i'm not aware of any upgrades going on with M777, the wikipedia entry suggests upgrades on M777 including ER version that's got longer 55-calibre barrel, but it also makes it heavier, so what's point of inducting an artillery that's praised for its compactness and lightweightness and then ruining those two primary things

, instead we could rather induct a dedicated 52-calibre artillery for extended range operations, no?
In a future of excessive drone presence and very short counter battery time. I don't see any future for either M777 or Kalyani ULH.
Only use case for lighter howitzers is either in Air assault or air drop ops, there too it comes with few things which will be needed absolutely. A similar near 5 tonnes class prime mover which can be similarly air dropped or carried by helis. And ability of the ULH with own APU to move a bit of distance on its own like Singaporean Pegasus LWH smart design choice,to be quickly come into action, automatically lay the gun towards target and getting out of action as fast as possible. With getting out of action and be ready in towed position being the thing which we would want more. I hope this parameter is kept of utmost importance where you just basically press a button and the whole gun moves on its own and changes from firing mode to towed mode within a minute or one and half time period, for ATAGS and future ALTGS as well.
Kalyani ULH is more of a M777 like design and imo not future proof. They should definitely team up with Drdo as developing lighter weight structures, hybrid recoil systems is already in the future roadmap of Drdo for artillery guns.
I believe such a system can be made which could even turn out to be lighter than m777 as it only uses conventional recoil systems.
Not only that with now possible less than a ton 105mm howitzer and less than 2 tons 122mm howitzer, we should also explore the possibility of longer barrel and longer range systems based on above calibres and look at the possibility of very light air droppable and heli carried self propelled variants based on those.
I am pretty sure that in case of war with China, all these gold plated M777 with Shi* mobility and very little availablity of heli carriage support with us will be easy pickings just like that in Ukraine.
But much ATAGS weight is too much Saar. Musings of our forces where weight should not be a matter. M777 with all its light weight is still very much inferior to ATAGS in every parameter which is useful. And Atags can always be paired with a powerful prime mover to improve mobility in mountains. And I doubt you would be able to take m777 to a place where Atags can't be towed to.
We don't even need to look far for inspiration. Just look at the chinese.
That also reminds me that we definitely need to launch our own heavy lift heli program asap.
And we do have Kalyani Garuda V2 but definitely feels it can be improved further in design rather than straight away copy of Hawkeye.