Chit Chat

Here's my vision

1.1 Remove every single caste/religion/minority based reservations from all the educational institutions.
1.2 Have a small reservation for specially abled people because even God has betrayed them.
1.3 And as for "reservation" just have one comprehensive, income based "reservation system" like if your income is X, the fee of this course in this college is Y then government would provide you (Y-X)=Z. Have strict measures to prevent anyone from gaming the system by things like forging fake BPL documents.
1.4 Drastically increase the number of education institutions and their quality. Definitely we need good UG and PG colleges but we need exponentially better education system for 1-12th, especially in the hinterlands.
1.5 I don't think most of the kids in Class 1 indulges in Brahmin - Rajput - Chamar bs, so start "indoctrinating" them from that stage only with good quality education and worldview by having good quality free, sarkaari skool. Stop the discrimination at this stage only
1.6 If this works well then when he or she would come out of this system in 12th then they'd have had so much of good education that they can compete easily with everyone based on just their merit without needing any caste based reservation. "Mohan Paswan" who enrolled in class 1 is now just a student who got 87% in CBSE 12th; there's no sign of caste left.
1.7 And in case someone is meritorious but not financially capable then we already have our income based reservation system in place. So doesn't matter if you're a bhutiya or a santhal or a sandilya brahmin...if you're meritorious and can't pay the fee then government would help.
1.8 And if you're not meritorious then why the hell are you not meritorious? When there was free, indiscriminate education from 1-12th with sufficient capacity for every child then still how did you lag!?
1.9 Absolutely no reservations in companies. Maybe a small percentage for veterans or agniveer to encourage people to join military but that's it. Everything on merit.
1.10 Deal with all the caste issues of say a tribe in Chattisgarh by improving infrastructure there, not by reserving seats for them in a college in Bangalore.
1.# Now this one's a bonus, when you'd implement this then multitudes of people would riot, arson, damage public properties for no concrete reasons...simply arrest them, withdraw every single government support (even Aadhar card) and keep them in for few years.


2 We can do this. If the next say CM is OBC then OBC quota increased to 40%. If the one after is SC then now SC quota becomes 40%. And then the CM is ST so now ST is 40%.

So tell me, which one @vin pahadi (kumauni)
So second option it's then...
How come this happens in America that whole city got burnt down in fire incidents??

Some how they can't isolate the fire.

Does it also come under good quality of life and services.

Ha ha ha you know nothing about wildfires. It is not like a piddly flame confined to a building. It is a full raging inferno that if you ever find yourself in the middle of a wildfire, your atheist aspirations would be burned to a cinder and put the fear of god into you so that it fervently make you believe in the concept of a burning hell. A raging wildfire is no joke. It is fast moving out of control untameable beast. And the sound is .... well for a lack of a better word, utterly deafening and devastating. It is a roar that you have not heard anywhere else.
Ha ha ha you know nothing about wildfires. It is not like a piddly flame confined to a building. It is a full raging inferno that if you ever find yourself in the middle of a wildfire, your atheist aspirations would be burned to a cinder and put the fear of god into you so that it fervently make you believe in the concept of a burning hell. A raging wildfire is no joke. It is fast moving out of control untameable beast. And the sound is .... well for a lack of a better word, utterly deafening and devastating. It is a roar that you have not heard anywhere else.

I'm just trying to make everything casual, which is said to us in the casual way in the past.

After sometime, people will become used to it and will feel less pain.

This wild fire is not good for quality of life and services. Isn't it look filthy??
@Ayan Barat

read dis.

found it on bharatrakshak pretty whitepilling.

edit - its from march 2020
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The masculine urge to sit with this guy and ask him to name every single piece of defence and aerospace equipment made by Indian private sector.
And then politely tell him how much of the R&D came from DRDO itself or was simply ScrewdriverGiri-ed from somewhere else.

How is this even logistically possible?
What movie is this?
Negro rdj
The masculine urge to sit with this guy and ask him to name every single piece of defence and aerospace equipment made by Indian private sector.
And then politely tell him how much of the R&D came from DRDO itself or was simply ScrewdriverGiri-ed from somewhere else.
View attachment 21351
Pahadi chuha seems like a mid wit with humanitarian degree or a engineering degree only in name.
What have we spent on kaveri over the years? 300 million?
Western countries poured humongous resources over the course of 8 decades which may amount to 100s of billions in the current year.

3 to 4 billion is a decent ask I'd say, he isn't asking for mansions for evey scientist working on the project. He is asking for Test beds, simulators and labs which will benefit the scientific community going forward.

They are asking for ecosystem for sustained growth, totally justified. There are only 5 institutions( Few DRDO labe and IIT, IISC) which I think are involved in Metallurgical research of this caliber and they too don't have all the resources.
The masculine urge to sit with this guy and ask him to name every single piece of defence and aerospace equipment made by Indian private sector.
And then politely tell him how much of the R&D came from DRDO itself or was simply ScrewdriverGiri-ed from somewhere else.
View attachment 21351

Or you can just spend few sec. And call it a day.


Was going to post this y'day but then decided twitter drama is not beneficial at all.
Anyway adm_kenobi did nothing wrong, shouldn't cast pearls before such mountain_swines anyway.

Yesterday pretty much all of the defense twitter bros have been blasting this guy so hard, both mountain and rat would be destroyed :bplease:

100% he's a Jernailzada, not even rishtedar of Jernail and afsar, otherwise nobody does this much chatukari of the uniformed class unless they are one themselves or the spawn of one.

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