Usaf wants "high agility" along with better stealth than f22 and f35
The cranked arrow wings provide more space for control surfaces.
Given it's most likely gonna be tailess, the plane will depend on canard and wings for agility, so cranked arrow style wing makes more sense.
And It's myth that yf23 was better than yf22 and lost due to usaf having more confidence on lockheed to manage the program, while it did played a role.
But yf 23 has lots of problems.
First it's intakes caused more exposed fan blades(To radar, no to eyes) compared to yf 22 which had completely hidden ones.
View attachment 28476
View attachment 28478Also their shape was worse in supersonic flight than yf22's intakes
Plus no ramp to break the air into subsonic like yf22.
So worse supersonic performance.
Plus those marked areas, almost form 90° relative to the wing, no-no for stealth.
Then it's IWB was more complex and sucked.
If a bottom bomb malfunctioned to release, the top ones will be blocked too
Northrop's entry into the ATF tender had a big, ambiguous weapons bay that likely hurt its chances of being selected but would be prized today.
Third myth is its manurablility,
" some says those v tails were so good that it almost matched yf22 in manurablity which also had tvs, that yf23 lacked".
This is bullshit, those v tails even if they had big effect, ain't gonna help in high AoA, you need canards, lerx, horizontal tails for that.
Neither it will help in fast turn rate relative to yf22.
And as before, yf23 design prohibited addition of thrust vectoring.
So a major redesign in yf23 will be needed if they go for it, and at this stage just better to start from scratch.
And if your designing a "high agility" and "high stealth" fighter without vertical control surfaces( causes more radar return compared to horizontal ones).
So a cranked arrow wing, is more desirable than a diamond or delta wing.
Most likely configuration is :- canards, cranked arrow wing, TVC.
Now with that , can't guarantee 100% that it will look like that.