Idiotic Musings from the West

Nope it's for the world.

Rest of your stuff is correct but just like Capitalism there is no infinite growth rate, in chasing growth the whole planet will be ((( developed ))) and with automation there will be lesser need of workers in say 100-200 years

Globohomo will eventually come to everyone, we see it in nascent phases in India and China, our poverty keeps the degeneracy to a limit, for the Chinese it is their state and for the greens( yes they too are afflicted ) it is their murderous cult.
ofc all these schemes only work when you are the sole Superpower in the world

As the years pass by that will not be the case.

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Anyway Globohomo will die the moment it's chief patron, the Shaitan -e- Bozorg i.e the Jewnited States of Weimerica collapses.

Inshallah it will collapse under it's own weight, just like the Romans did before them

Before this collapse happens we need to stockpile all the good tech, semiconductors, jet engines anything and everything else and become strong.

Sorry, this is not reality of GloboHomo. They may talk a lot about 'muh Science fiction automation' but they know as well as anyone that it ISNT happening in our lifetime at best- as in next 40-50 years.

So for now, you do need mankind to produce net positive growth rate to produce worker replacement.
But you are correct- it wants no growth for ITSELF. hence why globohomo is for itself and globohomo steers clear of trying to go after high birth rate zones of the world that are shitholes - like nigeria, central america, middle east, etc. Because its in globohomo interests to keep THESE regions exploding in population but contained by borders, to fuel unrest & create cycle of poverty and human capital for its 0 growth rate society to leech off of.
This is why globohomo is super pro immigration, even the illegal kind. If Globohomo believed in its own tech of automation being around the corner, it would start applying the social breaks now towards immigration, as any such shift takes a couple of decade to translate between policy to reality in effect.
Totally correct on the deracination plot.

Both India and China are also only countries large and united enough to resist the Globohomo of the W*stern jamaat lead by the Caliph-Sultan America.

Afriniggers and Sooth East Asians are in pieces and the Latinos are the bastards of the W*st so no hope there either.
Latinos i have hope for. because dehati latino is just the chirstoid version of dehati bihari and is also zero fuks given for globohomo
Indians are number one in slave mentality. Not all, but the once that are go all the way.

No, this prize of Numba Wan ghulam goes exclusively to those East Azn slit eyed races, even the most Gayant Lundari type Coolie wouldn't change his or his kids names to be (((westernized)))

ofc the wh*te pigs have a problem with that too

Afeemchis and their neighboring chink races will go the whole 9 yards, name change, no speaking native language at home, adopting Western c*lture, converting to Christianity, their women will exclusively date and attempt to marry Wh*te pigs, being doormat to wh*tey etc.
No, this prize of Numba Wan ghulam goes exclusively to those East Azn slit eyed races, even the most Gayant Lundari type Coolie wouldn't change his or his kids names to be (((westernized)))

ofc the wh*te pigs have a problem with that too

Afeemchis and their neighboring chink races will go the whole 9 yards, name change, no speaking native language at home, adopting Western c*lture, converting to Christianity, their women will exclusively date and attempt to marry Wh*te pigs, being doormat to wh*tey etc.

Even the Ugandans could not force 'assimilation' on Indians. What chances does an average redneck (with zero access to political/socio-economic power) stand?

New Orleans attacker was a US Veteran nigger who converted to 🤲
He also moved to a 🤲 neighborhood.

(((NYT )))) describes him as a

The violence appeared to explode out of nowhere to those who had known Mr. Jabbar as a smart, caring brother and a quiet, helpful neighbor.

Reminds me of " woh student tha, headmaster ka beta tha" type eulogies for terrorists here

🤲 khatre me hai in the US

The neighbor asked not to be named out of concern for his safety as a Muslim in the aftermath of the attack.

The guy's brother, notice the name, says they were brought up as ✝️ but he converted to 🤲

Mr. Jabbar’s brother, Abdur Jabbar, 24, said in an interview in Beaumont, Texas, where the brothers grew up, that they last spoke two weeks ago and that his brother did not mention any plans or a desire to go to New Orleans.

He said that they had been brought up Christian but that his brother had long ago converted to Islam. “As far as I know he was a Muslim for most of his life,” said the younger Mr. Jabbar. “What he did does not represent Islam. This is more some type of radicalization, not religion.”

Rest of the article is basically "He wuz veteran going through bad times" and all acquitances being like "he wuz no terrorist yo!"

Wonder if all this would be published if he was a generic racist whitoid or eeebul Trump and Modi loving heendu?

New Orleans attacker was a US Veteran nigger who converted to 🤲
He also moved to a 🤲 neighborhood.

(((NYT )))) describes him as a

Reminds me of " woh student tha, headmaster ka beta tha" type eulogies for terrorists here

🤲 khatre me hai in the US

The guy's brother, notice the name, says they were brought up as ✝️ but he converted to 🤲

Rest of the article is basically "He wuz veteran going through bad times" and all acquitances being like "he wuz no terrorist yo!"

Wonder if all this would be published if he was a generic racist whitoid or eeebul Trump and Modi loving heendu?

Brown Sipoy must be feeling jittery as land of Gl0b0h0m0s Liberandu-sickulars are not safe anymore.

Their Quality of life and services might expire suddenly in random shooting or ramming events.

Delusional Brown Sipoy and Gl0b0h0m0s Liberandu-sickulars believes that America will remain place of immense growth and prosperity forever.

Europe's down fall has started, most of their capitals are now a war zone. Once America loss its grip on Europe, it's down fall will begin.

Abrahimic can't achieve peace for a single day.
Ban niggers from this country.
All they do is peddling drugs, and chimping out when the cops go after them.
They've been able to set the perception just like the Muslims. Even if they are on the wrong side, Indians will be called out.
They believe they're ahead of India in terms of development & quality of education. All 4th world clowns are now having a false sense of privilege by abusing India & spreading misinformation.
Ugandans are International Ambedkarites - Gib Indian dotter for marriage


Indians in East African Countries were most successful Business people, infact their rich guys were basically Indian guy living there.

Gujaratis, Tamils were most doing this business like Food import, export, Hotels, Engineering etc.

They were getting hate because of their success. Recent example South Africa tussle between SA and Indians living there. They blamed everything on Indians. While ANC is there for 30 years and the entire Black community instead of coming out of Apartheid, decided to involve in full blown gangsters and criminals. Also ANC politicos were basically corrupted crooks who did not done anything to improve them.

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