Electronics and Semiconductor Manufacturing Industry

No the Indo-US relationship was slowly thawing during the 80s especially after Indira Gandhi's visit to US and being courted by Ronald Reagan. Numerous technology cooperation agreements were signed including procurement of Mainframe Computer for Weather Reporting, as well as allowing Indian Software Exports to US Companies ( Patni Computers, TCS and nascent Infosys) ...SCL was also established with the help of American Semiconductor folks..
Under Reagen Khali fires were 🔥 in Punjab. US has been diabolical. Remember Cray X were denied to us during that era. Until CDAc developed Param - they were not offered to us. US played running with hares and hound games. Remember that era all tango activities in India were not recognized by US camp and were termed Indian law and order problem regularly. That was the time when they armed Pak to teeth and singing Kumbaya with China in big way. So do you think they would doling out on India when we were still with Soviet union

btw DN solutions recently signed an MOU to build a 600 crore CNC factory in Karnataka. Lets see if it becomes a reality.

Yes Dr Deep, I often talk about Punjab and Bengal in same breath. Check my posts here or DFI. Both states were forefront in Indian Armed revolution, both states bore maximum partition brunt, both states started good and both states got choked by own hubris. Strange isnt it. Bengal may still rise because of resources, coastline. Punjab to rise it has only own people's entrepreneurial and hard working spirit(now litreally lost or moved on) to rely on.
People dont realize big names like Hero, DCM, OSWAL,Mahindra, Swaraj, Sonalika Escorts,Oberai, FabIndia etc have their or their founder roots in Punjab.
It sucks that Pakistan succeeded in dudding Punjab engine of growth.
IT industry actually approached for setting up in early years - but politicos of that era were only interested in manufacturing industry did not teally understand IT.

This can happen to any state if they dont check regionalism or bigotry or politics. Let other states learn from our failure and they dont repeat same mistakes so that they can enjoy growth and continue india growth story.
I personally don't think this government will encourage much investments in Punjab & WB partially due to fact that these states favour the opposition parties but mostly due to the fact that the political situation in these states are volatile. To this list & scenario I'd also include Chandigarh.

I mean if you get foreign investment there & things go bad it'd have an enormous impact on future investments in India & I'm referring to regular run of the mill investments not the kind of strategic sectors like what the SMC eco system is all about.

Those will mostly be concentrated in the west & south for obvious reasons , with a couple of projects up in the north or east like the ATMP plant coming up in Assam. Nothing more than that .

Not only CNC Machines , 3D Printers, Industrial Robots, as well as UV Lithography machines for Chip Fabrication is also need to be developed by Indigenous companies that is how you become your own boss no US or China or some Pesky European Country can dictate your Industrial Strength
This will happen once more and more advance manufacturing plants get setup in India..need for such local systems will arise in order to reduce costs and imports

Here is a line up of the CNC Machines it produces and I am impressed by their capabilities.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQ-e9LnTsm4

We are getting there...now if the govt helps in giving credits and loans to small-medium manufacturer these machines can be brought enmass for producing different kinds of things from a high-end Aerospace subcomponent to basic things like screws and nuts.. Productivity will go up. No more importing expensive CNC Machines from Germany or China..let some Desi CNC machines empower the manufacturers..
Here is a line up of the CNC Machines it produces and I am impressed by their capabilities.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQ-e9LnTsm4

We are getting there...now if the govt helps in giving credits and loans to small-medium manufacturer these machines can be brought enmass for producing different kinds of things from a high-end Aerospace subcomponent to basic things like screws and nuts.. Productivity will go up. No more importing expensive CNC Machines from Germany or China..let some Desi CNC machines empower the manufacturers..

Cheap Mentality doesn't take us anywhere. Unless Gormint imposes extorbitant amount of taxes on imported machinery these people won't strive. Usually this field is very R&D and capital intensive. It needs continuous improvements. In addition to generic profits, Jyothi and such Indigenous ones especially need more money to be spent on R&D to catch up to established players. Otherwise they would just be selling same products and eventually fade into oblivion. Gareeb mindset desi companies would rather import machines form Cheen who does salami slicing than support a indigenous product.

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