Idiotic Musings from the West

Know a few Indians in the US. American standards for roads aren't that great to begin with.
They're league ahead. There is accountability at least.
Stayed in America for four years dude. Stop deluding yourself. Our national highways may have turned decent rn but the majority of the roads in this country are just deplorable & below tier. Municipal level corruption in India is unbearable. There are corrupt countries but they do the basics at least. Here only the Central govt works decent & semi transparent. The rest of the state govt are freeloaders & a bunch of losers.
The only silver lining is that lot of Indians live in Ultra lib areas of Bay area, Seattle metro, NYC, New Jersey. But yeah, Indians living in more Purple or middle america need to be careful. There are lots of Indians in texas.

Hope you are old-ish to know about the racist attacks on Indians in Asstralia in 2008 or so thereabouts
They all lived in your Sydney, Melbourne type liberal bougie cities, didn't save them from anything.

Reminder it is not only wh*te swines who resent our people in Burgerland, but nijjers, spics and even chings.
For real...
Indians love boasting too much for small gains. "Vishwaguru" & shit.
"Saar we've 5th largest GDP"..
Laudes don't even know about per capita.
Then they type "India is not for beginners". Well India is only for Indians. People from outside will hardly survive here.
Even middle class/rich people turn their surroundings into a dumpster. Outsiders will assume what they see.
Saw a video of a foreigner visiting cremation site in Varanasi. It's literally like a toilet & people are dipping in that toxic water. Another one where some people were celebrating Chaat Puja by polluting a pond in the USA. It went ape shit viral.
It's okay follow your faith but at least grow some conscience. UP Biharis are the worst of all. Be an unapologetic Hindu, not a stupid one.
Your perception comes from your behaviour & ethics.
There are poorest people all over the world but still not this unhygienic & dirty.
Always comparing with Bangladesh & Pakistan. 3rd class shitholes.
Be a decent then make mountain claims. No waste management, non existent city planning, no civic sense, public littering & blaming the govt 24*7 for our own behaviour.
We've money but we live like poor. Culture issue.
Indians needed a reality check badly. Not offended at all.
Behn**d... Even China needed 40 years.
These clowns are the most responsible for today's state
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Behn**d... Even China needed 40 years.
These clowns are the most responsible for today's state

Chings with whole of govt approach have worked to be a near-peer superpower.

Idhar nobody cares, and drones chant "India never invaded any other cuntry in 500000 zillion years saar!" and "Vishwaguru" "Vasundhaiv Kutumbunkam" and the gem comment from your post "India doesn't want to compete with others...." 🤡

Sitting on your ass won't make India a superpower, great power wagera.
OTOH with even China-US muscling into our neighboring countries even being a regional power abhi khatre me hai
I think this was bound to happen. It sucks that we were the receipients of it, but it would have happened to other races or groups (illegal Mexicans) if the shots weren't fired at us.
The world is moving towards conservatism due to fear of native culture being lost due to migration. I knew that this day was coming.

My prediction is that, it would happen in Europe and Australia too, if immigration there doesn't slow down remarkably. It just needs someone to start the flames. Afterall they are grappling with the Islamists, but who knows they might suddenly change directions and come at us with pitchforks.
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I am not sure why this is being laughed on. Gadkari does not manage urban/rural/local roads. The national expressways/highways are getting crazy good; at least appreciate the smaller things? How many of you take long road trips?
Point isn't about his work. These leaders should just stop crapping from their mouth. It overshadows their good work as well. Won't deny that national highways are getting better but it's crazy clownish to think that India can compete USA rn or even in the next 10 years in that regard.
Remember "Superpower 2020" shit? What a crazy mockery it has become!
Don't make stupid unrealistic claims. First become Vishwaguru then talk like this.
Sitting on your ass won't make India a superpower, great power wagera.
OTOH with even China-US muscling into our neighboring countries even being a regional power abhi khatre me hai
Here 97% are fighting over 3% govt jobs. Free loading is the only thing they care about.
UP Bihar Bengal Chattisgarh & Jharkhand... These states should be converted into concentration camps. Govt needs to study their brain cells. 90% of indian political scraps & rogue materials on social media come from these shit states where everyone becomes part time activists & news reporters, then complains about the things they have put themselves into.
Point isn't about his work. These leaders should just stop crapping from their mouth. It overshadows their good work as well. Won't deny that national highways are getting better but it's crazy clownish to think that India can compete USA rn or even in the next 10 years in that regard.
Remember "Superpower 2020" shit? What a crazy mockery it has become!
Don't make stupid unrealistic claims. First become Vishwaguru then talk like this.

Here 97% are fighting over 3% govt jobs. Free loading is the only thing they care about.
UP Bihar Bengal Chattisgarh & Jharkhand... These states should be converted into concentration camps. Govt needs to evaluate their brain cells. 90% of indian political scraps & rogue materials on social media come from these shit states where everyone becomes part time activists & news reporters, then complains about the things they have put themselves into.

Gadkari is a politician, cut him some slack
In ancient times similar politicians wanted to turn Mumbai into Shanghai :bplease:
Politicians will do Jhumlas, it's part of their job.
I think this was bound to happen. It sucks that we were the receipients of it, but it would have happened to other races or groups (illegal Mexicans) if the shots weren't fired at us.
The world is moving towards conservatism due to fear of native culture being lost due to migration. I knew that this day was coming.

My prediction is that, it would happen in Europe and Australia too, if immigration there doesn't slow down remarkably. It just needs someone to start the flames. Afterall they are grappling with the Islamists, but who knows they might suddenly change directions and come at us with pitchforks.
stopping immigration today will do jack squat for the pignats.
2016 was the first year in recorded history where more non white babies were born in Canada than white. 2019 was the same year for USA.
I think this was bound to happen. It sucks that we were the receipients of it, but it would have happened to other races or groups (illegal Mexicans) if the shots weren't fired at us.
The world is moving towards conservatism due to fear of native culture being lost due to migration. I knew that this day was coming.

My prediction is that, it would happen in Europe and Australia too, if immigration there doesn't slow down remarkably. It just needs someone to start the flames. Afterall they are grappling with the Islamists, but who knows they might suddenly change directions and come at us with pitchforks.
It won't happen to other races. Other races aren't eating their admiistrative jobs.
Also other races don't import their issues to the foreign lands. Some conservatives are openly saying that they would prefer Muslims & Christians over Pagans & segregating Indians just for their religion.
Loads of factors but we are the sole responsible for glorifying things to this extent,
China makes more immigrants than Indians. Still they've managed to stay under the radar. They silently run their operations, restrict their cultures & balance masterfully. Indians are loud, mannerless, self flexing, self alienating race. All started after the toady Full Sapport shit. Then Khalistani thing in Canada just amplified it to the point of a chain reaction.
Indian right wings are the cringiest bunch. Specially the uncle figures representing India on social media...."Superpower Saar". Don't forget the 5 Trillion GDP. None of them is able to craft a decent argument. Still the same old polish & repeat.
Other side Alpha & Zoomers below every video making fart noises... "I want to leave this shithole", "India is Sub Saharan.. America provide service saar... Taxing Like Sweden Saar" just to separate themselves in front of Goreys while being called Pajeet consistently. The lowest IQ bearer self loating bunch with little to no materialistic argument.
No uniformity among each other. Mullahs & Goreys are capitalising on these clowns. It will happen only to those who hate their own culture, own race, own existence, those who spend time on profiling rather than analysing.
So no, it won't happen to other races.

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Again, like i keep saying, no one will take indians seriously when every indian street resembles a filthy shithole. Indians have 0 self respect or care for the nation, so why do you expect foreigners to not roast you? Especially when your leaders have been boasting about being a future supapowa for decades? It is also very hard to defend india when many of the insults are based on reality. (And no, don't bother trying to pick 1 or 2 filthy roads in the west and claim it is the same). It is also why every turd worlder from the slums of jakarta to the favelas of Rio love picking on indians, and many indians have deep seated inferiority complexes. Not that this will stop franks from having genocidal hate for indians, but it will make it much easier to defend india
This how the Indian leaders always wanted the image to be and worked very hard to achieve this, let's not
belittle their efforts.
It won't happen to other races. Other races aren't eating their admiistrative jobs.
Also other races don't import their issues to the foreign lands. Some conservatives are openly saying that they would prefer Muslims & Christians over Pagans & segregating Indians just for their religion.
China makes more immigrants than Indians. Still they've managed to stay under the radar. They silently run their operations, restrict their cultures & balance masterfully. Indians are loud, mannerless, self flexing, self alienating race. All started after the toady Full Sapport shit. Then Khalistani thing in Canada just amplified it to the point of a chain reaction.
Indian right wings are the cringiest bunch. Specially the uncle figures representing India on social media...."Superpower Saar". None of them is able to craft a decent argument. Still the same old polish & repeat.
Other side Alpha & Zoomers below every Gorey's response making fart noises... "I want to leave this shithole" for a token of validation & to differentiate itself while being called Pajeet.
No uniformity. Mullahs & Goreys are capitalising on these clowns.
So no, it won't happen to other races.

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1. Chinese/Japanese/Iranian immigrants are LITERALLY identical to Indian immigrants in job profile and are like separated by 1-5% points on various metrics.

2. Every 'race' imports their issues to any new land they go to. Chinese arrived here and Tibet/One China policy etc all became cultural issues within Canada. Whites came here and brought issues of Europe with them and the entire reason why Canada is even involved in Ukronazi war is due to Euros bringing Euro issues to canada. Arabs ALWAYS bring filasteen-israel issue with them to wherever they go.

3. Chinese can afford to be more covert, since they got direct state support from CPC as their cultural and ideological vector, thanks to them proliferating their Confucious institutes. Indians are loud, just like muslims because they do not have a state or academic class to support them. Ie, us controlling our narrative is via citizen populism in social media, while the chinese controlling their narrative is a function of state support.
I think this was bound to happen. It sucks that we were the receipients of it, but it would have happened to other races or groups (illegal Mexicans) if the shots weren't fired at us.
The world is moving towards conservatism due to fear of native culture being lost due to migration. I knew that this day was coming.

My prediction is that, it would happen in Europe and Australia too, if immigration there doesn't slow down remarkably. It just needs someone to start the flames. Afterall they are grappling with the Islamists, but who knows they might suddenly change directions and come at us with pitchforks.


Nijjers don't take sht + votebank
Spics don't take sht + votebank
Jooz control America at the top levels.

Slit-eyed races are the ultimate doormats and #1 brown-nose bootlickers, pajeets will never compare so they have 6th gen full stealth, not at radar of pignats at all.

Indians in America are not a unified votebank, they don't use their high corporate positions and wealth for leverage and are content being doormats and are highly visible( because strange alien pagan reelijun )

The Indian state also is half-assed and useless in diaspora support as compared to the 10 foot Chinese and Turkish versions of diaspora support

The jealousy and resentment against Indians in Burgershart land is decades old and is not because of excuses like pathetic self-flagellating Coolies give about SAAAR Y U BE TOADY AND GIVE PHULL SAPPORT TO JOOZ SAAR, WHY SAPPORT ROOSI SAAR !? BE GOOD DOORMAT LIKE CHINKU SAAR!

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