UCAVs are the future. Many Western private companies like LM, NG, Boeing, Dassault, BAe, etc are advertising their NOTIONAL designs. but some of them could be misleading as part of misinformation war. A new animation can appear any time stating design philosophy changes. Or a new prototype very different from advertised one can appear.
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> Most wings in the pic above have low sweep angle of leading edge meaning higher lift but also higher drag.
> The V-tail will have to provide both yaw & pitch. Sometimes only yaw, sometimes only pitch is required but V-tail depending upon angle produces both yaw & pitch components simultaneously, even result in unwanted roll effect.
> Bcoz MLUed 4.5gen jets will still be there for few more decades, so these UCAVs cannot rely only on BVR combat. So UCAVs will also need LOAL-CCMs, countermeasures & perhaps gun too. But w/o afterburner gunfight might be impossible.
> Engine intake on top & very aft/behind may not allow high AoA due to aerodynamic shadow creating low pressure, suffocating & stalling the cmpressors.
> Spherical coverage of RF+IR sensors has to be future norm but such sensor suite also needs good power. Engine(s) have to be chosen accordingly.
> Missiles can get depleted very quickly so minimum payload of 4 BVR-AAM + 2 CCMs should be considered.
> Last but not least, on a short note, we have made NiRaLa & Adhrishya RAM able to reduce RCS by 99%. This should result in panic in USA, Russia, Europe, China to consider costly R&D on geometric optimization as per different RF bands. Their spies would be desperate now to steal few grams of our RAM.

I'll try to cover the above points individually in future.