
Our media has failed us both gormint and private one.

We should have covered this chaos and expose it to the world.

Remember how International media jumped us like hyenas when this happened.
We should have replied them in kind.

One thing I have noticed even the west tend to distrust their own media and is all praise for International ones that cover the alternate narrative. Sky news Australia gets much praise for the Trump coverage.

Our Media channels were basically an extended version of Soap Operas. Arunab will shout like moron in the 9-10 debates which never resulted in any meaningful Conclusion. The less said about the politician owned channels which are in their own multiverse.
France arrested Telegram CEO as he has refused to compromise Telegram app.

Reality of the West which claims to support free speech and lectures India about journalistic freedoms.

France arrested Telegram CEO as he has refused to compromise Telegram app.

Reality of the West which claims to support free speech and lectures India about journalistic freedoms.

It’s the reality “free this and that” is the stick to beat others not to blindly aping it which our country and janta have done.

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