Chit Chat

Ending birthright citizenship is ONLY under discussion for children of illegal immigrants.
Trumpwa cannot end birthright citizenship of people who's residence in USA is LEGAL.
New rule -

child born in a family (thirty days from the date of the EO) where the mother is here lawfully but temporarily (eg: as a visitor or on a non-immigrant visa – be it a dependent visa like H-4 or even a work visa) and the ‘father’ is not a green card holder or US citizen will not get automatic American citizenship.


This shows how things are pathetic in our nation

But even then wtf, what if the child is born with underdeveloped organs or physical disability even the life of the mother is at risk

Earlier -

Indian Parent - "I made you so that you can clean up my pee and poop when iam old"
Kid - :mad:

Now -
Indian Parent - "I made you so that i can use you to migrate to USA and have you clean up my pee and poop when iam old"
Kid - :mad::mad:
New rule -

child born in a family (thirty days from the date of the EO) where the mother is here lawfully but temporarily (eg: as a visitor or on a non-immigrant visa – be it a dependent visa like H-4 or even a work visa) and the ‘father’ is not a green card holder or US citizen will not get automatic American citizenship.

Got shut down by a judge already.
to keep his magas happy, orangeade's justice dept will drag this to US SC where he has 3 frens and conservatives hold 6-3 majority and then he will rage when finally it collapses.

Good luck with that. Won’t pass muster. The judge that shut it down is a Reagan appointee. Republican as it comes. Besides the SC didn’t save Trump’s ass with the state convictions he got.
Good luck with that. Won’t pass muster. The judge that shut it down is a Reagan appointee. Republican as it comes. Besides the SC didn’t save Trump’s ass with the state convictions he got.
The first loyalty of judges is to their peers and their legal sector chaatukaars.
As long as they are perceived as 'fair and just' by this select coiterie of sychophants, all eez well.
But they will NEVER EVER EVEEEEEEEEER go against the perceptions from this sychophant group of other judges, lawyers, legal scholar chaatukaars and will never ever show any sort of 'appointment loyalty to the appointee' in ANY country.
This is why the moment Trump put his golf buddy as a SCOTUS judge, thinking he will tilt the scales in favour of trumpwa, the guy promptly recused himself. Coz if he didn't, his reputation and credibility in the chaatukaar sychophant group would be destroyed and that is death after 25 years in solitary cell for a judge.
Tbh there is something really inorganic about how you convey yourself and almost sky high level of ignorance. You would expect such behavior from some 40 year old white guy who never got into college and rents his extra property in airbnb.

it's even worse, once we consider that seemingly educated folks continue to fall for narratives in this day and age. democracies across the world are under attack from a narrative perspective, and yet we see here on a daily basis in this forum and previous forum which focusses on national security related topics, that a lot of folks who are permanently in rr mode simply either unwilling to either check for themselves whether that they think is true or simply ask others.

this forum has an average of 50-60 active users daily, unable to form consensus on even small topics here, and yet expectations are that 140 crore people of this country to move lock step. just plain stupidity and ignorance.
this forum has an average of 50-60 active users daily, unable to form consensus on even small topics here
Visit Indian special forces thread. We got full consensus there.
Earlier -

Indian Parent - "I made you so that you can clean up my pee and poop when iam old"
Kid - :mad:

Now -
Indian Parent - "I made you so that i can use you to migrate to USA and have you clean up my pee and poop when iam old"
Kid - :mad::mad:
TBH i dont think this is the case for many.
Like i grew up NRI for a significant part of my childhood and most of the NRI people i know, who worked in Europe/middle east had no intention of ever migrating to the US/Europe/Canada even when they got their kids as citizens there.
They all seem to prefer the whole ' i retire in India, travel to the west if/when i wanna see the kids or kids come to us regularly' etc lifetstyle. mostly because they aint facking stupid and know that retired life in India if u got cash is 100x better than retired life in the west if u got cash.
TBH i dont think this is the case for many.
Like i grew up NRI for a significant part of my childhood and most of the NRI people i know, who worked in Europe/middle east had no intention of ever migrating to the US/Europe/Canada even when they got their kids as citizens there.
They all seem to prefer the whole ' i retire in India, travel to the west if/when i wanna see the kids or kids come to us regularly' etc lifetstyle. mostly because they aint facking stupid and know that retired life in India if u got cash is 100x better than retired life in the west if u got cash.

As long as you don’t live in those gas chambers you call cities in India. Surest way to shorten your lifespan by a decade or 15 years.
As long as you don’t live in those gas chambers you call cities in India. Surest way to shorten your lifespan by a decade or 15 years.
greying in 30s and heart attacks in 40s are common these days.
with medical care in non-metros/major B-towns being iffy, getting out of the "gas chambers" as you call it will be difficult choice for many urbanites with accumulated illnesses over their working years.
As long as you don’t live in those gas chambers you call cities in India. Surest way to shorten your lifespan by a decade or 15 years.
gas chambers of indian cities dont bother most of the retired oldie nri moneybags.
Coz rule number 1 of retired indian oldies is they aint active outdoors people or shoppers, they are basically stay at home or go to other people's homes kind of people and they mostly go Ac to Ac with filtration and get ghanta gas chamber effect. I was in Kolkata for a year in 2023 and it wasnt that bad to be honest if i didnt go out for extended periods, aka commute. Which oldies never do and very rarely do at rush hour for our moneybags.
Remember, they mostly live in outskirts in those fancy big town complexes where transit patterns are far easier if u have car.
I know this, because this is basically what my parent's circle is.
gas chambers of indian cities dont bother most of the retired oldie nri moneybags.
Coz rule number 1 of retired indian oldies is they aint active outdoors people or shoppers, they are basically stay at home or go to other people's homes kind of people and they mostly go Ac to Ac with filtration and get ghanta gas chamber effect. I was in Kolkata for a year in 2023 and it wasnt that bad to be honest if i didnt go out for extended periods, aka commute. Which oldies never do and very rarely do at rush hour for our moneybags.
Remember, they mostly live in outskirts in those fancy big town complexes where transit patterns are far easier if u have car.
I know this, because this is basically what my parent's circle is.

No way for me to live like that. Not my lifestyle. It looks like I have to find another place to retire if India cannot clean up her air around the cities.
No way for me to live like that. Not my lifestyle. It looks like I have to find another place to retire if India cannot clean up her air around the cities.

You can live in a town or village in the countryside.
Also not every city is like Delhi and the other NCR cities in terms of the gas chamber effect
in New Delhi

You have very less option to settle after retirement will probably recommend haridwar/roorkee

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