It just dawned on me that the first mpatgm was tested in 2018. Ideally, should have been inducted by 2022 max. Ye topji, people who should not be named, xperts and lobby wale kya test kr rhe hai aisa ki abhi tak hawa tak nhi udi iske order Dene ki. Atleast Atags ki hawa to udi orders ki.
Itne time m toh drdo 2-3 naye atgm system bna kar patak dete. In xperts se trial trial khelna khatam nhi ho pa rha.
We got a desi lahat in our house, a 3rd gent mpatgm and recent air india laser beam rider atgm. All man portable systems wich are more accurate and less training demanding than than konkurs and milan but but Hume toh still 2nd gen wire guided systems se hi kaam chalayenge.
SAMHO is such a capable system in these days of drone proliferation that I can't stress enough that it should have been inducted a long time ago. Make a 125mm version same as fmbt Calibre, tune it a bit for manportable launch and design a suitable tripod launcher for it.
Imagine a drone detected a tank in frontlines and passes the coordinates to atgm team which fires it in NLOS mode based on coordinates and the same drone lases it on tank roof for terminal guidance of atgm giving it top attack capability.
NLOS firing capability is the true next gen defining feature of an atgm in my books.
While yahoodis are trying to sell their lahat with showing possible kind of engagements possible especially NLOS, 3rd party designation. And we as usual are posting photos of soldiers with reverse scopes on rifles from official adgpi X handles in 2025.