Idiotic Musings from the West

Remember frens, at the ((( International ))) level, you are a "shitskinned pajeet" no matter you are UC, Dalit, Tribal or no matter what your religion is ( except green ) or what your skin color is, you may be an exotic looking Thrashmiri or a green-eyed Tam Brahm but that won't make much of a difference either.
Our guys project the subcontinents reelijus lafdas onto Gorastans where it is RACE that takes the same place and have an incorrect understanding of Pignats/Groypers/Wh*tes

I'll give you a thought experiment of two H1Bs

Let us assume there is a Peter John from Tamil Nadu, he is a devout Christian, goes every Sunday to Mass and gets (((on-site))) to go to US, eventually he brings his wife over, and is a self-proclaimed >"One of the good ones saaaar", can be anyone from pic related

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There is Harry Krishna McBogan from Australia, he is a devout Hindu convert and was irreligious before and is very public with his devotion, his favorite gods are Hanuman, Ganpati and Krishna, and actually shills for India on his social medias, like that one blonde cutie on youtube

Pic related, take your choice

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Who will your average Pignat want to shoot, bomb, torture or otherwise deport? :troll:

It's true that race comes first for the westoids, but religion is a close second. Fellow abrahamics will always be preferred over a polytheist.

Someone shared a poll about whether they'd want an illegal pablo vs a legal p*jeet, the vast majority picked the illegal pablo , not because pablo is whyte passing, but because at least he's a devout Christian.

Make a similar poll if they want Mohammad or Rakesh, they'll pick the Mohammad even if he blows himself up or flies airplanes into buildings.

If Hindus do even 1% of what M's are doing(grooming, raping, terrorism), they they'll be sent to literal gulags.
They're league ahead. There is accountability at least.
Stayed in America for four years dude. Stop deluding yourself. Our national highways may have turned decent rn but the majority of the roads in this country are just deplorable & below tier. Municipal level corruption in India is unbearable. There are corrupt countries but they do the basics at least. Here only the Central govt works decent & semi transparent. The rest of the state govt are freeloaders & a bunch of losers.
I live in the US..for more than a decade and let me tell you the roads are not that marvellous as you made out to be..especially comparing the fact that US has much more high % of its population paying direct taxes (Income Tax, Property Taxes etc) compared to Viwhwaguruland where every thing lies under the mercy of Central and State Govt. Part of this is also due to weather ..especially cold weather where wear and tear on roads happen very easily hence Interstates and Freeways in NE (Boston-New York) is always on perpuatual repair mode. I have had my car's suspension blown, flat tires happened just cause I hit a pothole in the dark while cruising at around 60 mph (100 kmph) on major highway and got stranded on cold december night waiting for AAA to come after 2 hours. The tolls they promised to take off after 10-20 years period never went away and they keep on increasing it every year. The public transit system especially the trains are a joke here.. a least in India you have trains running through out the country even though it may be crowded or uncomfortable barring certain exclusive ones (Rajdhani, Shatabdi or Vande Bharat)..
The Interstate System is 50 years old and no new ones are being built..while trying to maintain the current ones takes a lot of budget (Union workers, Govt workers etc demanding higher wages).. while Vishwaguru is trying to built an Eight Lane Expressway between Delhi and Mumbai in like 4-6 years (That like Boston - Atlanta I-95 and that too Eight Lanes continuously) is something to be Praud off Saar. I cant imagine something like that being built in the US at one shot given the state of bureaucracy and all kinds of enviromental compliance BS.

So yeah..dont be all Kaalapill is ok to be Safedpill from time to time. The American in me has this tendency to be optimistic even during the days of darkness
Our guys project the subcontinents reelijus lafdas onto Gorastans where it is RACE that takes the same place and have an incorrect understanding of Pignats/Groypers/Wh*tes

I'll give you a thought experiment of two H1Bs

Let us assume there is a Peter John from Tamil Nadu, he is a devout Christian, goes every Sunday to Mass and gets (((on-site))) to go to US, eventually he brings his wife over, and is a self-proclaimed >"One of the good ones saaaar", can be anyone from pic related

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There is Harry Krishna McBogan from Australia, he is a devout Hindu convert and was irreligious before and is very public with his devotion, his favorite gods are Hanuman, Ganpati and Krishna, and actually shills for India on his social medias, like that one blonde cutie on youtube

Pic related, take your choice

View attachment 20473

Who will your average Pignat want to shoot, bomb, torture or otherwise deport? :troll:

People dont understand that 'race' is a deeply embedded concept amongst whites and that is why they came up with it in the first place no other 'race' talks of 'race' in terms of phenotypes - skintone, eye colour, hair colours, etc defining of race, like the white 'race' does in their original literature, they see 'race' as jaati- all the concepts of mleccha, barbarian to the Chinese/'irani vs anirani' etc are ALL Jati tags, not race tags because nowhere is there a chinku book of hundreds of years ago saying ' all slant eye = one peeps', nor is there a desi book going 'darkie + samosa nose = desi'.

Heck, anglo whites 200 years ago considered Germans and Swedes as 'darkie swarthies' and if that sounds crazy, there is LITERAL quote from Benjamin Franklin i already provided here saying that.

Whites are the ONLY people on the planet where 'ur skin tone/looks = automatic heirarchy of behaviour. No one else does this to a significant degree and ofcourse, many/most coloured people in white dominant lands also do this.
Arabs are the only other racist people on the planet, where they too look down on dark skin simply coz and will actually go by race over religion/ideology but they fly under the radar more because to be in with the arabs, you first and foremost must be an arabic speaker and if u r darkie non arab or fair non arab, they dont give a shit one way or another, so to see their racism you also have to be an arabic speaker or immersed in it to observe.
But not even Chinku today, who are the most racist people after these people show racism in the true sense - most chinkus love the far more darkie looking cambodians than the fair looking Japanese and plenty dont like the Vietnamese either compared to the Cambodians.

Race is a deeply ingrained concept amongst whites- they came up with it in history. The why to that may be a question for the sages, but this aspect of western society cannot be ignored by the outsider, no matter how much we want to. Because the whiteman 'sees' race in everything. Whether they are good cop or bad cop about it, whether they are true liberal darwinist of 'races mean nothing in terms of abilities, its all upbringing, nutrition and genes', they still SEE race. That is the reality a lot of non westerners dont realize or realize too late.
The only silver lining is that lot of Indians live in Ultra lib areas of Bay area, Seattle metro, NYC, New Jersey. But yeah, Indians living in more Purple or middle america need to be careful. There are lots of Indians in texas.
अथ चैत्त्वमिमं धर्म्यं संग्रामं न करिष्यसि।
ततः स्वधर्मं कीर्तिं च हित्वा पापमवाप्स्यसि।।
( If, however, you do not perform your religious duty of fighting, then you will certainly incur sins for neglecting your duties and thus lose your)
Verse-33, Chapter 2, Bhagavad Gita

Hence, embrace the 2nd Amendment and pick up your AR-15s or else your do paap by neglecting your duties..
It's true that race comes first for the westoids, but religion is a close second. Fellow abrahamics will always be preferred over a polytheist.

Someone shared a poll about whether they'd want an illegal pablo vs a legal p*jeet, the vast majority picked the illegal pablo , not because pablo is whyte passing, but because at least he's a devout Christian.

Make a similar poll if they want Mohammad or Rakesh, they'll pick the Mohammad even if he blows himself up or flies airplanes into buildings.

If Hindus do even 1% of what M's are doing(grooming, raping, terrorism), they they'll be sent to literal gulags.

Actual right wing Christians apart from being racist gandus if they are wh*te also hate Greens more than pajeets for the simple reason that pajeet doesn't rape/shoot/ram jeeps into crowds/chop off heads etc.

There is a recorded history of 1400 years of assaults and atrocities of Green against Christians, particularly these Euro-Whiteys of whom Amerishart whiteys are a descendant, including the ((( Ottoman Empire )))

I was in this one Facebook Christian group in 2016 there abouts, there the #1 bonding topic was bashing the Left-Liberals/Jooz and the 2nd most popular one was bashing the greens, and this was a majority Amerishart group and minority Euro with a smattering of other non-whitey groups, ofc the hatred for Greens was highest in Eastern Euros followed by the normal Euro, for reasons you can understand.

This Abrahamic vs Dharmic is chaddi ideology, and max it is somewhat applicable to the subcontinent but it is absolutely NOT how the world works, and especially not the greens, who see it as a Green vs Kuffar binary.

Standard Pignat meanwhile is irreligious or ((( religiously fluid ))) as i call them and prioritize giving #PhullSapport to those who hurt DA JOOZ the most, and currently per them it is the "Based Greens"
People dont understand that 'race' is a deeply embedded concept amongst whites and that is why they came up with it in the first place no other 'race' talks of 'race' in terms of phenotypes - skintone, eye colour, hair colours, etc defining of race, like the white 'race' does in their original literature, they see 'race' as jaati- all the concepts of mleccha, barbarian to the Chinese/'irani vs anirani' etc are ALL Jati tags, not race tags because nowhere is there a chinku book of hundreds of years ago saying ' all slant eye = one peeps', nor is there a desi book going 'darkie + samosa nose = desi'.

Heck, anglo whites 200 years ago considered Germans and Swedes as 'darkie swarthies' and if that sounds crazy, there is LITERAL quote from Benjamin Franklin i already provided here saying that.

Whites are the ONLY people on the planet where 'ur skin tone/looks = automatic heirarchy of behaviour. No one else does this to a significant degree and ofcourse, many/most coloured people in white dominant lands also do this.
Arabs are the only other racist people on the planet, where they too look down on dark skin simply coz and will actually go by race over religion/ideology but they fly under the radar more because to be in with the arabs, you first and foremost must be an arabic speaker and if u r darkie non arab or fair non arab, they dont give a shit one way or another, so to see their racism you also have to be an arabic speaker or immersed in it to observe.
But not even Chinku today, who are the most racist people after these people show racism in the true sense - most chinkus love the far more darkie looking cambodians than the fair looking Japanese and plenty dont like the Vietnamese either compared to the Cambodians.

Race is a deeply ingrained concept amongst whites- they came up with it in history. The why to that may be a question for the sages, but this aspect of western society cannot be ignored by the outsider, no matter how much we want to. Because the whiteman 'sees' race in everything. Whether they are good cop or bad cop about it, whether they are true liberal darwinist of 'races mean nothing in terms of abilities, its all upbringing, nutrition and genes', they still SEE race. That is the reality a lot of non westerners dont realize or realize too late.

Goras came up with this "race" chooran with the start of colonialism, and it acquired a ((( scientific ))) color in the 17th century iirc.

ofc the utility of this was to continue their colonialism as a ((( civilizing mission ))) giving their proles the moral backing to see this as right.

Later on they even started doing WHITE RACE KHATRE ME HAI from non-whites. even their Kings were gobbling this shit up, like the Russian Tsar got into war with the Japanese because his ((( German ))) cousin who was also the King there egged him on to do it to defend "the white race" :bplease:

Before that they were busy with the typical tribalistic and religious unga bunga that most tribes across the world do, including ours and the Chings, i.e Jaati.
Actual right wing Christians apart from being racist gandus if they are wh*te also hate Greens more than pajeets for the simple reason that pajeet doesn't rape/shoot/ram jeeps into crowds/chop off heads etc.

There is a recorded history of 1400 years of assaults and atrocities of Green against Christians, particularly these Euro-Whiteys of whom Amerishart whiteys are a descendant, including the ((( Ottoman Empire )))

I was in this one Facebook Christian group in 2016 there abouts, there the #1 bonding topic was bashing the Left-Liberals/Jooz and the 2nd most popular one was bashing the greens, and this was a majority Amerishart group and minority Euro with a smattering of other non-whitey groups, ofc the hatred for Greens was highest in Eastern Euros followed by the normal Euro, for reasons you can understand.

This Abrahamic vs Dharmic is chaddi ideology, and max it is somewhat applicable to the subcontinent but it is absolutely NOT how the world works, and especially not the greens, who see it as a Green vs Kuffar binary.

Standard Pignat meanwhile is irreligious or ((( religiously fluid ))) as i call them and prioritize giving #PhullSapport to those who hurt DA JOOZ the most, and currently per them it is the "Based Greens"

What about this then?

The Anglo ruling elite and their population have always had a soft spot for Islam vs Hinduism. That's absolutely undeniable.

BTW, I didn't say that the world works like that. I'm aware that these preferences are not binary and in many places race, ethnicity and language come into the picture. Kinda like how Iran and Azerbejan don't get along despite following the same sect of Islam.
What about this then?

The Anglo ruling elite and their population have always had a soft spot for Islam vs Hinduism. That's absolutely undeniable.

BTW, I didn't say that the world works like that. I'm aware that these preferences are not binary and in many places race, ethnicity and language come into the picture. Kinda like how Iran and Azerbejan don't get along despite following the same sect of Islam.

  1. Ruling (((elite))) of Anglostan yes, average prole back then No, current proles are ofc cowards and chutiyas and their women and girls exist to warm the beds of the Mirpuri swines.
  2. Pakis and Greens, then and now are the #1 coolies and useful idiots of the West, it is not surprising that they were( and are ) preferred as compared to the Ebul Idolators who even then flipped the bird to Whiteys.

Anyway the argument was about "Christian right winger prefers Abdul to Pajeet even if Abdul does typical green things" not "Was Churchill gay for some peeled bananas or not? "
It's true that race comes first for the westoids, but religion is a close second. Fellow abrahamics will always be preferred over a polytheist.

Someone shared a poll about whether they'd want an illegal pablo vs a legal p*jeet, the vast majority picked the illegal pablo , not because pablo is whyte passing, but because at least he's a devout Christian.

Make a similar poll if they want Mohammad or Rakesh, they'll pick the Mohammad even if he blows himself up or flies airplanes into buildings.

If Hindus do even 1% of what M's are doing(grooming, raping, terrorism), they they'll be sent to literal gulags.
Pablos are not e-lynchin/doxxing them. Indians are. W*tbacks are not gobbling up the most sought after jobs. Indians are.

Xitter is an incel forum. Of course, they would be vengeful!
If you are living abroad or are a cosmopolitan Indian living in big city, working for western firm, consuming western media, here is something to keep in mind straight from mouth of the great lee kuan Yew (specially listen to last 5 mins) :


There is a movie named "Harold and Kumar" story of two friends of Indian-American and other Chinese-American..and it showed how mainstream America really stereotyped these two ethnicities... Harold the Chinese guy was the nice guy trying to be hard working type who was pushed around by his White Bosses who saw him nothing more than a drone, meanwhile Kumar was this not the ideal 'Sharma ji ka Beta" typed..he was the black sheep failed out of med school, did drugs-alcohol, sex-sux..but was not a pushover who saw the BS through..
Sometime you be like Kumar and fight back
What about this then?

The Anglo ruling elite and their population have always had a soft spot for Islam vs Hinduism. That's absolutely undeniable.

BTW, I didn't say that the world works like that. I'm aware that these preferences are not binary and in many places race, ethnicity and language come into the picture. Kinda like how Iran and Azerbejan don't get along despite following the same sect of Islam.

There are two reasons for this.
One is the better known one - birds of a feather flock together and at the end of the day,they are desert god vs evil idol worshippers.
The other is the less well known one - British upper class was acutely aware that Indian rebellion - both 1857 and the independence movement + revolutionaries were overwhelmingly hindu, more so than the demographic weight of the subcontinent ( which was about 75% Hindu when the whole thing began) and the British raj knew that the main enemy was the hindu system to produced the legions of gora-rejectors, from rabindranath tagore to khudi ram bose, both spectrum all over india came from the hindus mostly.
There are two reasons for this.
One is the better known one - birds of a feather flock together and at the end of the day,they are desert god vs evil idol worshippers.
The other is the less well known one - British upper class was acutely aware that Indian rebellion - both 1857 and the independence movement + revolutionaries were overwhelmingly hindu, more so than the demographic weight of the subcontinent ( which was about 75% Hindu when the whole thing began) and the British raj knew that the main enemy was the hindu system to produced the legions of gora-rejectors, from rabindranath tagore to khudi ram bose, both spectrum all over india came from the hindus mostly.
Yes the famous Lal-Bal-Pal (Lala Lajpat Rai-Bal Gangahar Tilak-Bipin Chandra Pal) Pan India Hindoo Sazish against the Macaulay Ruling Elite Anglo Class is what trigerred them to pivot towards the Mohmeddens of Bengal-UP-Punjab for the seeds of separation and call of a different nationhood
It's true that race comes first for the westoids, but religion is a close second. Fellow abrahamics will always be preferred over a polytheist.

Someone shared a poll about whether they'd want an illegal pablo vs a legal p*jeet, the vast majority picked the illegal pablo , not because pablo is whyte passing, but because at least he's a devout Christian.

Make a similar poll if they want Mohammad or Rakesh, they'll pick the Mohammad even if he blows himself up or flies airplanes into buildings.

If Hindus do even 1% of what M's are doing(grooming, raping, terrorism), they they'll be sent to literal gulags.
Lets me share something interesting I noticed in USA history of slavery

A black slave showing signs of literacy was more likely to be instantly slaughtered than uneducated/illiterate violent one.

This is because the confederate slaver despite all of his/her hogwash of pseudo-science and religious interpretations supporting superiority of white race was fully aware what he/she was doing was utterly demonic and deserving butchery in hands of those they enslaved

So an educated literate black slave was bigger threat as he/she could counter the wignat slaver narrative and lead a slave revolt against them.

This was also one of reasons why confederates actively went to for civil war because they feared freedom to enslaved blacks = Haiti style slaughter of white slavers


The same applies to Indians or Chinese vs Muslmans or pablos. Because there is no Islamic nation today that can harm West or any South American nation for that matter that can challenge them

The wrath of scientifically advanced Indian or Chinese is far more deadly to white nationalists Euro-centrists then any pablos or Musalman can achieve in modern times

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