Chit Chat

@crazywithmath @Jackprince

Any other bengalis here?

I have to vent to someone who might understand.

I sometimes seeth in my mind when I think about the land lost to kongladesh.
East bengal I would say is actual bengal described in poem and stories of bengal literature, marshland, wetlands, mangroves you name it.

It's a beautiful country lost to swamp goblins and further it continues to torture its hindu heritage.


I ain't even bengali btw but seeing these aesthetics makes me seeth endlessly. I wish the end of civilization just so that we can cull kanglus out of bangladesh.
Rant over.
These are beels. Aka swampy lakes that form when river changes its meander course and make network of meander lakes.
Trust me when i say, beels look good in pictures but you do not want to be there. First, the minute sun goes down, u have a cloud of mosquitos over your head. Second, its humid as hell and u often get ambushed by startled water buffaloes who chill under the beel lotus reeds and react like angry cows.

PS: Any other bengalis ?? How dare you forget Gaudeshwara, Gaudabhallava, Parameshwaera, Uttarapathesvamin, the GaudaNaresh ???
you can't match @johny_baba in small arms
:oops: ara bhai i'm no expert at all, i was only able to "look far" in the field of small arms because i was lucky enough to be able to stand on shoulders of the titans like 'Kunal Biswas' dada, @Alby , 'Ghost', 'Vorschlaghammer', 'Hammer Head' sir and others at good ol' D F I

now if you want to know about how it all journey with field of defense overall started in wayy early in childhood, some pointers

=> first of all, I'm "cursed" with curiosity, in sense, i like to put things in 'big picture" perspective rather than digging for just details; and i like to..."observe" things i guess? that's perhaps why i can differentiate between some variants of AK by looking at photos.

=> remember 'Champak' kids magazine? It played a big role in making me a reader of things, even if it started with chuha billi stories...oh and believe me or not, one particular issue of Champak in Gujarati with some 7-8 page comic in it literally introduced me to the Indian Navy, like it had hand-drawn summary of 1971 attack on Karachi, then INS Vikrant the first, Sea Hawks and at the end they even introduced then current fleet of BAE Sea Harriers and mentioned that it could go straight up like a helicopter, a VTOL...
reading it all as a kid was super thrilling, and must've intrigued my curious-observant mind to learn about it later on
sadly, i don't have that particular champak issue with Sea Harrier comic on me anymore, my parents gave away my precious collection of storybooks, magazines and all to my younger cousins who never bothered much to read and learn from them 😒

=> as i grew up a bit I started reading a local informative magazine called "Safari" - and oh boy, it introduced me to field of defense further, like just look at this screenshot, this time a detailed article on same Sea Harrier i was introduced to as a kid but for a little mature audience
isn't it so informative? and yes that's in Gujarati (although the family that runs this magazine are Bengali 'immigrants' to Gujarat, i cannot think some local gujju intellectual even attempting at such things lol)

this magazine played a HUUUUUUUGE role in my upbringing as a defense enthusiast, as it introduced me to things like world war 1 and 2, battle tanks, fighter jets, small arms, '65 war, '71 war, kargil war and what not through my developmental years, ALL THAT IN PRE-JIO INTERNET ERA, right now i'm sitting on a collection of good 300-some issues of this 'Safari' magazine

=> other thing that also played a little role in my leanings for defense things,
tv and video games lol
as a kid, i was a big fan of G. I. Joe cartoons, Jonny Quest - apart from usual cartoon network things, but i can still give you some examples how i was intrigued by some games
> a game called 'Contra Force'
now it's similar to contra, but instead of blasting aliens, you blast terrorists in it, and it did have some depictions of military stuff, like...
contra force military.webp
first screen, some naval cannon
third screen, some VTOL ?!
fourth screen, definitely A-10 Thunderbolt II

yeah yeah it's all fictional and back as a kid I barely knew their names but when i get to learn about it i couldn't help but remember stuffs i saw in this game as a kid and relate with it, only because of my curiosity

=>then, a game that started it all for me in terms of small arms,
Project I.G.I
not only it introduced me to some basic level of mil-sim (although enemies in the game are dumb as a rock but still), it also introduced me to a respectable cache of weapons from MP5 to AK and all

playing this game again and again, i became pretty familiar to weapons here and had basic understanding of reloading and purpose (like pistol is for close range, assault rifles are general purpose, sniper is for long range etc)

NOW, the incident that made me pursue small arms like a passionate enthusiast...
One good day, around 2009 times i think, Gujarat Sarkaar was celebrating 50th Anniversary of formation of the state here, 'Swarnim Gujarat' whatever at Amreli (because Gujarat's first CM hailed from that place), among these celebrations some exhibition was held to showcase captured firearms, and luckily i was there too
So during this exhibition, i was little aware of their names as well as basic functions from games, and there I saw an AK for first time to this up close, and i noticed that...'charging handle is on other side?' - i mean prior to that my only introduction to AK was in Project I.G.I video game and as you could see from that vdo above, the AK has 'mirrored' model where charging handle's on left side, while real life AK that i saw there it was on right side? so i curiously inquired about it all to the guys there, and luckily he kinda noticed that curiosity, that spark in my eye, and explained those captured firearms to a teenager like me by cycling and dry-firing it...i was able to name and point out some of guns like AK, RPG, PK, Dragunov, Grenades...and stuff that I didn't know about like SLR, INSAS, MAG 58 and so i was introduced by those guys at exhibition...out of all bheed i was perhaps only teenager kid asking questions so those guys replied me with same enthusiasm or perhaps it was just my shear luck

This incident overjoyed me as i get to learn about real stuff, and made me realise there's still A LOT to be learnt about firearms

=> in late 2000s-early 2010s, i used to frequent to my uncle's office, as he'd gotten a computer with working internet connection there, well, mostly to play flash games but sometimes i'd also frequent to places to learn about firearms, and THAT was the moment i get to know about good ol' D F I, as well as BharatRakshakForum, and notorious defence dot pk - as a teenager i'd frequently lurk there to read about stuffs (back then i had no idea about 'registering' or contributing as a member on forums lol) and it was time I got introduced to some proper knowledge over things, and introduced to Kunal Dada, ErSakthivel and other such old school legends :pray:

once I get my own 2G internet (sic) i started reading properly over these things, and connecting my past experiences of reading informative magazines, playing video games and seeing real stuffs and all, i slowly started connecting the dots in my mind as i started getting that understanding...

then, as i got Jio, my journey of diving deeper in these matters started, with youtube, to becoming an active member at good ol' D F I, and reading and discussing about it all

so yeah, there you have it, i'm no expert, i'm just a curious-observant kid that grew older
Wasn't it also the case that the lower reaches of Bangladesh were uninhabitable swamps / mangrove forests which were literally drained during the Mughal period & later turning it into cultivable lands with them inviting folks from surrounding areas to share the aborigines there , all of whom were converted & formed part of the lower classes viz peasants , artisans etc ?

Btw this ghoti vs bangal debate is also an old one with both sides claiming they inhabited the better part.

I'm assuming you're a ghoti.

Correct. Though Mughals didnt do much in draining the swamps.
The swamps of lower bengal existed till about 1600s, primarly due to the fact that the Podda arm didnt exist for the Ganga, the main arm was the Hoogly and where Podda is, we had a huge network of beels connecting it to teesta-mahananda system (which followed the straight down path of Brahmpautra(jomuna) today and Brahmpautra curved east in the Buri brahmpautra channel and met Meghna by Brahmanbaria, then all of them merging into the Teesta-Karatoya-Mahananda super-river.

This and the leakage of ganga via the various beels to the teesta system created a huge swampy mess in what is Khulna today.
But an earthquake changed that - it changed gradient around Rajmahal, causing ganga to shift its flow primarily to the Podda arm, withering the Hoogly arm but also creating a proper channel for podda and removing the swampy spillover marshland effect on the khulna region.

Also, Mughal and Bangal sultanate land grants to any moozie who'd come and settle were predominantly towards eastern Bangladesh, aka Chittagong and Sylhet region.
Reason being, TILL this mega-earthquake of 400-600 years ago, everything east of the buri-brahmpautra-meghna line was historical Kamrup, falling under the Kamrup kingdom and this river course shifting had made the lands of southern kamrup (Sylhet & chattogram) far more accessible from the bengal side.
=> first of all, I'm "cursed" with curiosity, in sense, i like to put things in 'big picture" perspective rather than digging for just details; and i like to..."observe" things i guess? that's perhaps why i can differentiate between some variants of AK by looking at photos.
And to teach these kinds of people a befitting lesson, God created Khyber Pass AKs.
Are on this; the thing least in this form is defense. Every other thread is more or like an "Idiotic musing on something".

This forum needs good clean-up on regular basis if we really wanna highlight it. Making it more trustworthy source than Alpha and IDRW is another story in itself.

Anyways, if you really wanna increase member count on this forum then this "WhatsApp pe Jai Mata Di likhein aur teen dosto ko bheje" thing's not gonna work in the long run.

The best option in my opinion is creating a Twitter account of DFB and you all Admins and Mods deciding among them who's "moderate" enough to have access to that handle. And by tolerant I mean someone in between writing "Joy Hind" on every post and "Bloody Generol".

Have subject matter expert for each topic; you can't match @johny_baba in small arms, @Anants is for electromechanics and whatever new tech is there, @Unknowncommando is already a benchmark is pics from forces back since Facebook days, @vampyrbladez is in boaty stuff, we already have established handles like @fire starter @dfi_pk @Fatalis @AGNI 6 ICBM @Arihant Roy with excellent connections so if they write stuff then their existing base would get attracted. Use them

As we'll increase our visibility on different pages like Alpha Defence of ADGPI or logically, in a civil manner (this two points are of utmost importance, otherwise this whole scheme of mine you backfire in the most spectacular of ways) engage with the likes of Mons Rattus and AGM-114; we'll increase the traction here on this page.

Just my shitpost idea, nothing serious
as a hunter of 10+ year experience ( i have hunting permit, i hunt deer in hunting season) i am fairly versed in concepts like field dressing, long gun ( rifle) usage, etc. I am not much of a gun sports enthusiast - i am not a guy who goes to the range and shoots targets ( because i find ranges to be way too loud and i am not a loud noises type of a person) - i skeet shoot sometimes though its been a while and its boring as hell ( you almost never miss in skeet shooting and its always a contest on speed only), i am also not much of a handgun user.
But if you have questions about bolt action rifles - any and all questions pertaining to them - i can answer most of them.
@crazywithmath @Jackprince

Any other bengalis here?

I have to vent to someone who might understand.

I sometimes seeth in my mind when I think about the land lost to kongladesh.
East bengal I would say is actual bengal described in poem and stories of bengal literature, marshland, wetlands, mangroves you name it.

It's a beautiful country lost to swamp goblins and further it continues to torture its hindu heritage.


I ain't even bengali btw but seeing these aesthetics makes me seeth endlessly. I wish the end of civilization just so that we can cull kanglus out of bangladesh.
Rant over.
And it's the only reason people around me watch Bangladeshi youtube content of the countryside. Both father and mother's side had to relocate to Kolkata as soon as partition was announced. They had massive properties they had to sell for cheap and came over before independence, and the grandparent's generation found good jobs everywhere from BSF to Bengal Chemicals, Postal department, Police service, Civil services etc. We reminisce about our roots while knowing we can't go back, and with the passing years even the desire of visiting becomes dwindled. Now it's infested with overbreeding ungrateful rats who now want the other piece of Bengal too. Whatever culture that was left over there has been further extinguished by 1971. And currently they are busy stamping out what little spec of heritage that remains. After they are done replacing everything with desert cult practices, they'll slowly start throwing out the language as well. Few smart people are left in Dhaka university, my advice to them would be to leave for abroad as soon as they can. Grandparent's generation is almost over, I lost my father 2 years back; whatever sense of attachment we have for East Bengal, ends with my generation.​
And it's the only reason people around me watch Bangladeshi youtube content of the countryside. Both father and mother's side had to relocate to Kolkata as soon as partition was announced. They had massive properties they had to sell for cheap and came over before independence, and the grandparent's generation found good jobs everywhere from BSF to Bengal Chemicals, Postal department, Police service, Civil services etc. We reminisce about our roots while knowing we can't go back, and with the passing years even the desire of visiting becomes dwindled. Now it's infested with overbreeding ungrateful rats who now want the other piece of Bengal too. Whatever culture that was left over there has been further extinguished by 1971. And currently they are busy stamping out what little spec of heritage that remains. After they are done replacing everything with desert cult practices, they'll slowly start throwing out the language as well. Few smart people are left in Dhaka university, my advice to them would be to leave for abroad as soon as they can. Grandparent's generation is almost over, I lost my father 2 years back; whatever sense of attachment we have for East Bengal, ends with my generation.​
My fathers entire side is super Bangal, my mother's entire side (except her moms) side is super Ghoti.
My father's dad side are Bikrompur people, his mom's side are all Borishal people.
My mom's dad's side are all super Ghotis from chandannagore/bordhoman region, while her moms side are all from Rajshahi, who are bangals to the ghotis, ghotis to the other bangals, themselves not happy to be called bangals kinda bongs.

But my dad's dad ended up in Andaman as doctor, where my dad and all his younger siblings grew up and that to a small degree has been a boon to some of us in terms of not being idiot bhodroloks of the hindus who came over from bangbroland
Okay, a genuine question...why the heck everyone is so sad about the current state of Bangladesh?

Malaal karna ho, pareshan hona ho ya zakhmon ko kuredna ho to you Guys already have West Bengal.
From being the France of India in literally every single point of the spectrum, AT THE SAME TIME be it wokeism or nationalism, arts or science, sports or just sleeping in broad daylight, communism or now getting reduced to being just idk may be Sitamarhi-Rajshahi of India. Isn't this downfall enough to be sad that you want more trauma?

And if you really want to torment yourselves more then watch some old Bangla movies or listen songs and then do the same for modern ones.
Okay, a genuine question...why the heck everyone is so sad about the current state of Bangladesh?

Malaal karna ho, pareshan hona ho ya zakhmon ko kuredna ho to you Guys already have West Bengal.
From being the France of India in literally every single point of the spectrum, AT THE SAME TIME be it wokeism or nationalism, arts or science, sports or just sleeping in broad daylight, communism or now getting reduced to being just idk may be Sitamarhi-Rajshahi of India. Isn't this downfall enough to be sad that you want more trauma?

And if you really want to torment yourselves more then watch some old Bangla movies or listen songs and then do the same for modern ones.
Coz remeniscing about how Joy bangla powered entire India to freedom and produced an artistic and scientific output the current bhodroloks are completely incompetent in continuing is all that Bongs have left while the ethnicity is turned into vermin rashtra by too much moozie love.

I for one just want to flood everything south of the ganga main arm and call it a day- east or west of the border.
Wasn't it also the case that the lower reaches of Bangladesh were uninhabitable swamps / mangrove forests which were literally drained during the Mughal period & later turning it into cultivable lands with them inviting folks from surrounding areas to share the aborigines there , all of whom were converted & formed part of the lower classes viz peasants , artisans etc ?

Interesting details - wasn't aware of it. Would love to read up more on this. All I know is that, they didn't produce a lot of conquerors/emperors (unlike the west that produced Shashanka, the Palas and the Senas - among others) and that the Brits populated a lot of remote corners of the erstwhile East Bengal with migrant laborers.

Btw this ghoti vs bangal debate is also an old one with both sides claiming they inhabited the better part.

I'm assuming you're a ghoti.

I am of mixed origin (50% ghoti and 50% bangal). My father is a direct descendant of an erstwhile zaminder dynasty appointed by the Maharajas of Krishnanagar - basically as ghoti as it gets. My mother is of Bangal origin.

Mods may delete this if it's against the rules.

Mods may delete this if it's against the rules.
Is it legit?
I'll donate some

Mods may delete this if it's against the rules.
Roshan if the case is genuine then share the UPI ID directly. I dont want to click link and send part of money to platforms. It should directly go to persons account if possible.
Roshan if the case is genuine then share the UPI ID directly. I dont want to click link and send part of money to platforms. It should directly go to persons account if possible.
Okay, but crowd funding for expensive medical treatments is quite common nowadays. I can vouch for the family as they're close acquaintances. I will still ask and dm you if you're not comfortable.
Okay, but crowd funding for expensive medical treatments is quite common nowadays. I can vouch for the family as they're close acquaintances. I will still ask and dm you if you're not comfortable.
Just share UPI ID mate which is listed on their site I'll use that. If you vouch - its enough for me
Okay, but crowd funding for expensive medical treatments is quite common nowadays. I can vouch for the family as they're close acquaintances. I will still ask and dm you if you're not comfortable.
impactGuru is not very trustworthy i have seen some negative reviews of it that they don't pay the whole amount and cut very big pie of total amount. UPI id would be better.

Mods may delete this if it's against the rules.
Done my part

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