Idiotic Musings from the West

Indians need to learn to take criticism better. India has not done a good job presenting itself as a nice place. Many comments are old news, we all know this. But modern India is not much cleaner than the news they are posting. I've directly observed this. Learning to abstract is critical for intellectual development. Remember, Chanakya.
Criticism from whom? I will admit that self assessment while being fair is useful and a positive thing. But, you can't deny that there is no media bias globally. Also, what are the motives of those who 'criticise' India? I am fairly certain that it doesn't come out of a desire to see India improve. It's either to deride others and make themselves feel better, or to push forward a political agenda. There cannot be a fair criticism in either of those cases.

Reservation ke baad bhi jin Upper caste ko naukri mil gayi hai unhone konsa perplexity ai bana diya. Govt job is not a place for innovation and neither it happens in USA.
But, it does happen in china, right? Either the government fully backs the PSU's with centralised enforcement, or create an environment where the free market can do its thing. GOI is inefficient in both of those.
Reservation in PSU and gormint owned houses can be circumvented but what about the colleges? That's where bulk of the research takes place and that is ailed by 60% reservation.
Well, tbf a limited number of seats can be given for affirmative action, but it can be just self destructive in certain cases. There shouldn't be any reservations for hiring educators. If those educators aren't the best, they wouldn't create the best teaching experience for students, and education would be stuck in a cycle of perpetual mediocrity.
1. Indians need to learn to take criticism better. India has not done a good job presenting itself as a nice place. Many comments are old news, we all know this. But modern India is not much cleaner than the news they are posting. I've directly observed this. Learning to abstract is critical for intellectual development. Remember, Chanakya.
I'm surprised you think this as the general trend and experience of Indians is completely the opposite in crossing the line of self criticism into self loathing. There is no shortage of Indians blaming inherent nature of India/Indians for their day to day problems either online or in the real world that one can encounter to make this observation.
Indians practice dysgenics via arranged marriage at the societal level.

Indian Gov practices dysgenics via reservations at the Government level.

It's practically impossible to survive this double tier dysgenics and compete with USA and China.
arranged marriage is not dysgenic, i would say it is more eugenic than the the assortative mating that is practiced in most western culture influenced countries.
Reservation ke baad bhi jin Upper caste ko naukri mil gayi hai unhone konsa perplexity ai bana diya.
Research is not some miracle that one fine day someone enlightened will come up with it
Its a process that involved sustained and group effort. And it needs a stable and supportive environment.
Govt job is not a place for innovation and neither it happens in USA.
Most research organisations across the world are government institutions or funded by govt money.

Govt has to encourage private organisations and Organisations like DARPA to create new inventions.
DARPA itself is government organisation and so is NASA.
arranged marriage is not dysgenic, i would say it is more eugenic than the the assortative mating that is practiced in most western culture influenced countries.
Arranged marriage among elites and middling guys? Yes, not dysgenic.

But, the bottom of the barrel men also manage to pass their genes due to AM.
Arranged marriage among elites and middling guys? Yes, not dysgenic.

But, the bottom of the barrel men also manage to pass their genes due to AM.
The assortative mating along with the culture and memes fostered by western countries especially destroys or atleast limits the birth rate of better emn and women as they destroy their lives through divorce, force them into other pursuits than rearing children due to fear of marriage, also damages and destroys the next generation.

Many high quality men who could and would have a large no of children are not chosen or are limited in their opportunity to breed while in marriage and cut off from parenting their children through divorce.
I'm surprised you think this as the general trend and experience of Indians is completely the opposite in crossing the line of self criticism into self loathing. There is no shortage of Indians blaming inherent nature of India/Indians for their day to day problems either online or in the real world that one can encounter to make this observation.

My experience indicates otherwise. I suppose I should have added accountability to that list.
Arranged marriage among elites and middling guys? Yes, not dysgenic.

But, the bottom of the barrel men also manage to pass their genes due to AM.
Even those men need some incentive to contribute economically and build something. Without the promise of a family it would be worse. We need everyone to pass on values & traditions for civilizational/cultural continuity.
Research is not some miracle that one fine day someone enlightened will come up with it
Its a process that involved sustained and group effort. And it needs a stable and supportive environment.

Most research organisations across the world are government institutions or funded by govt money.

DARPA itself is government organisation and so is NASA.
There is no reservation in army. Govt can create Darpa like institutions inside army itself.
Most govt jobs are army personnel, constable, clerical jobs etc
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Dowry in India itself was a British import. Stree-dhan is not the same as dowry.
Doesn't matter. Even after 75 years we've normalised it.
Nonetheless, Indians own enough wealth there. We will steal their women at a commodity price soon 🤣 We just need to normalise the concept of arrange marriage. Next there will be dowry as well.
Then we will introduce the caste system putting those white inbreds in the lowest caste & re-introduce slavery. Negros will be trading Whites as commodities.

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