is and show up. You make the threat, you are the party that has to show up. So show up. Why the fuck will i go somewhere to entertain the notion of some random weirdo on the internet who wants to beat me up ???
If that dude is so butthurt to wanna beat me up, let him not puss out and come to me. Notice i already said where i live, so i have already provided location.

No comprehension issues bub, i comprehend what you said - i am just saying you are a puss for pussing out to meeting up once i told u where i live.
Else stfu and show up to calgary and lmk 48 hrs before and i will meet u. Ball's in your court, cuckboy.
Lol dude. I proffered to meet with you and fly you out. You are trying to turn this into something it isn't, like you did with my previous (legitimate) criticisms. Leave Canada, go back to India.
Lol dude. I proffered to meet with you and fly you out. You are trying to turn this into something it isn't, like you did with my previous (legitimate) criticisms. Leave Canada, go back to India.
why would i fly out to meet someone who wanna take pangaa with me ? u want pangaa, i told u where i live. come. show me how much of a mensch u r instead of pussing out, since if u can fly me out, you can also fly yourself in. those who make threats are the ones who are required to show up and see if they are man enough when called out. thats the norm, kid. clearly you have never been in a real fight is why you dont know how real fights go and run your mouth like a 10 year old butthurt boy on the web.

Your criticisms wasnt legitimate, which is why you ran away from them and changed topic.
Why will i leave canada, is my question you are dodging, white bootlicker. i am gonna bring more of india to canada coz india #1 :)

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