
Nothing new here. Has been the same post Chernobyl. Fukushima got the ball rolling for the removal of Nuclear Plants.

annalena baerbock is from greens, so that tweet from german foreign office is within the realm of reality for the greens.

yesterday when that event was happening along with jai shankar, she was initially talking to audience in terms of EU not germany. par for the course in EU politics i suppose.

Nothing new here. Has been the same post Chernobyl. Fukushima got the ball rolling for the removal of Nuclear Plants.
Chernobyl was a man made disaster caused by the incompetence of Soviets. Fukushima can be attributed to natural disaster. But one can't fault the Germans for closing nuclear power plants. Their size of the country is 357, 592 And the people are spread out far and wide to every corner of Germany. One accident can render many villages and towns as wastelands for thousands of years. They could have phased out Nuclear plants gradually over many decades instead of closing it all in a decade.

They got fully hooked on Russian natural gas and thought the nectar from Russia will always keep flowing without hindrance. With the amount of trade surpluses they were posting during that period, they could have expanded offshore wind massively. UK gets lot of it's renewable energy from Wind. And one thing I never understood, if it is really fucking EU why don't they act like one? For example, Spain and Portugal are the only countries who have massive Solar potential in EU. Germany could have invested lot of money in Spain to install many Gigawatts of Solar in Spain to transport electricity to Germany. Instead, Germans are investing massively in Namibia to make green hydrogen and transport it through ships. Namibia, a country half a world away and their former colony.

Spain is bigger than Germany at 506,000 with even less population at 50 million compared to Germany at 83 million. By investing in Spain they will not only get cheap electricity but they will also be helping a fellow EU member state which also has Euro as their currency.
By investing in Spain they will not only get cheap electricity but they will also be helping a fellow EU member state which also has Euro as their currency
Mate if the politicians here had even an ounce of forward thinking capabilities, then life would have been a dream. Instead its a clown show here.
Why not? The very definition of a depression is a lack of growth for at least 2 years in a row. From wiki:

A depression is one of the following 2:
  1. a decline in real GDP exceeding 10%, or
  2. a recession lasting 2 or more years.
Lack of Growth yes, but its been stagnant and slowly entering the negatives. IF this trend continues beyond mid 2025 then it definitely will be in Depression. Its a slippery slope. Half of the companies are letting people go because they cant sustain and half cant function properly because there arent enough people to work here.
The situation has been made far far worse by the ancient bureaucracy and shitty salary levels. It deters most people nowadays. The "Fachkraftmangel" (Lack of specialised workers) issue that is plaguing Germany is only limited to shit paying jobs or highly specialised one's.
Nurses, Machinists etc are high in demand but then again the work hours are shit, workload is HUGE, salaries are pathetic, Housing is unaffordable for the majority and the whole system is crumbling.
I feel pity for the Indians falling into this trap. Lately SO MANY Indians are here as students, workers etc in this trap and then they suffer. Making it in this country is not at all easy. Indians who are used to a certain ease of life get overwhelmed when they experience the polar opposite here. Also the language barrier. Most Indians love to stay in their own clicks and barely put any effort to learn the language and then sit and complain about the system.

Honestly, its a clownshow here that is hard to explain! Hopefully the elections in 2025 will bring in some changes in the government and this will start to recover! Germany is maintaining a good PR in the developing world to get more people in to sustain their crumbling system. The pension system, health insurance system etc being an example.
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Nurses, Machinists etc are high in demand but then again the work hours are shit, workload is HUGE, salaries are pathetic, Housing in unaffordable for the majority and the whole system is crumbling.

No wonder the natives don't give a shit and they have a LaBoUr ShOrTaGe
No wonder the natives don't give a shit and they have a LaBoUr ShOrTaGe
Yup the natives have had enough. The boomers are retiring and the replacement want better perks and the companies are acting like they are asking for their kidneys. So they are moving production to other countries within Europe for cheaper labour and the one's that aren't are getting foolish Indians and Africans to work like their mules!

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