Failed Terrorist State of Pakistan: Idiotic Musings

Pakroaches and kanglus have always been like this on FB. You did not hear about the latter because they made bulk of their posts in Bangla. FB is still normie SM, xitter ragebaits have not infiltrated FB algo yet.

Also, post the FB link so that forum members can e-lynch the kanglu.
Kanglu YouTube sphere is the funniest shit. Specially Jamuna TV, Ekattor TV & all. Indians literally molest them there. Their delusion goes way beyond the Pakistanis.

TWO recent developments have reinforced the fraught relationship between Pakistan and India, which makes the prospect bleak for any thaw in their ties. The first concerns the terrorist attack and hijacking of the Jaffar Express train in Balochistan and statements that followed from Pakistani officials. The second development involves Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s allegations in a podcast that Pakistan is waging a proxy war against his country. This war of words is, of course, nothing new but its re-eruption makes it even harder to overcome the protracted diplomatic impasse between the two countries.

TWO recent developments have reinforced the fraught relationship between Pakistan and India, which makes the prospect bleak for any thaw in their ties. The first concerns the terrorist attack and hijacking of the Jaffar Express train in Balochistan and statements that followed from Pakistani officials. The second development involves Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s allegations in a podcast that Pakistan is waging a proxy war against his country. This war of words is, of course, nothing new but its re-eruption makes it even harder to overcome the protracted diplomatic impasse between the two countries.
Author is this Low IQ porky maggot..
Pakroaches and kanglus have always been like this on FB. You did not hear about the latter because they made bulk of their posts in Bangla. FB is still normie SM, xitter ragebaits have not infiltrated FB algo yet.

Also, post the FB link so that forum members can e-lynch the kanglu.
Look at this kangladog


Anyone with atleast double digit IQ can get that this is fake, not the inbred greens though.

I searched for that account and found this "memepage"

Coincidentally, it turns out to be the same pakroach as above.

A nation and race so primitive and useless, who's biggest achievement is either being a successful jihadi or a successful troll and using the word "pajeet" endlessly despite it being applicable to poliostanis more than us :lol:
Look at this kangladog


Anyone with atleast double digit IQ can get that this is fake, not the inbred greens though.
View attachment 28376

I searched for that account and found this "memepage"
View attachment 28375

Coincidentally, it turns out to be the same pakroach as above.
View attachment 28379

A nation and race so primitive and useless, who's biggest achievement is being either being a successful jihadi or a seccessful troll and using the word "pajeet" endlessly despite it being applicable to poliostanis more than us :lol:

Most of the Israeli abusing Indians screen grabs are fake asf as well. All are jobless Muzzis. Love the scheme though how they include other nationalities in their stupidity to bring them in their fold.
Very predictable.
Obviously. This recent anti-India racism trend on social media has given too much confidence to these slum dwellers to think Indians or India is inferior to them. As we say "Behti Ganga me hath dona", is what they are doing, having a field day posting racist posts on us thinking it will pull their shithole out of misery :lol:
lol....but agr indian ko foriegn me maar padegi, to sath me pakistan, srilanka, bangladesh wale bhi pite jayenge. ye soch rahe ki foreigners ID card dekh ke racism etc krenge...inhone indians ke naam ko use krke pehle khub mazze kr liye, ab to ye bhi pele jayenge. 😂😂
Look, currently, all that these insects can do is spread misinformation and racism against Indians on the internet. But in the future, they might try to jump the fence into India looking for jobs and economic opportunities, just like Kanglus.

Indian economy will be around 7.5 trillion dollars by 2030, around 11 trillion by 2035 and around 17-18 by 2040. We should start preparing the ground work for what will be necessary immediately if we haven't already.

Make the idea that Pakis are vermin, the lowest of creatures, lesser than cockroaches, maggots, mosquitoes, etc popular among the general public so that when we begin to exterminate illegal Paki migrants it will have widespread public approval and no one will bat an eye. If a conversation regarding Pakis come up for some reason (very rarely among the people I know - usually starts with foreign affairs as a subject in general)

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