Idiotic Musings from the West

No, "spill IRL" will happen when there are racist attacks on Indian-Americans, i.e whitey/nijjer/spic/mula shooting NRIs dead or burning their shops and houses or literally any other aggression you can think of.
This will never happen, because it will drive consolidating of the vote bank and armament from the local Walmart store. 2nd amendment makes genocide impossible in the US

Unlike in India, you can go arm yourself to protect your family here.

Nijjers don't take sht + votebank
Spics don't take sht + votebank
Jooz control America at the top levels.

Slit-eyed races are the ultimate doormats and #1 brown-nose bootlickers, pajeets will never compare so they have 6th gen full stealth, not at radar of pignats at all.

Indians in America are not a unified votebank, they don't use their high corporate positions and wealth for leverage and are content being doormats and are highly visible( because strange alien pagan reelijun )

The Indian state also is half-assed and useless in diaspora support as compared to the 10 foot Chinese and Turkish versions of diaspora support

The jealousy and resentment against Indians in Burgershart land is decades old and is not because of excuses like pathetic self-flagellating Coolies give about SAAAR Y U BE TOADY AND GIVE PHULL SAPPORT TO JOOZ SAAR, WHY SAPPORT ROOSI SAAR !? BE GOOD DOORMAT LIKE CHINKU SAAR!

Most east asians are influenced by Confucian culture of China.The central 'doctrine' of Confucian culture is 'not to lose face', aka do what u want and be what u want in reality, but PRETENSES MUST BE KEPT UP officially.
This produces the curious phenomenon of the east asian diaspora, where they wholesale adopt white people culture, especially in visuals and dress code but still have 'china best gogureyo best' mentality amongst their hyper-nationalists, who tend to be rarer than the nationalist indian/fundamentalist moozie in the west.

Indians, like the Chinese are hated for one simple reason by goras: compared to us they are lazy. Thats the bottomline. The Indian/Chinese are willing to work harder for less pay or produce elite level work for just 20-25% better pay. Thats basically the same story of local butthurt everywhere in the world against a harder working incoming bunch of migrants.
I see this with my own two eyes about 'bhodrolok bangali' whines at biharis taking over - the reality is biharis are willing to sleep at their mobile phone jhopri by the roadside and open it at 7am and keep it open till midnight while fatty bongali kaku wants to open at 10am and close by 7pm, plus piss off for 2 hrs sometime in the afternoon for lunch and still expect to get all our business and the bihari to go back to bihar.
Its the same story for goras here, but on an international scale.

Goras are waking up to the reality that rest of the world is willing to outwork them. the 50 year liberal project of 'spare the rod, spoil the kid' has turned goras, as a MEDIAN population, into uncompetetive bunch. Cant toil and break his back as hard as the latino, cant sit in compooter lab and peg away till 10pm to finish facking assignment like the asians.
So gora is screwed.

And yes, this is a question of gora quality more than 'rest of the world is willing to work for less' because the HIGHEST paid STEM professionals in USA are H1b holders. Ie, meaning u pay foreigner more coz he is better, not coz he is willing to work for cheap so u can cut out the better gora who wants way more, like they think to cope.

And the gora upper class knows this - which is why even the MAGA-est of MAGA gora upper classes eveywhere are all pro H1b type immigration pathways.

Just about the only thing that is keeping the west afloat is the net brain drain and net labour drain for a society that near universally sucks at breeding to replace its worker base.

yes, the upper class goras also know that this is repeating the mistake of the roman empire and de-gorafying the gora land in the long term, but kyaa karen ? they are stuck in this loop where the only thing, like the romans back in the day, they can do is to choose short term success for long term pain in cultural terms.
However, gora upper class do not see it as 'pain in cultural terms' coz they are the ultimate mercantile immigrant class- they left yoorope for murrica and they will happily leave murrica for elsewhere when time comes or if they have to, celebrate diwali - coz they care more about being the rich upper class more than being gora or anything else.
This is the reality of the gora demographic situation in gora lands and there is no fixing this either.
This will never happen, because it will drive consolidating of the vote bank and armament from the local Walmart store. 2nd amendment makes genocide impossible in the US

Unlike in India, you can go arm yourself to protect your family here.

Never said wignats and other mlecch attackers could get away without consequences ;)

But assuming they do start these attacks it will be a long time till your average liberal kool-aid drinking NRI there adapts to this "new" reality.

It will be for the better though, all Indians in America will get clarity just like the Jooz got back in the day.

No amount of being liberal doormat, being deracinated bootlicker, converting to Christianity or general >"I one of the good ones saar!" will help these guys, they need to be assertive on all levels ( individual, political in vote bank form, donations and PR engineering if they are rich etc ) only then they will be respected.
This will never happen, because it will drive consolidating of the vote bank and armament from the local Walmart store. 2nd amendment makes genocide impossible in the US

Unlike in India, you can go arm yourself to protect your family here.
I think you misunderstand.
he isnt talking of dehati gora doing joo pogroms against indians in the orders of millions as 'spillover to real life'.
He is talking about a rando gora dehati shooting up a NRI shop or setting fire to some store owned by Indo-Americans coz he thinks indians = h1b foreigners as spillover to real life.
Which in chitti-chitti bang bang murrica, is QUITE likely to happen and like post 9/11 attacks on arab muslims, its a matter of when, not if.
1. Chinese/Japanese/Iranian immigrants are LITERALLY identical to Indian immigrants in job profile and are like separated by 1-5% points on various metrics.

2. Every 'race' imports their issues to any new land they go to. Chinese arrived here and Tibet/One China policy etc all became cultural issues within Canada. Whites came here and brought issues of Europe with them and the entire reason why Canada is even involved in Ukronazi war is due to Euros bringing Euro issues to canada. Arabs ALWAYS bring filasteen-israel issue with them to wherever they go.

3. Chinese can afford to be more covert, since they got direct state support from CPC as their cultural and ideological vector, thanks to them proliferating their Confucious institutes. Indians are loud, just like muslims because they do not have a state or academic class to support them. Ie, us controlling our narrative is via citizen populism in social media, while the chinese controlling their narrative is a function of state support.
I ain't sayting that their socio-economic metrics don't resemble Indians but they stay out of mainstream. They don't be part of other's affairs like Indians do. Indians are eternal simps & very vocal about it. That's why Indians are always on the mainstream. Most of these hates are due to India's simping behavior for Israel. Others support Israel too but Indians have taken it to a different level. That's how Indians have managed to offend the both sides of the American political spectrum.
Most of the Chinese are legit nationalists. They're united but Indians are always serving the interests of Goreys. Learn from blacks how to stay as a community irrespective of how politics is.
Indians needed a reality check to come out of delusions.
However, gora upper class do not see it as 'pain in cultural terms' coz they are the ultimate mercantile immigrant class- they left yoorope for murrica and they will happily leave murrica for elsewhere when time comes or if they have to, celebrate diwali - coz they care more about being the rich upper class more than being gora or anything else.
This is the reality of the gora demographic situation in gora lands and there is no fixing this either.

The bourgeois world wide are turning into Jews, specifically as you describe, they identify with people of their ((( class ))) and not of their tribe.

Therefore no Dhandho is a nationalist, they have their own agendas and schemes.

I think you misunderstand.
he isnt talking of dehati gora doing joo pogroms against indians in the orders of millions as 'spillover to real life'.
He is talking about a rando gora dehati shooting up a NRI shop or setting fire to some store owned by Indo-Americans coz he thinks indians = h1b foreigners as spillover to real life.
Which in chitti-chitti bang bang murrica, is QUITE likely to happen and like post 9/11 attacks on arab muslims, its a matter of when, not if.

Ahh you get it.
Anyway Gujjus in New Jersey suffered the same thing in the 80s via dot buster gangs.
Then ofc even the Gujju got his fangs and claws out.

Most of these hates are due to India's simping behavior for Israel. Others support Israel too but Indians have taken it to a different level. That's how Indians have managed to offend the both sides of the American political spectrum.

Wignats hate you for being a shitskin pajeet job-stealer, That your fellows """"simp""""" for the Kikes or rather Cheerlead and Clap for them when they blast the greens and give them their comeuppance is only a garnish to their hatred, it is not the cause.

As for the Liberal cuckold, they will hate whomever their MSM masters point them at, only the keywords of "autocratic" "fascist" "misogynistc" need to be added
Gadkari is a politician, cut him some slack
In ancient times similar politicians wanted to turn Mumbai into Shanghai :bplease:
Politicians will do Jhumlas, it's part of their job.
There are a few decent politicians in the BJP & also the only party that cares about reforms & solving backlogs. They just need to control their big mouth & let their work talk for themselves.
I ain't sayting that their socio-economic metrics don't resemble Indians but they stay out of mainstream. They don't be part of other's affairs like Indians do. Indians are eternal simps & very vocal about it. That's why Indians are always on the mainstream. Most of these hates are due to India's simping behavior for Israel. Others support Israel too but Indians have taken it to a different level. That's how Indians have managed to offend the both sides of the American political spectrum.
Most of the Chinese are legit nationalists. They're united but Indians are always serving the interests of Goreys. Learn from blacks how to stay as a community irrespective of how politics is.
Indians needed a reality check to come out of delusions.
And that is why you are mistaken. Indians for the first time as a population are recognizing the value of alliances of mutual benefit. Israel is the **IDEAL** friend of India, as we share the same civilizational enemies as each other and face force based attack from the same enemy.
So what Indians in social media are effectively doing, is following the gora/arab/chinese game to perfection: we shall back our ally by hook or by crook and massage the narrative to reflect this.
Eez very simple.

And the butthurt you correctly identify as blowback, means that it is finally working - we are beginning to exercise control of the narrative IS why we are being targeted.
As i said, GoI doesnt spend nearly enough brainpower and currency power to project cultural power internationally in terms of controlling the narrative. So Indian people step in to take control of the narrative, much like is the case with muslims worldwide, though muslims have better infilitrated western institutions than us to use these institutions to control their narrative.

I for one, love the Indian 'PHULL SAPPORT' to Israel the same way the dehati murrican does SAAR PHULL SAPPPORT TO YOO-CRANE.
This is fighting fire with fire and it is working.
There are a few decent politicians in the BJP & also the only party that cares about reforms & solving backlogs. They just need to control their big mouth & let their work talk for themselves.

Literally doesn't happen, he gets shit done he has to advertise it to the voting masses, he doesn't get shit done yet he still has to up-sell his "work" to the voting masses, such is politeek.

Just because some goras roast you online over Gadkari saying "Our roads equal-equal to US roads" in a TOI headline is irrelevant.

Anyway don't think Gadkari is responsible for your absolute local roads and streets which are ridden with potholes and of poor quality i'm sure.
much like is the case with muslims worldwide, though muslims have better infilitrated western institutions than us to use these institutions to control their narrative.

They have been backed by generous amount of Arab $$$$ in the forms of ((( donations ))) etc for decades, It didn't magically happen.

The Red-Green alliance is watered by a steady supply of $$$
The bourgeois world wide are turning into Jews, specifically as you describe, they identify with people of their ((( class ))) and not of their tribe.

Therefore no Dhandho is a nationalist, they have their own agendas and schemes.

Turning ? mate, the mercantile class has ALWAYS been the same as what the whites fear as 'evol jooz' throughout history - most of our wars are also caused and funded by dhando going back thousands of years.
Like if your read about the first ever trans-oceaning multi-alliance war in history of Humanity - the Chola-Srivijaya war, that also drew in Khmer and Langasuka into a 4 sided conflict, during the time of Rajendra Chola, was all due to dhando of the most powerful Sreni in the Chola empire getting scrood by politics/religion in the indonesian spice isles.

The only reason we are not dhando haters like the gora sahib is, is because unlike gora sahib, we get dhando as an innate human trait and know how to keep dhando under somewhat control in overall society as almost ALL Asian cultures do- which is why Jews have never ever been hated anywhere that isnt christian/muslim in the history of the world - coz we ARE the same as jooz - dhandomaxxer or skilledjobmaxxers.

Ahh you get it.
Anyway Gujjus in New Jersey suffered the same thing in the 80s via dot buster gangs.
Then ofc even the Gujju got his fangs and claws out.

Wignats hate you for being a shitskin pajeet job-stealer, That your fellows """"simp""""" for the Kikes or rather Cheerlead and Clap for them when they blast the greens and give them their comeuppance is only a garnish to their hatred, it is not the cause.

As for the Liberal cuckold, they will hate whomever their MSM masters point them at, only the keywords of "autocratic" "fascist" "misogynistc" need to be added

Jooz are a vital ally to us in the west. You miss this critical angle i think. Why ?
Simply because we are hinjoos in the west - we do the same damn thing as joos do: study hard, dhandomaxx hard, etc. They are our demographic allies and have a vital contribution to give us: they have a well set up power base they can tap into for amplifying the jew voice/pressure points in the west and they face IDENTICAL attacks on them as we do : from pignats + libbu leftoid green hairs and their moozie bretheren.
So they are basically the other perimeter wall for us in terms of facing the enemy. it only makes sense that we ally with them to mitigate problems to us and together we also massively amplify both our power in the western power corridors.
Thanks to India & israel falling trending to be strategic, if not military allies of each other, this also all neatly dovetails into the hinjoo dhandomaxx scenario.

So your 'kikes are the problem' is actually counterproductive geo-strategically for both RoI and Indian diaspora in the west me feels.

Yes, more joo love will embolden the enemies more, but it wont increase our enemy base as its the same intersection of enemies and we ultimately will win out the long term with demographic weight against the muslims+white cabaal in North America+Ozzie ( we will lose this in western europe+Englistan).
Jooz are a vital ally to us in the west. You miss this critical angle i think. Why ?
Simply because we are hinjoos in the west - we do the same damn thing as joos do: study hard, dhandomaxx hard, etc. They are our demographic allies and have a vital contribution to give us: they have a well set up power base they can tap into for amplifying the jew voice/pressure points in the west and they face IDENTICAL attacks on them as we do : from pignats + libbu leftoid green hairs and their moozie bretheren.
So they are basically the other perimeter wall for us in terms of facing the enemy. it only makes sense that we ally with them to mitigate problems to us and together we also massively amplify both our power in the western power corridors.
Thanks to India & israel falling trending to be strategic, if not military allies of each other, this also all neatly dovetails into the hinjoo dhandomaxx scenario.

So your 'kikes are the problem' is actually counterproductive geo-strategically for both RoI and Indian diaspora in the west me feels.

Yes, more joo love will embolden the enemies more, but it wont increase our enemy base as its the same intersection of enemies and we ultimately will win out the long term with demographic weight against the muslims+white cabaal in North America+Ozzie ( we will lose this in western europe+Englistan).

Kikes are our "allies" only for this purpose since we face similar threats and the Israeli/Zionist ones are not against us, the other librandu ones are however for their social engineering schemes but that's for all tribes.

However we must be careful of these allies, their proclivities are well known but however they are 10/10( I mean Israeli/Zionist ) as compared to Cheeni and Western mlecchas.

I personally only give PhullSapport because they and us face the common green and red enemies
It won't happen to other races. Other races aren't eating their admiistrative jobs.
Also other races don't import their issues to the foreign lands. Some conservatives are openly saying that they would prefer Muslims & Christians over Pagans & segregating Indians just for their religion.
China makes more immigrants than Indians. Still they've managed to stay under the radar. They silently run their operations, restrict their cultures & balance masterfully. Indians are loud, mannerless, self flexing, self alienating race. All started after the toady Full Sapport shit. Then Khalistani thing in Canada just amplified it to the point of a chain reaction.
Indian right wings are the cringiest bunch. Specially the uncle figures representing India on social media...."Superpower Saar". None of them is able to craft a decent argument. Still the same old polish & repeat.
Other side Alpha & Zoomers below every video making fart noises... "I want to leave this shithole" just to separate themselves in front of Goreys while being called Pajeet consistently. The lowest IQ bearing self loating bunch.
No uniformity. Mullahs & Goreys are capitalising on these clowns. It will happen only to those who hate their own culture, own race, own look.
So no, it won't happen to other races.

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Nearly every race imports their issues and creates their own subcultures, Zoomali diaspora practice FGM, Mirpuri Pakis and Kanglus groom and grape young girls in UK. Other examples exist as well.

East asians are an exception to this because they are for the most part they've accepted themselves and behave like honorary goras(both in mannerisms as well as culture) and pimp their women to white men, leaving east asian men with little to no dating choices. And guess what, even after that level of assimilation, East asians got harassed, beaten and bitchslapped in gora nations during covid.

As for Anti India hatred , it goes a long way back is nothing new. Britshits were churning out propaganda(books and media articles) that Indian men were rapists more than 100+ years ago

And This baguette chootiya who pretty much provided the most intellectual material for White nationalism wrote an entire book(The Camp of the Saints) about Indians invading the west en masse way back in 1970's itself. Ever wonder why he chose Indians, but not cheens, N's, arabs.

Ask yourself has any baguette dared to draw a painting of Pedophet Muhammad(PBUH) after 2015? Baguettes have been reduced to just saying jè suis Charlie.

Indians could change our mannerisms tomorrow and behave like whiteys but we we will still get shit on. They will always hate us.
Kikes are our "allies" only for this purpose since we face similar threats and the Israeli/Zionist ones are not against us, the other librandu ones are however for their social engineering schemes but that's for all tribes.

However we must be careful of these allies, their proclivities are well known but however they are 10/10( I mean Israeli/Zionist ) as compared to Cheeni and Western mlecchas.

I personally only give PhullSapport because they and us face the common green and red enemies
Yes. But that is what makes an ally. They are ally, they aint our wife. People often forget that to be ally, u dont have to like each other directly, u just have to share mutual enemies and not be direct enemies of each other. Which jew and hindu satisfy.
That their hardcore ones think we are subhuman demonworshippers and they are chosen people crap is well known and have been well known to us for millenia but at the same time, we are not afraid of joo just like the chinku isnt afraid of the joo either.
Because joo is too small in demographic weight and unlike the goras, the joos cannot out-dhandomaxx us or the chinku. Our Marwari-parsi gang laugh at joo dhandomaxx face in being dhandomaxx and our bong/tambram laugh in their face for skillzmax. Remember, gora could never laugh at joo face for dhandomaxx is their main butthurt problem with the jooz.

What a lot of people dont know about gora 'psychological damage' from jooz, is that the goras unwittingly AMPLIFIED joo dhandomaxx against them for centuries, by banning direct trade between christian and muslim merchants as a matter of series of papal bulls. but the spice still flowed, so did all the goods, so who did dhandaa in mediterranean world & YOOROPE selling goods carried by moozies from india and china to christians ? JOOZ. !!!!!!

We are not such dumb gobshytes to give entire dhandomaxx to one teeny tiny community that also secretly hates u coz they are god's racial superior people.
We know who they are, we also know that they are a problem much, much later and even then, a problem that cant really do much to us thanks to we being same dhandomaxx people but 1000 times bigger.
If gora thinks dhandomaxx joo is a lizard, well bhai we are full size T-rex.
Dude has stopped the Kaveri program. Hasn't setup missing testing facilities. Its already 11 years of his govt. If that's not reason to blackpill what is ? Honestly, I think rajnath is not fit for his job.
The Kaveri program was not stopped. It was reassessed and reoriented to go on the right path. Read up on the news regarding Kaveri development.
They are now blaming Indians for Boeing failures.

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I think we need to stop giving importance to these X platform. Lot of this white people look too jobless and existing there to tell conspiracy theories.

Mind hunter series showed how fucked up the US Society and why they have violent tendencies.

As per NRI group they already live as an community who works with other community.

My relative daughter is studying In an Chinese school since US schools were too shit. Their education system is way too screwed up and lot of people were not moving to tech colleges. This is where our Bois are there putting effort and getting jobs.
They are now blaming Indians for Boeing failures.

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This is another classic case of our retarded coolie media. Business standard is an Indian newspaper btw.

Subhuman IQ Indian coolie media will literally publish the worst crimes and stories from Dehat land on its front page, which later gets amplified globally by pignats and muslimes.

Literal zero degree of self awareness and perception by desi patrakars.

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