Idiotic Musings from the West

But, India will have to cleanse Abrahamics from India to prosper. Till Abrahamics exist in India, they'll work with foreign powers to weaken India.
That's a stupid take. You can't just wipe out a certain religion. It's physically impossible. Let's be real.
The most unproductive religion imho are Muslims. The contribute to nothing. They eat you from the inside.
Christians are okay tbh. They're political but not arsonists. We Hindus stupidly let them exploit it. Obviously they will try to spread their faith, so should Hindus. Nothing wrong with that.
As racism is growing due to H1B & shit, religion is the biggest tool used for arguments irrespective of whoever it is.
We just need to restrict their illegal privileges. That's all we need to do. Every country did that. India is the only nut case which gives more privileges to minorities than the majority. We Hindus are the sole responsible for that. Mandate is in our hands. We can change laws but it won't change when we elect politicians like Mamata & Lalloo.
Nevertheless Goreys don't care. They hate every Indian equally. If not for religion then for skin colour. No meaning of fighting. See the Western lobbies working inside India. Almost everyone is a Hindu.
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That's a stupid take. You can't just wipe out a certain religion. It's physically impossible. Let's be real.
The most unproductive religion imho are Muslims. The contribute to nothing. They eat from inside.
Christians are okay tbh. They're political but not arsonists. We Hindus stupidly let them exploit it. Obviously they will try to spread their faith, so should Hindus. Nothing wrong with that.
As racism is growing due to H1B & shit, religion is the biggest tool used for arguments irrespective of whoever it is.
We just need to restrict their illegal privileges. That's all we need to do. Every country did that. India is the only nut case which gives more privileges to minorities than the majority. We Hindus are the sole responsible for that. Mandate is in our hands.
Nevertheless Goreys don't care. They hate every Indian equally. If not for religion then for skin colour. No meaning of fighting.
Wait and watch the cinema Xtians will do in NE in the coming decades.

Yeah, Xtians aren't as violent as low IQ mullas but they have the same hatred scripturally for Hinduism.

NGO's and media are full of subversive Xtians.
Wait and watch the cinema Xtians will do in NE in the coming decades.

Yeah, Xtians aren't as violent as low IQ mullas but they have the same hatred scripturally for Hinduism.

NGO's and media are full of subversive Xtians.
North East is is a tribal shit. They're fighting among each other, let alone Hindus.
Yes they've the same viewpoint as Muslims when it comes to religion. I won't deny that either. But who allowed those foreign missionaries & NGOs?
No country has such a lawlessness & stupid mass. Their hatred would mean nothing if we restrict their power. What's stopping Hindu politicians from doing so? We can pay them, lure them just like they do. We are too lazy to do that as well.
No country's law allows such fraudulent conversion & illegal syndicates openly advocating among mass. It's our own incompetence. Correct the laws, implement them & things will fall in line. For now, those are unrealistic wishes.
North East is is a tribal shit. They're fighting among each other, let alone Hindus.
Yes they've the same viewpoint as Muslims when it comes to religion. I won't deny that either. But who allowed those foreign missionaries & NGOs?
No country has such a lawlessness & stupid mass. Their hatred would mean nothing if we restrict their power. What's stopping Hindu politicians from doing so? We can pay them, lure them just like they do. We are too lazy to do that as well.
No country's law allows such fraudulent conversion & illegal syndicates openly advocating among mass. It's our own incompetence. Correct the laws, implement them & things will fall in line. For now, those are unrealistic wishes.
If you haven't caught the drift by now than let me explain it to you. The Indian Gormint and Admin (Babus, Judgess, Generals, NGO, Media, Buddhijivi) cannot take action that are not secular in its end goal. If Say a tribe has converted than you cannot run Ghar Wapsi Abhiyaan because its inherently not secular. You cannot ask the Millards to deny citizenship to Muslim from Its neighborhood and grant the same to Hindus because its not secular. You cannot remove LoudSpeakers from Masjid unless you remove it from temple. We have Christian Scientist In ISRO and APK Abdul Kalam from Rocket research who are the idea that Secularist sell and define as the Ideal human that everyone needs to emulate. India by Its structure cannot be Hindu Rashtra.
Probably the best take on India from a non-Indian, I've come across in ages.
Well the crux lies here, no matter what spiritual things Indians do or preach, all world do like well maintained places, and here Chinese have done remarkable things.

"vasudev kutumbakam" whatever s%it it is, with no cleaniless around, it amounts to nothing to the world. Modi "swatch bharat abhiyan" was one of the most important things done towards cleanliness direction, but nowadays it too has fizzled out.
I can see jokers citizens resorting again to filth litering, modi needs now STICK approach to hammer it to these jokers.

India has summarily failed in city and town planning, the biggest problem, the local municipalities inability to work.
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This country has the dubious distinction of producing more traitors at the right places than loyal folks, and the reason i think is your religion doesn't promote unity among co-religionists vs people of other religions/tribes, unlike both the "ebul Abrahamic" ones.

Ideologies or groups with existential conflicts cannot coexist peacefully. Peace in such scenarios can only be achieved through one of two outcomes:

1. One group is entirely eliminated.
2. One or both groups alter the aspects of their ideologies that fuel the existential conflict.

Without inner unity, outward goals remain unattainable unless an external threat becomes so overwhelming that it forces the cessation of internal conflicts for the sake of survival.

You can't just wipe out a certain religion. It's physically impossible. Let's be real.

True, but certain aspects can be changed and Indianized to align with the framework of Indian culture and society. Foreign ideologies that clash with our traditional culture could weaken the fabric of India's national unity.

Christians are okay tbh. They're political but not arsonists.
I believe they are more dangerous than Islamists. While they put themselves out in the open with their views and actions, these can be far more insidious and dangerous. Furthermore, Islamists don't have as much international and financial backing conpared to them.

Obviously they will try to spread their faith, so should Hindus. Nothing wrong with that.
Proselytism by private actors can be highly dangerous, especially when these actors are influenced or controlled by foreign groups. It can erode societal cohesion and create voting blocs that political parties might exploit to gain power. Let's be honest-Christian and Islamic proselytism does pose a threat, as these religions don't prioritize inclusivity. If they become a majority, other religions could be cannibalized.

While leftists often harp about diversity, these two religions are among the biggest threats to it.
Yeah, Xtians aren't as violent as low IQ mullas but they have the same hatred scripturally for Hinduism.
In fact, they are even more dangerous. At least Islamists are open about their views and actions. The goal of both, however, is to spread their own faith while completely eradicating others.
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Well the crux lies here, no matter what spiritual things Indians do or preach, all world do like well maintained places, and here Chinese have done remarkable things.

"vasudev kutumbakam" whatever s%it it is, with no cleaniless around, it amounts to nothing to the world. Modi "swatch bharat abhiyan" was one of the most important things done towards cleanliness direction, but nowadays it too has fizzled out.
I can see jokers citizens resorting again to filth litering, modi needs now STICK approach to hammer it to these jokers.

India has summarily failed in city and town planning, the biggest problem, the local municipalities inability to work.
Ironically there is a higher likelihood of picking up 'dangerous diseases' in china than in Kolkata. Where did wuhan virus originate from? Where is this freshly minted HIPV thingy coming from? :bplease:

China is not a tropical/subtropical nation. They will always be less susceptible to mosquito borne diseases (the correct comparison would be between us and other African, LatAm, ASEAN nations). Also, if someone is talking about 'muh dangerous diseases in India' I would expect them to mention dengue etc - not malaria. Most Indian cities are very safe; safer than their beloved 'American' cities (spare me the 'muh
undokyumented crime' crap; we have an AADHAR linked biometric database to track deaths now).

As I keep saying, goras cannot even do concern trolling. Effeminate scum got absolutely brutalized by covid and yet lifting china's balls crying 'muh dangerous diseases in India reeeee'!
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Ironically there is a higher likelihood of picking up 'dangerous diseases' in china than in Kolkata. Where did wuhan virus originate from? Where is this freshly minted HIPV thingy coming from? :bplease:

China is not a tropical/subtropical nation. They will always be less susceptible to mosquito borne diseases (the correct comparison would be between us and other African, LatAm, ASEAN nations). Also, if someone is talking about 'muh dangerous diseases in India' I would expect them to mention dengue etc - not malaria. Most Indian cities are very safe; safer than their beloved 'American' cities (spare me the 'muh
undokyumented crime' crap; we have an AADHAR linked biometric database to track deaths now).

As I keep saying, goras cannot even do concern trolling. Effeminate scum got absolutely brutalized by covid and yet lifting china's balls crying 'muh dangerous diseases in India reeeee'!

Most of the goras can't survive our spice attacks lol. Chances of Food Poison is higher than everything. Also lack of melanin and trying to backpack in very hot country will have problems.

Also cannot access UPI unless open an Temp account. Thus relies on Cash for most of the thing.
It is ironic that people of abrahamic faith talk about sanatan dharm taking L's while at the same time believe earth is flat,
sun revolves around earth,
women who can do basic math are witches which should be burned,
son of god born from a "virgin" mother got nailed to a cross by an empire that faced a humiliating defeat against a Bharatiye local warlord.
Lost crusades after crusades to green barbarians.
Treating their religion as a product to be sold by corporate salesmen.

Converted working against their own nation can never in their life come to terms to the fact they converted at the sword's blade.

(I don't include those who convert due to circumstances such as lack of resources and some of them do come back to dharmic fold after they are independent)

In the end dharmic civilization has shown that they can reform themselves for the better with time at all levels staying true to the name that is sanatan/eternal while in abrahamic faith's case it is blasphemous.

Ramayana shows that a god took form of a mortal to lead by example and faced all the hardships of a mortal life.

From top(elites) to bottom(poorest of poor) society of bharat believe and follow dharm. Same can't be said about elites of west who only use the religion as tool for furthering interest.

PS: we don't act like a moron and call other's gods demonic in our scriptures.
So you would take that lying down? :bplease:
Why should I?

I have avoided that one missionary wala thread on both old forum and this once to avoid blasphemous stuff, but even here on gora-bashing thread i see this that to from a little ABCD bitch kid who normally only spams pajeet pajeet in the secret society group, not even from the usual guys.
Christianity is just a tool for the satanists of GloboHomo American Empire. Thousands of Christians are slaughtered everyday by Jihadists in Africa , ever seen them care about it? Islamists are burning churches , raping underage girls & killing innocent people in Europe & US , nobody seems to care . Only Hindus understand the nature of this savage death cult & we by association hate everything even distantly related to it . We shall prevail!
Ban niggers from this country.
All they do is peddling drugs, and chimping out when the cops go after them.
Dozens of those drug peddling Negroes in Bangalore
I have friends in some colleges there, negroes roam around campuses just to sell drugs

Some even try to hit on gurls there, some enterprising young lads took it to their hands to handle them in this one particular college near where I was staying, they haven't bothered them since (imagine pushing young men to stand up for known thots, that's how degenerate negroes can get)
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So you would take that lying down? :bplease:
Why should I?

I have avoided that one missionary wala thread on both old forum and this once to avoid blasphemous stuff, but even here on gora-bashing thread i see this that to from a little ABCD bitch kid who normally only spams pajeet pajeet in the secret society group, not even from the usual guys.
Still haven't answered my question.

Where do you live?

I am amazed at the so called Hindu warriors on this forum. This guy has done the gravest, most damning thing possible in Dharma.


And you guys are just having philosophical fcking discussions about whether he has a point.?

This isn't Twatter ot PDF. This is supposed to be DFB.

And you people can't enforce the most basic rule that our ancestors followed. On YOUR forum, supposedly.

Like am I the only one seeing this impotence. If someone said that in Real life in front of me, he would atleast lose a couple of teeth. Be lucky if he goes home in one piece with no unfortunate ' accidents '

I understand that this being Social media and internet, people are much ruder because there is no enforcement of consequences. But the least you people could do is permaban this fucktard Pretapujaka.

That there is not even a discussion about this, is amazing for so called Hindu warriors, boasting about ' we do this in our community, we do let this happen in our community'

Ack thoo.
Another pigskin got doxxed
In the end dharmic civilization has shown that they can reform themselves for the better with time at all levels staying true to the name that is sanatan/eternal while in abrahamic faith's case it is blasphemous.
Hinduism aligns well with the concept of evolution and the concept of survival and adaptability. It has changed and evolved significantly throughout its history. The issues with Hinduism arise when it is prevented from evolving and eliminating weaknesses or obsolete traditions.

This is one of the shortcomings of religions that focus on rigid truths. They often need to suppress differing opinions and alternative paths to validate their "one true path."

Another issue with Hinduism is that it is excessively diverse and inclusive and there is no central authority, which prevents it from reigning in fringe sects. These people are often the most vocal about their practices (cow p$$), bringing unnecessary infamy to all the Hindus.
Converted working against their own nation can never in their life come to terms to the fact they converted at the sword's blade.
Is it true though? Most people who convert today do so because of financial or other incentives. Since, they can change teams one time, they can do so gain with enough benefits.
Other point is that most people are egoistical. No one wants to admit if they have made any mistake. So, to show that they made the right choice, they would double down on bashing their old group.
Others convert due to deep seated resentment for their previous groups. You would see it amongst everyone, be it ex-muslims, ex-christians and ex-hindus. They would bash their old religions harder than anyone else.
Only Hindus understand the nature of this savage death cult & we by association hate everything even distantly related to it . We shall prevail!
Sorry, I read this part wrong.

Again I don't think this is universal. Hate clouds judgement. See why they hate us, read their books and figure out their motivations and thought process, and then see if we can use them for our own. This is pretty cliche, but Sun Tzu's quote is very much useful even today.

"If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle."

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