Here's a retired Commodore of paki navy saying "India has a lot of hunger, should feed it's poor instead of spending billions of huge navy which is some 5 times larger than paki navy".
Just how retarded is this guy? "India launched sagarmala to revamp it's ports, Indians should introspect whether they should be wasting this much to upgrade port infrastructure and develop maritime infra"

"Indian ocean should be renamed Arabian ocean, African ocean", just look at the map retard, India is the crown of "Hind Mahasagar", it's ours and belongs to Indian Blue Water Naval Dominance.
"We can impose a naval blockade in strait of hormuz if India block's pakistan trade in malacca strait, but we believe in peace, why India wastes billions in aircraft carriers, we will destroy them if they use against us, spend that money on your gareeb awaam

" (Probably forgot what INS Vikrant did in East Bakistan"
More such gems here
They consume this crap everyday and genuinely think they're sem2sem, terminally delusional. Bet you 5 years from now When the actual GDP gap would become more than 50 to 60 times and population gap reduced to less than 5, they'll still be parroting "Bharat me ghurbat hai, bharat paise barbad kar raha hai, everyone has 3 meals a day unlike Indians who sleep on footpath".
No paki journo ever had the guts or the intelligence to ask why does an economy that is 9 to 10 times smaller than India (ofc as per paki "claims") has a military size bigger than most NATO countries and more than half the size of India?
(Afterall they're too low IQ to ask how does paxtan even claim to have an economy as big as vietnam while barely being a quarter of their goods and services output?).
Some of you who were closely following me since DFI days know I have been predicting this to happen. It will happen to both Pakistan and Bangladesh. They will become huge food importers.
LoL you are delusional if you think they care, These same paki military men will gobble up more land to build their fancy housing societies (read wide roads with a few houses in an empty artificially deserted land).
This is considered "wealth" and "development" over there.