Chit Chat

doesn't affect me one bit, my accounts got banned during dorsey era and i can't make newer without sharing my phone numbers which i will not do; and i made this maymay during loxxdowns of 2022 and for good ol' D F I only, but it's relevant given to stagnant state of indian military procurements and realities
Johnny ji what is your current opinion on SSS defense.
Johnny ji what is your current opinion on SSS defense.
they're finally letting their products talk than some soyceal media fanboyism which is good,

what they should do is send out their stuff across different branches of military here, then to various state police forces etc, take feedback from those and fine-tune it all; of course without expecting much giving to our realities here 🤷‍♂️ but any feedback is desirable

i believe their glock copy should be heavily pitched across all state police forces and all who're in process of switching to that pistol from previous arsenal, at least in gujju police i've been seeing lots of glocks since some years

as for possible upcoming products, they're making 7.62 NATO DMR from their AR platform - should also fork a battle rifle thing to compete-compliment with imported SIG 716i, should heavily pitch it as 'swadeshi slr' thing; then if they're already making a kalashnikov fork with that new AK style rifle, they can also develop a local PK-esque GPMG here? something to compete with Negev NG-7; and so on

in short, they're at that stage where they must break-through with some significant orders of their mainstream small arms, so far they've only bagged some token orders of those AK upgrade kits, perhaps SVD upgrade kits and so on
Nobody's ok with it . One hoped education levels improving would impact civic sense positively. Perhaps it has but isn't as impactful as it ought to be . This is once again a generational thing .

When the first second third fourth & hundredth priority of a bread winner is putting food on the table everything else takes a back seat.

Moreover maintaining sanitary civic spaces is the preserve of the local municipality which once again are not empowered enough , have low budgets & are dens of corruption.

Finally the clarion call for a clean city must come from the citizens of that place . It's when they think they've had enough things will change . For that critical mass ought to be generated . That once again is a function of time. However there's still good news in all this despair.

There are plenty of cities with similar stories across India especially the south. So it's not all doom & gloom as you may think.

@londonparistokyo ,
just curious, now that you have received elaborate replies on poverty and cleanliness.
will your basic instinct to decry on all things India subside ?
@mods can we make an official logo for DFB of this?

View attachment 22618

Another idea for the patch.


Not for this website but just for the sake of sarcastic humor:
Anyone has any gupt-sutra for the diameter of AD-1 and Kusha?
@fire starter @Fatalis @Adm_Kenobi @dfi_pk

It's bit costly making new rocket motors as you've to make everything from moulds to mandrel from scratch so people sometimes tend to use existing rocket motors like in case of K-15/Shaurya/Pralay/SMART or Prahaar motor in Ashwin.
So by that logic Kusha-M1 might repurpose Barak-1's motor and AD-1, idk Prahaar maybe? But it's not conclusive
Anyone has any gupt-sutra for the diameter of AD-1 and Kusha?
@fire starter @Fatalis @Adm_Kenobi @dfi_pk

It's bit costly making new rocket motors as you've to make everything from moulds to mandrel from scratch so people sometimes tend to use existing rocket motors like in case of K-15/Shaurya/Pralay/SMART or Prahaar motor in Ashwin.
So by that logic Kusha-M1 might repurpose Barak-1's motor and AD-1, idk Prahaar maybe? But it's not conclusive
A good thread with relevant information:

Kusha M1 main body - 350mm dia
Booster - 250mm dia
second stage- Both the KV and booster will feature TVC.
Length: <7m long
<500mm when folded
Around 670kg

Not sure about AD-1 but my guess around ~ 450-650mm.

Ok I admit I said something I know nothing about. I know this is how it works for the Federal Reserve system in the US. My understanding was it's the same for India, as the currency is basically backed by nothing (just like the American dollar).

@londonparistokyo ,
just curious, now that you have received elaborate replies on poverty and cleanliness.
will your basic instinct to decry on all things India subside ?

It'll subside because I was treated with respect for once here. My disappointment will never go away, but my harsh criticisms will subside.
Ok I admit I said something I know nothing about. I know this is how it works for the Federal Reserve system in the US. My understanding was it's the same for India, as the currency is basically backed by nothing (just like the American dollar).

It'll subside because I was treated with respect for once here. My disappointment will never go away, but my harsh criticisms will subside.
Tbh there is something really inorganic about how you convey yourself and almost sky high level of ignorance. You would expect such behavior from some 40 year old white guy who never got into college and rents his extra property in airbnb.
Tbh there is something really inorganic about how you convey yourself and almost sky high level of ignorance. You would expect such behavior from some 40 year old white guy who never got into college and rents his extra property in airbnb.
Grok's idea of "40 year old white guy who never got into college and rents his extra property in airbnb"

"40 year old Indian guy who never got into college and rents his extra property in airbnb"

Tbh there is something really inorganic about how you convey yourself and almost sky high level of ignorance. You would expect such behavior from some 40 year old white guy who never got into college and rents his extra property in airbnb.

Frankly the kind discourse I finally received fixed a lot of my angst. You guys can say anything you want and I won't be upset. Lol
Thanks Mate
Kusha M1 main body - 350mm dia
Booster - 250mm dia
I guess you mean the booster's 350mm and the "dart" is 250mm.
Both the KV and booster will feature TVC.
Obviously, TVC on booster so that it can turn as soon as it clears the launcher resulting in a shorter minimum range.
On main missile to increase the maneuverability


This shows how things are pathetic in our nation

But even then wtf, what if the child is born with underdeveloped organs or physical disability even the life of the mother is at risk

this shows the power of propaganda and fear mongering. Ending birthright citizenship is ONLY under discussion for children of illegal immigrants. And even THEN it would require constitutional amendment.
Trumpwa cannot end birthright citizenship of people who's residence in USA is LEGAL. Else maga children wont be legally born either as US citizens.

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