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These kinds of videos create a bad perception of the country. New Delhi really needs to be cleaned up, it's unbelievable that we have rickshaws running in the capital in 2024.

The last time I saw a rickshaw in my tier 2 city in Andhra was in 2000's.

Parts of Delhi are complete shitholes and this stuff deserves nothing but ridicule.
Kolkata still has rickshaws but they have also installed motors to make them more convenient.
Overall toto has replaced rickshaw over the years.
Toto is a true sign of economy moving towards middle income like that of Thailand.

Patna still has some manual rickshaw.

Unfortunately this is the reality and there is no running away from it.
This is what he wants to show and this is probably what his audience wants to see.

For a westerner it does not matter how 10% of the population lives they want to make their opinion based on how 90% live and that's how it will be.

You can only grow a thick skin and work towards your own prosperity.
What is a Toto?

It's been few years since I've seen manual rikshaws in tier2 city Jabalpur. It's pathetic if Delhi still has it.

75% of Delhi looks like this and 90% of Delhi lives in street like this.

What picture do we want to show to people?

Narrow lanes only accessible through bikes of small vehicles.
Coweb of electrical wires.
Building with hardly any spacing.
None existent drainage system.

When 90% live like this than the high chance is 90% will live like this even in future.

Can the gormint reconstruct cities? No.
India is going to look like a mess even 50 years in the future, we will have the money but the city will still look like a dump.
View attachment 10230

75% of Delhi looks like this and 90% of Delhi lives in street like this.

What picture do we want to show to people?

Narrow lanes only accessible through bikes of small vehicles.
Coweb of electrical wires.
Building with hardly any spacing.
None existent drainage system.

When 90% live like this than the high chance is 90% will live like this even in future.

Can the gormint reconstruct cities? No.
India is going to look like a mess even 50 years in the future, we will have the money but the city will still look like a dump.
It's not just the narrow lanes and the wires, there's a distinct lack of greenery in these places which leads to more dust.

The below pic has narrow lanes and wires too but looks a lot better. This below pic is from a street very close to my old home. Our street was much better and a lot wider but I won't post it for privacy reasons.

Also, this below pic is from April 2023 i.e peak summer and it still looks good. No dust with noticeable greenery in peak Summer. It'd look much better in monsoon.

Screenshot from 2024-09-22 23-38-37.png
Cycle rikshaws or e rikshaws ?
Cycle rickshaw in Delhi and Kolkata and hand pulled rickshaw in Kolkata.
It's been few years since I've seen manual rikshaws in tier2 city Jabalpur. It's pathetic if Delhi still has it.
Same. I've been to several tier 2 cities in the last few months (across several states) and never seen a manual rickshaw. Only in the big "metro" cities like Kolkata and Delhi (which are actual shitholes) will you find these things.

Need to bulldoze the entirety of these cities and redevelop in a planned way.
It's not just the narrow lanes and the wires, there's a distinct lack of greenery in these places which leads to more dust.

The below pic has narrow lanes and wires too but looks a lot better. This below pic is from a street very close to my old home. Our street was much better and a lot wider but I won't post it for privacy reasons.

Also, this below pic is from April 2023 i.e peak summer and it still looks good. No dust with noticeable greenery in peak Summer. It'd look much better in monsoon.

View attachment 10235
After buying 800 sq ft of land Delhiwalas can only think about building a shack in that very 800 sq feet without any space in between the plot and built area. They will stretch it to four storey and give the ground one as shop stay themselves on the first and rest the above two will be given of as rent to upsc aspirant for exorbitant prices.

Any random steet of Tirupati will have more space and greenery than delhi.

33 million in an area of 1600 sq km is a recipie for disaster.

Any further construction should be banned if a city crosses 1.5 million people per 100 sq km.
I will still say NCR is a mistake and a blunder in the making.

We keep adding satellite city to already exiting cities.

This will only result in a overgrown urban jungle bigger than Tokyo and livability of a African town.

The Indian gormint has failed to develop a city on its own merit.

DFC is the last chance for Rajasthan.

Build and redevelope the existing city along the DFC corridors.

Some 5 cities with 3+ million population would do the trick for Rajasthan.

Decentralization of urbanization is a must.
huh , I dont think so?
It does
Around Patna Uni.
Now mostly replaced by toto but those who can't afford it are still working with manual rickshaw.

Mah dude Patna is an Africa tier city. Every single bad aspect exists in it.
Mah dude Patna is an Africa tier city. Every single bad aspect exists in it.
uhh I mean some parts of it are nice (liveable), rest is absolute filth (had to go to the other side of the bypass road once, neveragain)
It does
Around Patna Uni.
Now mostly replaced by toto but those who can't afford it are still working with manual rickshaw.

Mah dude Patna is an Africa tier city. Every single bad aspect exists in it.
probably only thing i liked in bihar , there are way more e-rickshaws than any major cities. CNGs are rare.

75% of Delhi looks like this and 90% of Delhi lives in street like this.
tier 2 cities or new major cities are our future , overpopulation has fked up all tier 1 cities. tier 2 and tier 3 cities look heaven in front of them anyday.

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