Failed Terrorist State of Pakistan: Idiotic Musings

International media focusing on Baluchistan is interesting. I have a feeling a few Western countries have decided on Baluchistan, for what reason is yet to be seen.
There is a reason, If chinese get access to Gwadar, it basically opens up entire middle east to them. No doubt eventually Chinese military hardware will be brought there, unkil sam of course will never accept it.

They also get direct line of fire to mouth of Persian gulf, meaning collab with Iran can seriously shake up American power in Middle east. Saudi has been cozying up to chongs recently. basically western support for Baluchistan will only increase unless porkis become their slaves again.

Screenshot 2025-03-22 225904.webp
Baloch Freedom Fighters are relentlessly slaughtering Muslim Pakjabis and Paki PM has done KADI NINDA! So 8 pages on Paki phorum in no time... enjoy their CRIES and Frustration! :tea:


This is the "THINK TANK" of Paki phorum. This Pakijeet is advocating arming poor Pakjabi mazdoor with handguns to fight trained Baloch Freedom Fighters with advanced weapons! :lol: So also agrees that their Pak Army is a de facto NAMARD. Even their SPECIAL FORCES are lifting their ass and SURRENDERING en masses! :pound:

Also seems like so many Pakijeet have abandoned their beloved pakistan to the US and showing love to the same pakistan while sitting in the US. TRUMP should deport them to the ghetto they crawled from.


This Pakijeet doesn't understand that KARMA is biting back. He supported and cheered when Kashmiri muslims were killing Non-Kashmiri Hindu workers(Biharis mostly) BUT now that Muslim Pakjabis are slaughtered like :pig: by Baloch FREEDOM FIGHTERS, he is starts CRYING like a girl! he himself seems to be living in the US and what if he is LYNCHED by local WHITE AMERICANS! :pound:


Meanwhile Pakijeet's are getting bitchslapped and schooled by their Turkish Abbus.

Pakijeet's are CRYING -> Turkey saar, you & we Islamic Umma Chumma saar... Ertogullu love sssaar! You are one of our Abbu Turkey saaaar! We lick clean your ass Turkey ssaaar! Please keep being our Abbu Turkey Saaar! Let's make a Islamic Army and finish US/Ijjrael!

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western NGOs insert themselves into conflicts to profit from them, their involvement will only prolong the misery of native population in this case baloch. if they are getting involved, they will neither let paki state nor baloch movement arrive at a peaceful permanent solution.
Thoughts on this? Surprising even Greta was involved.
On paper a Balochistan under US control looks fantastic as a base of operations both against Iran and to end CPEC.
If true, I think India should join this passively as we anyway have Sindh as a buffer to ensure they don’t turn against us later ?

Pakijeet are literally thrashed and HATED online by Turkish. :pound:

The thing is even if Turkish leaves Islam and do ghar wapsi, they are still going to be Turkish but Pakijeet have ZERO cultural heritage. Extremely insecure fake disillusioned "country" in serious identity-crisis.

The only culture Pakistan represents is being #1 in animal p0rn, Bacchabazi, Pedo's, raping dead bodies, killing any no-muslim with fake Blasphemy charges etc...and not to mention SURRENDER their asses to Indian Army and BLA/TTP Freedom fighters!

Thoughts on this? Surprising even Greta was involved.
On paper a Balochistan under US control looks fantastic as a base of operations both against Iran and to end CPEC.
If true, I think India should join this passively as we anyway have Sindh as a buffer to ensure they don’t turn against us later ?


Nordic do only Supari activitism. They and greata were involved in Farm Protest. Now, when they and BBC are talking about Balochistan, then something must have happened.

May be EU coming to India after Trump showed no care, and recent NSA meeting etc, something changed.
Nordic do only Supari activitism. They and greata were involved in Farm Protest. Now, when they and BBC are talking about Balochistan, then something must have happened.

May be EU coming to India after Trump showed no care, and recent NSA meeting etc, something changed.
Balochistan will secede from Pakistan sooner or later. I hope India provides them with training and advanced weaponry. Supplying them with anti-aircraft and anti-tank missiles to counter Pakistani fighter jets and tanks wouldn’t be a difficult task.
Thoughts on this? Surprising even Greta was involved.
On paper a Balochistan under US control looks fantastic as a base of operations both against Iran and to end CPEC.
If true, I think India should join this passively as we anyway have Sindh as a buffer to ensure they don’t turn against us later ?


western liberal NGO activism has all the hallmarks of a cult. they have their own value system, gods, gospel, saints, popes, roman curia, believers, literature, banks, blasphemy laws, commissars, foot soldiers etc.

any one who wants to partner with them or want something from them, in return they will demand complete subservience to the cult.

since their U.S chapter has suffered a political setback, eu wallahs are taking the lead. eu wallahs are on team china. nothing good will come out of India partnering on such a project.
The main challenge is that India does not share a border with Balochistan. However, weapons could be airdropped, or if Iran agrees to provide military bases to India, the task would become much easier. Another option is using the Russia-Uzbekistan-Afghanistan route. Unlike in East Pakistan in 1971, a direct Indian military intervention in Balochistan would not be possible without military bases in either Iran or Afghanistan. While Afghanistan might agree, Iran may not be willing to cooperate at this stage.
Indian military and DRDO should explore options for supplying weapons to Balochistan using drones or high-altitude balloons. Indian Navy could potentially deliver supplies using underwater drones. There are also certain fighter jets capable of flying at altitudes beyond the range of surface-to-air missiles, which could be considered for such operations.
The main challenge is that India does not share a border with Balochistan. However, weapons could be airdropped, or if Iran agrees to provide military bases to India, the task would become much easier. Another option is using the Russia-Uzbekistan-Afghanistan route. Unlike in East Pakistan in 1971, a direct Indian military intervention in Balochistan would not be possible without military bases in either Iran or Afghanistan. While Afghanistan might agree, Iran may not be willing to cooperate at this stage.
i dont think india will go that route....involving in1971 war was our necessity that time, coz huge number of bangladeshi migrating to india. that was creating economic problems for us, coz that time we r not good in economy. but Balochistan problem is different. we will not face any migration. coz between us is sindh nd thar dessert. even if sindh face problem, very few can migrate in india due to dessert nd border security. india should just need to provide cash to taliban nd BLA. they will keep their fight continue. pakistan army hv to fight 3 front of war with BLA, TTP nd taliban. we can open more front within pakistan. i mean pashtun nd POK people, by making them anti punjabi more😂. or if we want even more our participation nd make pakistani bleed more, we can open our fire from our border. why we want silent border with that neighbour, who even in worst situation want to hurt us by terrorism etc.
By the way no need to us to care about Balochistan nd taliban...they r momin, who hate kaffir most. if they r sending their brothers in hell, why we hv to worry about it. they r doing favour to humanity, which is reducing peaceful number from earth. if u dont know peaceful consider their life in earth temporary for test. their actual life will starting after their death. in earth they r just travellers or mushafir 😝😂.
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western liberal NGO activism has all the hallmarks of a cult. they have their own value system, gods, gospel, saints, popes, roman curia, believers, literature, banks, blasphemy laws, commissars, foot soldiers etc.

any one who wants to partner with them or want something from them, in return they will demand complete subservience to the cult.

since their U.S chapter has suffered a political setback, eu wallahs are taking the lead. eu wallahs are on team china. nothing good will come out of India partnering on such a project.

Countries like Sweden, Norway have this superiority sense of poking nose into other issues. During Srilankan Civil war, these guys were supporting LTTE for long time. Definitely they were expecting something in return. But Srilankan army finally crushed them.

Agree with EU chaps surrendered to China. They are compromised to the core, their policies will create more harm for us like DEI, Climate action fines etc. They open their ass cheeks to China everytime.

The better outcome is to persuade individual FTA with countries like France and other EU countries. But Baniya piyush trying to send more people out does not work out.
i dont think india will go that route....involving in1971 war was our necessity that time, coz huge number of bangladeshi migrating to india. that was creating economic problems for us, coz that time we r not good in economy. but Balochistan problem is different. we will not face any migration. coz between us is sindh nd thar dessert. even if sindh face problem, very few can migrate in india due to dessert nd border security. india should just need to provide cash to taliban nd BLA. they will keep their fight continue. pakistan army hv to fight 3 front of war with BLA, TTP nd taliban. we can open more front within pakistan. i mean pashtun nd POK people, by making them anti punjabi more😂. or if we want even more our participation nd make pakistani bleed more, we can open our fire from our border. why we want silent border with that neighbour, who even in worst situation want to hurt us by terrorism etc.
By the way no need to us to care about Balochistan nd taliban...they r momin, who hate kaffir most. if they r sending their brothers in hell, why we hv to worry about it. they r doing favour to humanity, which is reducing peaceful number from earth. if u dont know peaceful consider their life in earth temporary for test. their actual life will starting after their death. in earth they r just travellers or mushafir 😝😂.
An independent Balochistan would likely be a pro-India country. Hindu hatred is primarily found among Muslims in the Indian subcontinent, it is not as prevalent in the rest of the Muslim world. Despite being a highly radicalized society, Afghanistan remains largely pro-India. While I do not support the ideology of Taliban, we share a common adversary Pakistan. Our primary threat is Pakistan, not Afghanistan or Taliban.

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