Electronics and Semiconductor Manufacturing Industry

Ya'll Nibbiars RRP Electronics will be end this FY year with revenue of 260 Crore rupees.

Apple to begin airpods production for exports at Foxconn's Hyderabad plant from April​


View: https://twitter.com/getpeid/status/1901490813823238358?s=19

For all the good Leaderji is doing I sometimes wonder how did he miss something as basic as a few things listed below in no particular order in spite of being a bania himself viz

# Creating local brands while enabling an ecosystem for a particular product line like the Chinese did else we may well end up as the number one mfgr / assembler of any number of products but we'd have negligible to zero participation of indigenous brands in that industry .

# Moving up the value chain from assembly to mfg to hosting the entire supply chain whose end goal must be with indigenous industries in every segment of that chain but more importantly to move from making products to designing them to owning the IPR to finally engineering the machines which make those products .

#Say what you will, this is where China's managed to steal a march over the West for the same CATL which started off as a junior partner in a JV with a Foreign OEM ( F - OEM) contract mfg Li batteries for mobile phones eventually absorbed tech enough to start tinkering with developing battery technology for EVs courtesy forcible tech transfer by the CCP of F - OEMs to local partners as jizia for operating out of China & as the CCP developed a master plan for focusing, developing & monopolizing tech of the future , CATL became an indispensable part of those plans .

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