Idiotic Musings from the West

In 50 years, US and China would be so far ahead due to AI, there's nothing India can do to catch up with them even if India gets rid of reservations by then.
India won't 'get rid' of reservation. That would be political harakiri. The gormint will just 'bypass' it by outsourcing, hiring on contracts etc for the simple reason that it is financially unsustainable to let the state apparatus grow any more (salary, pensions etc add up quite a bit).

And caste/language/community kanging has lost its mojo. Now, that does not mean any mainstream political party would trash on ambedkar openly (he was 'deitified' long back, just like Gandhi and SC Bose). Just that the avg voter has different priorities, it is also why 'Jitni Abadi Utni Haq' is such a colossal nothingburger. Slogans do not alter political realities.
India won't 'get rid' of reservation. That would be political harakiri. The gormint will just 'bypass' it by outsourcing, hiring on contracts etc for the simple reason that it is financially unsustainable to let the state apparatus grow any more (salary, pensions etc add up quite a bit).

And caste/language/community kanging has lost its mojo. Now, that does not mean any mainstream political party would trash on ambedkar openly (he was 'deitified' long back, just like Gandhi and SC Bose). Just that the avg voter has different priorities, it is also why 'Jitni Abadi Utni Haq' is such a colossal nothingburger. Slogans do not alter political realities.
I know. Which is why India should get rid of delusions like Vishwaguru.

Vishwacoolie is a more reasonable goal.
I know. Which is why India should get rid of delusions like Vishwaguru.

Vishwacoolie is a more reasonable goal.

Harboring delusions of becoming a 'vishwaguru' is a meme material in itself (whoever came up with this term should have been fired on the spot) but great things can be done even with the existing set-up.

TN let its private capital build whatever it wanted, built up hard infra, set up a number of ITIs and diploma colleges (institutions that produce some of the most skilled workers in the country) and ended up where they are now. Based Gujjews never bothered private entrepreneurs and look where it got them ("So many things go right in Gujarat that it does not even feel like India": Gloomberg, 2013). Maha had a 'Bombay' and built around it.

If this nation falters in its trajectory it would be because of the 'penny wise pound foolish' approach of the gormint (take a look at the GST shithousery of the incumbent) and not because of some 'reservation' practices adopted years back - especially given the increasingly limited gormint machinery; healthcare and education are already going the American way (I do not like it but it is what it is), IT infra got outsourced long back and lately, even decision-making contracts have started being handed out to the likes of Deloitte and PwC.
Good to see big handles posting about the circus in India.


Aravind the founder of Perplexity was complaining about his VISA a few weeks ago. He will use this meeting with Modi to blackmail USA to fasttrack his VISA.

Can't blame him.
Well should have thought before going all in on muh Israel and morons like Vivek lecturing white people about culture on twitter. On top of that, some of the silicon valley idiot Indians who joined musk-trump train were tweeting out fuck low IQ whites, what else do you expect.

At the heart of western Nazi+christian nationalist movement is the belief that Jews want to destroy their race by making all their nations multi-racial by importing immigrants. Hence, by cross-breeding their race will disappear. They also believe that Jews led US to all the wars with Muslims countries, so Israel can fulfill their dream of greater Israel (even now Biden's foreign policy is controlled by Antony Blinken who is Jewish). The reason for their jew hatred is that they think jews killed jesus, and have been spreading vices like usury, gambling, porn to destroy white christian societies.

Now, enter low IQ Hindutvadis. After Israel-Hamas war, BJP IT cell was asked by Israel to provide support (confirmed by AIM on a podcast), and many people on Indian twitter by themselves started celebrating Palestinian deaths, this led to backlash amongst non-south asian Muslims who didn't care much about India/hindus before, but we became their prime target.

But 2nd order effect was Nazi/christian nationalists believing jews want to flood their countries with Indians, since Indians are such huge supporters of Jews and because Muslims and even other 3rd worlders have turned against jews (for eg: south africa, leftist latino countries, etc). So Indians were the only 3rd worlders supporting jews en masse.

On top of that prominence of Indians in western politics which now they started connecting with Jewish backing.

As for backlash, I believe their will be racial attacks and shootings. Funny thing, there will be much less backlash against jews because all the democratic party institutions are captured by them, unlike Hindus, and they also have lot of hold on neocon (old school republican) establishment.

White nationalism will only increase with fall in white population percent in west. Hindus will be fucked the most, specially in anglo countries other than UK (UK like contitnental europe has muslim issue, so we are spared for now). On top of that hot blooded morons in India will tweet to make matters worst like that India today guy. Hindus/Indians don't have institutional protections/backing that jews have in west and deifinitely don't have street power of whites/blacks or latinos in US. So, are pretty much sitting ducks.

Poor guy , his wife/ GF has definitely left him for some Indian Doctor :ROFLMAO:
It's not just about Stew Peters. It seems the entire US has been convinced that the Indians are evil. This is why even the most vocal and liberal sections of society have not come to our defense.

But i will not blame the US for it. They have every right to hate us. I will blame the Indian government and the Indian society at large that thinks that tech industry, Infosys,TCS,H1Bs etc etc are the solutions to India's economic growth

Being exclusively dependent on a Visa program of a foreign country that steals the best and the brightest from your own won't help your country grow. Had India been able to arrest the flow of talent to the West and build domestic capabilities, it would have been in a much better position and the likes of the US would not have dared to ridicule and publicly humiliate us.

I don't know who needs to hear this but twitter is not representative of the entire US.
Then you will vote for Democrats? you then don't know how much we are here are then concerned with Bangladesh regime change.

Lol. This binary level thinking is the issue. The game isn't "team sports", the game is interest-based. We may not have the same values, but we will always have similar interests. I will support whoever will support my interests. Indians need to evolve from constrained to unconstrained thinking. Abstraction is critically important.
Indians practice dysgenics via arranged marriage at the societal level.

Indian Gov practices dysgenics via reservations at the Government level.

It's practically impossible to survive this double tier dysgenics and compete with USA and China.

Arranged marriage following astrology is the best system. Arranged marriage by whatever system you're describing is probably not ideal
Two comments:

1. Indians need to learn to take criticism better. India has not done a good job presenting itself as a nice place. Many comments are old news, we all know this. But modern India is not much cleaner than the news they are posting. I've directly observed this. Learning to abstract is critical for intellectual development. Remember, Chanakya.

2. Why or where did the white man get the impression they are Aryan? AIT is false, it's well known. But still, the angloid larps and believes they are Aryan? Why? I want factual information please. How did this myth begin to originate?
Reservation ke baad bhi jin Upper caste ko naukri mil gayi hai unhone konsa perplexity ai bana diya. Govt job is not a place for innovation and neither it happens in USA. Govt has to encourage private organisations and Organisations like DARPA to create new inventions.
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Harboring delusions of becoming a 'vishwaguru' is a meme material in itself (whoever came up with this term should have been fired on the spot) but great things can be done even with the existing set-up.

TN let its private capital build whatever it wanted, built up hard infra, set up a number of ITIs and diploma colleges (institutions that produce some of the most skilled workers in the country) and ended up where they are now. Based Gujjews never bothered private entrepreneurs and look where it got them ("So many things go right in Gujarat that it does not even feel like India": Gloomberg, 2013). Maha had a 'Bombay' and built around it.

If this nation falters in its trajectory it would be because of the 'penny wise pound foolish' approach of the gormint (take a look at the GST shithousery of the incumbent) and not because of some 'reservation' practices adopted years back - especially given the increasingly limited gormint machinery; healthcare and education are already going the American way (I do not like it but it is what it is), IT infra got outsourced long back and lately, even decision-making contracts have started being handed out to the likes of Deloitte and PwC.
Reservation in PSU and gormint owned houses can be circumvented but what about the colleges? That's where bulk of the research takes place and that is ailed by 60% reservation.
Even in the future I don't see gormint alloting funds to pvt colleges like BITs and SRM.
Not to mention schooling which forms the base of education, how do we sort out 60% reserved saar from basic education?
Even HAL is subjected to reservation as far as I know.
These institution could perform better if we removed sarkari job security and Reservation from it.
Reservation se jin Upper caste ko naukri mil gayi hai unhone konsa perplexity ai bana diya.
Reservation is one of the many pillars of incompetence. Sarkari job work culture is another.
Hire 100 % based on merit and say to then they can be fired in the long term if they underperformed as well as put a industry guy in charge. Tell me how would this department be any different from private one?
India won't 'get rid' of reservation. That would be political harakiri. The gormint will just 'bypass' it by outsourcing, hiring on contracts etc for the simple reason that it is financially unsustainable to let the state apparatus grow any more (salary, pensions etc add up quite a bit).

And caste/language/community kanging has lost its mojo. Now, that does not mean any mainstream political party would trash on ambedkar openly (he was 'deitified' long back, just like Gandhi and SC Bose). Just that the avg voter has different priorities, it is also why 'Jitni Abadi Utni Haq' is such a colossal nothingburger. Slogans do not alter political realities.
I am optmistic it will be diluted very much.Most of the Govt Jobs have lost it charm.
Two comments:

1. Indians need to learn to take criticism better. India has not done a good job presenting itself as a nice place. Many comments are old news, we all know this. But modern India is not much cleaner than the news they are posting. I've directly observed this. Learning to abstract is critical for intellectual development. Remember, Chanakya.

2. Why or where did the white man get the impression they are Aryan? AIT is false, it's well known. But still, the angloid larps and believes they are Aryan? Why? I want factual information please. How did this myth begin to originate?
Why it is the way you talk about us reminds me of V.S Nauipal
Reservation ke baad bhi jin Upper caste ko naukri mil gayi hai unhone konsa perplexity ai bana diya. Govt job is not a place for innovation and neither it happens in USA. Govt has to encourage private organisations and Organisations like DARPA to create new inventions.
Yeah this kanging of caste on twitter irrates the shit out of me.People have made business out of it in twitter.It's an old relic keep it there.
Reservation in PSU and gormint owned houses can be circumvented but what about the colleges?

You should really look up how education and healthcare are going the American way these days (again, I dislike this trend, a more serious nation would not let this happen). IITs, NITs and the other top engg colleges admit a tiny no of students - the majority of the students are in private and lesser known govt colleges.

I also do not buy the theory that only these folks from the most prestigious colleges are capable of excelling at hard tech because, exceptions aside, the crème de la crème does not even remain in core engg fold.

I know for a fact that the little known private/govt engg and ITI colleges down south (in TN, KL etc) produce some of the most amazing engineers and skilled workers out there - folks who actually remain invested in core engineering fold and are there making things happen.

This environment does not exist elsewhere because the demand is just not there (states like TN invested in hard infra, let the private entrepreneurs operate and benefited from FEP - in turn birthing mature industries and hence the demand).

That's where bulk of the research takes place and that is ailed by 60% reservation.
Even in the future I don't see gormint alloting funds to pvt colleges like BITs and SRM.
Not to mention schooling which forms the base of education, how do we sort out 60% reserved saar from basic education?
Even HAL is subjected to reservation as far as I know.
These institution could perform better if we removed sarkari job security and Reservation from it.

Most states down south has very decent learning outcome to show for. UP is one BIMARU state who has been doing remarkably well in primary/secondary schooling (ref to the learning outcome surveys) but here too we are going the US way - the private schools are running riot.

As far as R&D is concerned, the amount gormints are pumping is not insignificant at all - you can always argue they can do more (they, in fact, should) but even then, a ~0.5-0.6% ish R&D spending is still pretty decent. The issue is that the presence of private sector just is not there - just cuz, we have not created a large enough market for the most cutting edge products to justify their commitments yet. Also, defence and civilian R&D go hand in hand - the spinoff tech from one would prove to be useful in other. You just cannot suck at civilian R&D and hope to outdo others in the military frontier (the nations with significant MICs all have very decent civilian R&D setups too). Rapid economic growth can create the kind of niche market to justify heavy R&D spendings - the japanese caught up this way.

Chongs took a different approach (massive state subsidies and govt backing + state sponsored industrial espionage + taking advantage of the lolbert utopia prevalent up until 2008 GFC + heavily protected market access that everyone turned a blind eye to). Do not think it is practical in today's age. Not in India, anyway.
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Two comments:

1. Indians need to learn to take criticism better. India has not done a good job presenting itself as a nice place. Many comments are old news, we all know this. But modern India is not much cleaner than the news they are posting. I've directly observed this. Learning to abstract is critical for intellectual development. Remember, Chanakya.

2. Why or where did the white man get the impression they are Aryan? AIT is false, it's well known. But still, the angloid larps and believes they are Aryan? Why? I want factual information please. How did this myth begin to originate?
AIT was pushed as a way to justify british rule of India. Since it follows the logic that India has always been ruled by outsiders even since the beginning of civilization.. and that perfectly flowed into the fact that turkish/mughal rule was already there when they arrived ...
Reservation is one of the many pillars of incompetence. Sarkari job work culture is another.
Hire 100 % based on merit and say to then they can be fired in the long term if they underperformed as well as put a industry guy in charge. Tell me how would this department be any different from private one?
Certain jobs like Doctor, Scientist posts, secondary teachers etc should not have reservation which I agree. But most govt jobs are like clerical jobs. Their job is to fill forms, put stamp, keep files in racks, what else will they do. What extra will a income tax inspector do, or GST officer, or a train driver or CRPF constable or Commandant or bank cashier will do.

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