Idiotic Musings from the West

Ironically there is a higher likelihood of picking up 'dangerous diseases' in china than in Kolkata. Where did wuhan virus originate from? Where is this freshly minted HIPV thingy coming from? :bplease:

China is not a tropical/subtropical nation. They will always be less susceptible to mosquito borne diseases (the correct comparison would be between us and other African, LatAm, ASEAN nations). Also, if someone is talking about 'muh dangerous diseases in India' I would expect them to mention dengue etc - not malaria. Most Indian cities are very safe; safer than their beloved 'American' cities (spare me the 'muh
undokyumented crime' crap; we have an AADHAR linked biometric database to track deaths now).

As I keep saying, goras cannot even do concern trolling. Effeminate scum got absolutely brutalized by covid and yet lifting china's balls crying 'muh dangerous diseases in India reeeee'!
vector borne diseases are more common in tropical climatic conditions while air to air transmitted disease are more common in temperate conditions
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And you are right about the Central Asian invasions and British part. Hindus have been taking nothing but L's for 1000 years.

But, India will have to cleanse Abrahamics from India to prosper. Till Abrahamics exist in India, they'll work with foreign powers to weaken India.

Rahul Gandhi the Christian being the best example.
You are an idiot.
You can literally have your hindoo bros also screeching on Twatter about telling Christians to take oath on filthy Gita :truestory: in India, however I don't want to burn my eyes looking at political Xitter so can't bother to provide you "evidence"

Both in Burgerland and here for oath taking on religious books you take on your own religious books like this Suhas Subramaniam politician, Thank God, clowns on xitter not withstanding

Raul, his sister and his mom are all religiously fluid politicians, they are primarily godless but will do whatever necessary to deceive voters

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No Christian of any sect will do this.
There is also Jagan Reddy from your linguistic group, sem2sem behaviors.

They all put their lust for being in power over any religious loyalty.

At a point of time in past there were no ebul Abrahamics, yet Hindoos and other "dharmics" still sold out to foreigners for petty ego and sometimes religious issues like the ancient boodists in Sindh wagera and will still in the future.

This country has the dubious distinction of producing more traitors at the right places than loyal folks, and the reason i think is your religion doesn't promote unity among co-religionists vs people of other religions/tribes, unlike both the "ebul Abrahamic" ones.
"the reason i think is your religion doesn't promote unity among co-religionists vs people of other religions/tribes, unlike both the "ebul Abrahamic" ones." Disagree with this line.
Christianity is just a tool for the satanists of GloboHomo American Empire. Thousands of Christians are slaughtered everyday by Jihadists in Africa , ever seen them care about it? Islamists are burning churches , raping underage girls & killing innocent people in Europe & US , nobody seems to care . Only Hindus understand the nature of this savage death cult & we by association hate everything even distantly related to it . We shall prevail!
I really dislike the “Hallelujah cult” that is spreading in tribal region of India and Africa.
I’ve no problem with the type found in Europe and Middle Eastern countries where people are much more intellectual and liberal in ideas
I really dislike the “Hallelujah cult” that is spreading in tribal region of India and Africa.
I’ve no problem with the type found in Europe and Middle Eastern countries where people are much more intellectual and liberal in ideas
The became "intellectual and liberal" after the 30 years war. It was a catastrophic event that caused double digit population decrease on the continent... Heck parts of germany lost 50% ... Religious fervor went down drastically cause of this... Followed by the "enlightenment and renaissance". No abrahamic religion has ever transformed without copious amounts of bloodshed or straight up schisms.

Bro's accent sounds like he just completed Lovely Professional Institute for English gawar dehati accent, a standard Urban English in India is more like what you hear in NDTV India or Time Now etc much polished and presentable.. But he has the audacity to look down on us accha hua iski Behen ne iska sara zameen-property le liya aur dhakee marke bahar kar diya..
Sell your ancestral farmlands & spend upwards of 50 lakhs all to work in MacD & as truck drivers ? What sort of inferiority complex these Imbeciles have ?
Martial Quam da Complex aisi Hinduo ne wich bachaya si wala Complex. Anglos made them the Martial Race for bootlicking and siding with them during the 1857 Uprising meanwhile the Purbanchal to Bengal did all the fighting.
Bro's accent sounds like he just completed Lovely Professional Institute for English gawar dehati accent, a standard Urban English in India is more like what you hear in NDTV India or Time Now etc much polished and presentable.. But he has the audacity to look down on us accha hua iski Behen ne iska sara zameen-property le liya aur dhakee marke bahar kar diya..
His arguments are like Twitter comment section. No materialistic value.
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Two South Korean Ling Lings say South Indians don't come to USA. They're poor. Only rich selected few Brahmins come.
Dude just collected a few terms from Google & had to use it within a limited span of time.

Whose gonna tell these Korean Gooks that all of the Korean Auto Plants in India are situated in the 'South of India' not in the land of Upper Caste Bhumiars of Bihar..where Korean Managers wont even sit with their Indian Counterparts during Lunch time.
I really dislike the “Hallelujah cult” that is spreading in tribal region of India and Africa.
I’ve no problem with the type found in Europe and Middle Eastern countries where people are much more intellectual and liberal in ideas
Christianity in India is older than fake Christianity being practiced in the West. After Yeshua the carpenter of Nazareth was killed by Romans after being accused of Blasphemy by Jews of Temple , Thomas the apostle ran away on a boat to save himself from being eaten by lions in a gladiator arena & landed on Indian coast . He preached there & these OG converts are the oldest Christians known apart from some Syrians,Jews greeks , slaves , woman & underclass in Roman Empire . Some even speculate Jesus was organising a revolt against the Romans & his death had a legacy & aura around it (He was probably a good orator). According to some sources he was only complaining about the malpractices of Pharaces priests of the Temple & had gained a cult following among the poor & downtrodden which led him to being seen as a threat. However he might have been , his original teachings might be found in dead sea scrolls..
It was all undone at The First Council of Nicaea , which led to Christianity being codified as an imperial cult & many important bits were expunged & odd bits inserted into the discourse.
Oh boi, he needs to seee what his so called right wing christian brothers and sisters are saying online.

That leonarda girl, his christian sister, has spewed literal blasphemy to hindus and absolutely offensive things to indians.
And you are right about the Central Asian invasions and British part. Hindus have been taking nothing but L's for 1000 years.

But, India will have to cleanse Abrahamics from India to prosper. Till Abrahamics exist in India, they'll work with foreign powers to weaken India.

Rahul Gandhi the Christian being the best example.
We have Ws against central asian invasions. But the brit’s won india over with their money.
Oh boi, he needs to seee what his so called right wing christian brothers and sisters are saying online.

That leonarda girl, his christian sister, has spewed literal blasphemy to hindus and absolutely offensive things to indians.

We have Ws against central asian invasions. But the brit’s won india over with their money.
We eventually won against central asians but we wasted 5-6 centuries and fell behind Europe precisely because we couldn't defeat central asians quickly.

We exhausted everything to defeat the mullas and were sitting ducks by the time British came.
And you are right about the Central Asian invasions and British part. Hindus have been taking nothing but L's for 1000 years.

But, India will have to cleanse Abrahamics from India to prosper. Till Abrahamics exist in India, they'll work with foreign powers to weaken India.

Rahul Gandhi the Christian being the best example.

Hindus are to blame for lacking strategic oversight and losing the wisdom of Chanakya from around the time of Harshavardhana's demise ( Indian history isnt copious, but shows distinct knowledge of Chanakya, Ashoka and all the rest up to the end of Harshavardhana period/rise of the Kannauj triangle period - which by the end of said period, India had most definitely forgotten these ancient histories philosophical treatises.

For eg, Hindus knew from about 500 BC onwards that our GREATEST disadvantage in war is we live on one of the world's largest, flattest, easiest to travel plains that is DEATH for horses, with no native breed of horses and while we have elephants who can beat the shit outta horses, elephants are slow and a horse only army will run circles around ur lumbering elephant force and raze city after city without ever being caught.

In fact, this is EXACTLY the strategy used by the intial Hun attacks of Khingal, which Skandagupta BARELY managed to hold back (at devastating cost as per his inscriptions) and 30 years after his time, the Gupta empire was cut down to less than half its size, with everything west of Mathura and Vidisha falling to Mihirkul and his father's onslaught.

Yet, China was in the SAME FACKING BOAT for all of history till like 2000 years ago. Yes, their lands are not death for horses, at least not until u get to the deep south ( horses fundamentally hate hot AND humid. this is why there are no native horse breeds from hot AND humid lands - Indian marwari horse is basically a bastardized Arabian horse and adapted to Indian conditions and emerge in record only around 1300s, while we have Khalji records whining very hard that as late as 1250s, they are forced to import tens of thousands of horses every year from Balkh, of which 90% do not make it to year 3. Horses can do hot and dry like arabia and central asia or they can do cold and humid like Europe or Northernmost mongolia, but they CANNOT do hot and humid).
But their lands were total garbage for horses and they had puny shitty breeds.
So the Han empire sent a SPECIFIC military detachment of 5000 soldiers, to go with a Han empire beurocrat to Balkh, to get Bactrian horses back to China, which became the main backbone of the Chinese cavalry that ultimately beat the most powerful steppe nomad empire to ever exist prior to the Mongols : the Xiongnu/Huns.

They had the strategic nous to go 'we dont have this, we need to get this from 5000 km away and hope and pray and breed them till we have this', while India never developed this strategic nous.
We eventually won against central asians but we wasted 5-6 centuries and fell behind Europe precisely because we couldn't defeat central asians quickly.

We exhausted everything to defeat the mullas and were sitting ducks by the time British came.
We actually defeated the central Asians a LOT - until we couldnt. We mostly know the history of when we couldnt, because when we could is rarely recorded in history as most of our historical records are destroyed and the turki/mooslem didnt have writing and/or didnt record their defeats.

But problem is, we could ONLY defeat them when we had a bigass empire in the north. Why ? Because only BIGASS empires can afford to have thousands of war elephants, which is checkmate for a cavalry army.
But when u r small itty bitty kingdom size like Kannauj or Malwa or such, you can afford to field 100-300 war elephants.
Which are a terrific force, but in a battle involving 30K-50K on each side, u have a pathway to win if the other side has 300 'undefeatables', provided that you can avoid them in battle and take out REST of the enemy army before the 300 undefeatables kills all of u.
But when the number of undefeatables get to 2000-5000 or more, then its checkmate, its the equivalent of 'you showed up to battle of kursk with no tanks. gg noob'.

These are precisely the points when history when India fell to the central asias, because except for the final days of Gupta empire and Timur the psychopath, no central asian empire has ever beaten a North Indian empire that spanned most of Northern Indian subcontinent, prior to the invention of cannons.
(Cannon age = end of elephant age, coz war elephant or not, elephants are hyper-social and they form bonds with one another and 'raju over there exploding in a bloody mess from giant boomstick' = elephants know whats up and run the fuck away)

You will also notice, that through the ENTIRE period of pre-cannon age, the greatest, mightiest empires of Iran never ever directly fought a north Indian empire: and its not due to lack of opportunity.
The Magadh empire from at least 380s BCE to 330s BCE bordered the Sakhamani Persian empire, the Guptas and Sassanian Farsi empire literally shared border from 350s CE to 470s CE.

So why no direct clash between any of the main Indian empires and Persia and why is Persian expansion in India coming only in-between the fall of empires ( like when Persia took over parts of Punjab & sindh during both these empires, it happened before meeting the Magadh empire and before the rise of Gupta empire). Why ???
Because Yamuna river is the biosphere boundary of the Asian elephant - Asian elephant populations do not exist and have never existed in nature west of the Yamuna.
So the greatest heavy cavalry force of the ancient era ran into the same problem as the central asians : elephants are checkmate. Even more so for heavy cavalry coz u HAVE to get in the elephants face to poke it with ur pointy stick as heavy cavalry.

PS: As to the 'why didnt our great vikramaditya or ashoka or so n so go whack afghanistan and iran with their thousands of war elephants' angle, incase anyone is that naive about logistics, the answer is simple :
once you cross the indus going west, good luck watering and feeding 5000 war elephants, let along the rest of 100K men with u.
I dont think even TODAY India has enough water trucks and lorries carrying forests for elephant dinner to march 5000 elephants from New Delhi to Tehran if i were to guess, but i cant be sure.
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First of all, it was Renaissance that civilised Xtians a bit, else they were as savages as talibans, infact more than them.
Literally burning scholars alive in public with full state+church support because they pointed out Earth is round, revolves around Sun, etc. Hanging women in public with full state+church support because they are witches? The Abrahmics were always evil. The so called xtian civilisation was built on the foundation of Greek and Roman pagans, their institutions, languages, organizational systems, everything etc. You guys have done a good job of whitewashing your crimes against the entire world. In fact you people have slaughtered each other more viciously than even muslims. So don't come up with that nonsense "that Hindus have more traitors, etc".

Also by making disgusting comments about Maa Durga and Prabhu Shri Rama(which have no scriptural reference by the way), don't think that you have in any way countered or defended your evil cult. You are simply another shade of Jihadists. The only difference is Muslims don't have the sophistication that you guys have in hiding inquisitions against the Hindus and treating half of humanity like animals till mid 20th century.

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