DFB Notices

Ya'll Updated Rules and Guidelines of the Forum are as follows.

No Post's which are to be made for outright support of the following :-

1. Supporting Feminist.

2. Supporting Liberals.

3. Supporting SJW.

4. Supporting Woke.

5. Supporting Anti Nationals.

6. Insulting Dharma.

7. Insulting God's and Saint's of Dharma.

8. Insult of members.

9. Supporting Pakistan point of View.

10. Supporting Chinese Communist Party Propaganda.

11 . Supporting LGBT and related issues.

12 . Against Traditional and Family Values.

13 . Imposing Western Woke Ideals.

14 . Explict and verbal Words, images and contents.

15 . Posting or discussing Any kind of Pornography (art with no explict private part may be exempted on case to case basis).

Note: Admin can update the rules by editing this post.
A default Home Page has been setup now for the forum.

Forum will open to the Home Page by default. It is work in progress and there will be constant changes and update to the Home Page.
Members, we are going to have a server maintenance activity shortly and the server might be down for upto an hour in worst case scenario.

So, if you see the site not opening then don't be worries it will be back in an hour.​

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