Failed Terrorist State of Pakistan: Idiotic Musings

One of the few countries where the elites have totally sold the masses. Inshallah, I hope this happens in other EU nations as well, though it won't be that easy as they have actual functional right wing parties.

It already is, elites there too don't give a shit usually, any right wing party coming to power also gets defanged like you see Meloni in Italy.

In France atleast the State makes it a point to apply the stick to the greens whenever they act up, aside from some nativist pandering for e.g a Globalist Bankster like Marcon having a grand ceremony for re-opening Notre Dame and attending the 1st Mass also there after re-opening.

UK is the worst of the lot but that is only the Anglo-Saxon race reaping what it has sowed in the past centuries and the next is Belgium with Germany after that.
so according to brits, grooming is crime and real but love jihad is hindutva propoganda 🤡 🤡 .
would love to see this translate into more hatred for porkies in UK .
It won’t mean much British are scaird to death of Pakistanis and will not do much to upset the apple cart. They are not an easy target like Hindus.
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It won’t mean much British arescairdnto death of Pakistan and will not do much to upset the apple cart. They are not an easy target like Hindus.
Brits deserve to get colonized by the green horde. Their "naïve tolerance" for illegal muslim migrants brought this on them. I say squeeze whatever tech the Brits have left, automotive, heavy engineering, semiconductor, aerospace, space and nuclear. Legally or illegally siphon all of these tech from UK to India. Conduct high levels of industrial espionage if needed (for example, the UK gov barred Tata from getting their hands on a lot of advanced automotive tech JLR developed). And then leave them to play in their zombie survival lobby. Every piece of technological breakthrough the brits made was made possible by the enormous wealth looted from India in the first place. Take all their tech, and leave them to the mercy of their beloved muslim migrants.
Nothing like a Operation Brasstacks at this time - a two-front scare will wasool the money PA spent on brown pants.
Are their any strategic thinkers in India??? Anyone with guts to even call a bluff?
Nothing like a Operation Brasstacks at this time - a two-front scare will wasool the money PA spent on brown pants.
Are their any strategic thinkers in India??? Anyone with guts to even call a bluff?
What for ? Who here thinks of the ordinary Afghandu as a friend leave alone the Taliban ? Paxtan is the buffer we have against the original barbarians . Let the two fight it out & exhaust each other to the point of atrophy & extinction. Then we move in to mop up.

The last thing we ought to do is erase the buffer & by that I mean retaking PoJ&K . If we've waited for the SRJM for 500 years it's not even been 75 years since those areas were taken by PA & the Qabailies from the erstwhile Maharaja of J&K .

Also the Taliban or the ordinary Afghandu is a pig , they literally have nothing to lose which is the reason Fauji Foundation is hesitant to take them on . Hence the term wrestling with a pig has some pretty real connotations here .

But Fauji Foundation won't be able to put away large scale operations against them forever & that also means a war or a special operation Russia style. Then the real fun starts. Btw media indicates Fauji Foundation has reached out to the Northern Front & Tajikistan .

I hope you realise what that means . Eventually it's going to boil down to a Afghanistan including KPK or division of Afghanistan & Pashtunistan with or without KPK .

To get the former the Taliban & TTP are aiming to convert Punjab into a war zone with KPK having already becoming one . To avoid it Fauji Foundation is trying to activate the Northern Front & ISIS in Khorasan doing what TTP is doing in Paxtan plus playing on the fault lines within the Taliban what with the recent assassination of one of the senior members of the Haqqani Network & uncle of Sirajuddin Haqqani.
What for ? Who here thinks of the ordinary Afghandu as a friend leave alone the Taliban ? Paxtan is the buffer we have against the original barbarians . Let the two fight it out & exhaust each other to the point of atrophy & extinction. Then we move in to mop up.

The last thing we ought to do is erase the buffer & by that I mean retaking PoJ&K . If we've waited for the SRJM for 500 years it's not even been 75 years since those areas were taken by PA & the Qabailies from the erstwhile Maharaja of J&K .

Also the Taliban or the ordinary Afghandu is a pig , they literally have nothing to lose which is the reason Fauji Foundation is hesitant to take them on . Hence the term wrestling with a pig has some pretty real connotations here .

But Fauji Foundation won't be able to put away large scale operations against them forever & that also means a war or a special operation Russia style. Then the real fun starts. Btw media indicates Fauji Foundation has reached out to the Northern Front & Tajikistan .

I hope you realise what that means . Eventually it's going to boil down to a Afghanistan including KPK or division of Afghanistan & Pashtunistan with or without KPK .

To get the former the Taliban & TTP are aiming to convert Punjab into a war zone with KPK having already becoming one . To avoid it Fauji Foundation is trying to activate the Northern Front & ISIS in Khorasan doing what TTP is doing in Paxtan plus playing on the fault lines within the Taliban what with the recent assassination of one of the senior members of the Haqqani Network & uncle of Sirajuddin Haqqani.



Intervening in the early stages of Green-on-Green violence will lead the the greens uniting to come after us.
As it is retaking PoK is a hard task, so better let the Ummah-Chummah between AfPak occur for a few years and then we could move in.

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Intervening in the early stages of Green-on-Green violence will lead the the greens uniting to come after us.
As it is retaking PoK is a hard task, so better let the Ummah-Chummah between AfPak occur for a few years and then we could move in.
Few years ? I'm referring to at least another 1-2 decades . Let the Paxtani state & Fauji Foundation be TOTALLY hollowed out. We're already grappling with the BD problem which is likely to worsen & you can kiss any chance of it bettering EVER. There's not going to be another SHW & she's too old to stage a comeback . Then there's the China front. Why do you want to open too many fronts simultaneously ?

Fauji Foundation needs to be engaged internally & externally in eternal conflict. Apart from exhausting the exchequer & completely alienating non Punjabis which they've managed quite successfully with the Baloch & now with Pashtun civil society beginning with Mohsin Dawar & Ali Wazir who're elected representatives what to speak of Manzoor Peshteen & the PTM who're part of civil society agitating peacefully with demands within the ambit of the Paxtani constitution.

Let's not even talk of the Baloch. They're far gone . Had they been more numerically , we'd have seen a full blown war of secession not an LIC.
Few years ? I'm referring to at least another 1-2 decades . Let the Paxtani state & Fauji Foundation be TOTALLY hollowed out. We're already grappling with the BD problem which is likely to worsen & you can kiss any chance of it bettering EVER. There's not going to be another SHW & she's too old to stage a comeback . Then there's the China front. Why do you want to open too many fronts simultaneously ?

Fauji Foundation needs to be engaged internally & externally in eternal conflict. Apart from exhausting the exchequer & completely alienating non Punjabis which they've managed quite successfully with the Baloch & now with Pashtun civil society beginning with Mohsin Dawar & Ali Wazir who're elected representatives what to speak of Manzoor Peshteen & the PTM who're part of civil society agitating peacefully with demands within the ambit of the Paxtani constitution.
muslim countries historically can never be stable they will always have issues internally and with neighbors.
What for ? Who here thinks of the ordinary Afghandu as a friend leave alone the Taliban ? Paxtan is the buffer we have against the original barbarians . Let the two fight it out & exhaust each other to the point of atrophy & extinction. Then we move in to mop up.

The last thing we ought to do is erase the buffer & by that I mean retaking PoJ&K . If we've waited for the SRJM for 500 years it's not even been 75 years since those areas were taken by PA & the Qabailies from the erstwhile Maharaja of J&K .

Also the Taliban or the ordinary Afghandu is a pig , they literally have nothing to lose which is the reason Fauji Foundation is hesitant to take them on . Hence the term wrestling with a pig has some pretty real connotations here .

But Fauji Foundation won't be able to put away large scale operations against them forever & that also means a war or a special operation Russia style. Then the real fun starts. Btw media indicates Fauji Foundation has reached out to the Northern Front & Tajikistan .

I hope you realise what that means . Eventually it's going to boil down to a Afghanistan including KPK or division of Afghanistan & Pashtunistan with or without KPK .

To get the former the Taliban & TTP are aiming to convert Punjab into a war zone with KPK having already becoming one . To avoid it Fauji Foundation is trying to activate the Northern Front & ISIS in Khorasan doing what TTP is doing in Paxtan plus playing on the fault lines within the Taliban what with the recent assassination of one of the senior members of the Haqqani Network & uncle of Sirajuddin Haqqani.
The Ukraine war has proved one thing very clearly: Ukraine is surviving only and only because of materiel flows. Had this been choked off, Kiev parliament would have been flying the Russian flag. The lesson for India is one of the first order of business is to cut off the Karakoram Hwy. The sooner the better.
Besides, an Op Brasstacks 2.0 at this time would mean PA upgrading their state of alert on the eastern front, prevent quick rotation of troops between their corps which and in the end exhaust PA.
The Ukraine war has proved one thing very clearly: Ukraine is surviving only and only because of materiel flows. Had this been choked off, Kiev parliament would have been flying the Russian flag. The lesson for India is one of the first order of business is to cut off the Karakoram Hwy. The sooner the better.
Besides, an Op Brasstacks 2.0 at this time would mean PA upgrading their state of alert on the eastern front, prevent quick rotation of troops between their corps which and in the end exhaust PA.

One major lesson is an industrial infrastructure is needed to fight a war ; depending on other
countries for spare parts and weapons will leave you helpless.
We are watching the Pakistani people suffer. Their army is prospering. Their economy is in dump. Still, In three years time, they will have third rate stealth fighter and poorly constructed nuclear submarine. All this, Pakistanis are doing to intimidate India. They know that they cannot fight India not even with nuclear submarines including stealth fighters. All these are to boost public morale. The public has never been told that only prototype of fighter has flown in China. Chinese nuclear submarine has sunk in the coastal waters . One has to be careful purchasing stuff like that.

What the Pakistani public and intelligentsia is does not know is that India has made rapid strides economically as well as on military front. In three years very modern 4.5 fighter will be operating on India side with very long range air to air missiles.

With higher GDP in India, a lot more is spent on defence. Do not believe that angry paid of anti-India propagandists who tell you that because India does not spend more to their liking is behind in military matters. That is all false. India is a power to count.
they will have third rate stealth fighter and poorly constructed nuclear submarine.

No they won't.

They even got the J-10 fighter jets after intense groveling and begging to the Chinese just to do equal-equal with India's Rafale purchase, and conveniently the J-10s were now to be produced for export only, i.e a downgraded version as to what the PLAAF uses.

The Chinese J-35 is meant to be used on their aircraft carriers, there is no way they would export such a platform to Pakistan.

And as for Nuclear Submarines, those are just Paki dreams after smoking some Afghani Opium :bplease:
The findings of this enquiry have come at a wrong time. UK should've had much more immigration legal & otherwise for another 2 decades before such an enquiry finding were made public.
AFAIK, These Radical Islamist is Uncle Sam's project. They were the ones pushing immigrants down the throat of EU. To weaken them, because they were growing too big to control. (Establishing real relations with Russia and China)

Now they're actually in a position to act on it . Whether they will do so & to what extent plus the extent of their course correction needs to be seen.
The reports are coming as part of the game played in US deep state, I would go as far to say even recent Attacks in US were part of it. The old deep state holds connections and therefore power to control radicals, read as left-sino-wahhabi nexus
The new upcoming faction Trump-Musk and others want to deport all this elements, which is why the grooming gangs and all the shit related is getting pushed-propagated through media.

It will be interesting to see how far EU is allowed to go..
Their "naïve tolerance" for illegal muslim migrants brought this on them.
Welp, this remind me of the 'paradox of tolerance'.

The paradox of tolerance is a philosophical concept introduced by Karl Popper in his 1945 book The Open Society and Its Enemies. It describes a situation where unlimited tolerance of intolerant ideas can lead to the destruction of a tolerant society.

Popper's key argument is:

If a society is unlimited in its tolerance, it may eventually allow intolerant groups or individuals to grow in influence.

These intolerant groups, once empowered, could suppress or destroy the tolerant society itself.

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