Becuase Afgans don't believe in their border with the Pakistan. There are people(Pashtuns) living there since ancestral times. but when Pakistan was created some Anglo-saxon declared it as part of Pakistan because they had control over it. So no amount of money can buy it (Equivalent would be asking our politicians to let go of PoK with money)
Also TTP's whole existance is beacuse to conqure pak, Ghoda Ghass se dosti karega to khayega kya?
Chin doesn't giveaway money unlike US, They work with well-planned strategy. Their objective is to have military present in key territories in Pak. Getting rid of TTP will not be in line with their agenda.
Also US is supporting BLA, they have got sat-com and advanced weapons. which is why their operating capabilities have increased a lot over few years, As US don't want China to have control over those key territories.
Pakistan has become playground of US(BLA TTP and AFgan taliban) vs China(Pak ISKP Iran)
Bhaiyo, have a question. Correct me if I'm wrong but the Chinese goal in Pakistan was to establish a direct rail/road network from Gwadar to some place that would be connected by the Karo koram pass, right ? So
1) why can't they directly engage with the Afghans and ask the Afghans to mediate with the TTP for possibly a cease fire with the Paki army ? Surely the CCP has enough money to make the TTP commanders millionaires and its not like the Afghans really believe in a cause that would seek the overthrow of the Pak army with the same enthusiasm as the Afghans had to kick out the Soviets ?
2) i always assumed the Balochs to be the Pakk equivalent to the Naxals here. No real chance of victory but drag down the Paki state and deny them to freely use Balochistan. So why can't Pakistan completely crush the Balochis ? I mean they have the option to not care about human rights and get away with it. So why can't they take the help of the Chinese military and wipe out the Balochis or get them on their knees ?
Becuase Afgans don't believe in their border with the Pakistan. There are people(Pashtuns) living there since ancestral times. but when Pakistan was created some Anglo-saxon declared it as part of Pakistan because they had control over it. So no amount of money can buy it (Equivalent would be asking our politicians to let go of PoK with money)
Also TTP's whole existance is beacuse to conqure pak, Ghoda Ghass se dosti karega to khayega kya?
Chin doesn't giveaway money unlike US, They work with well-planned strategy. Their objective is to have military present in key territories in Pak. Getting rid of TTP will not be in line with their agenda.
Also US is supporting BLA, they have got sat-com and advanced weapons. which is why their operating capabilities have increased a lot over few years, As US don't want China to have control over those key territories.
Pakistan has become playground of US(BLA TTP and AFgan taliban) vs China(Pak ISKP Iran)