Idiotic Musings from the West

As someone who comes from an Army family, I've seen many Christians who have sacrificed a lot for this country. Not everyone is a religious bigot and certainly nowhere near the M's.

The middle class and upper middle class Christians are quite neutral people.It's the rural folks who are quite problematic.
Problem is that even 30 years ago most Ms were not as constipated about their ummah as they are today. In fact, in most places in India you would have had difficulty distinguishing them from hindus. But it changed with time and with spread of wahabism coz of Gulf money. Now, the places where the ancestors never had seen a burkha, the descendant women all wear burkha top to bottom. And, yes, I am talking about middle class and upper middle class people.

The Christianity started spreading in NE not even a century ago and now they want to wipe off the Hindus and animists from the NE. Same is happening in adivasi belts. In fact, in Andhra too we have seen how Jagan almost brazenly promoted evangelism. In Punjab, the Sikhs are getting converted left and right.

So, unless you are comfortable with demographic shift and resultant inevitable fall out, you should also be worried about the evangelist activities. If the Christians themselves don't try to curb the activities of their preachers, they shouldn't blame other when the fall out impacts them.
Good these tribes are so isolated, A gora preacher sneezes at them and they will die of pneumonia or some sht

Otherwise one day you would suddenly have the niggers of Sentinel island toting AR-15s and screeching about wanting an independent Ooogah-Boogah-land without the GoI ever knowing how why.

The gora 'preachers' won't even reach there to begin with because the said island is heavily guarded by CG to prevent intrusions. It is not 2018 anymore.
Local coolie collaborators/native informant providing soundbytes to Gora master

View attachment 21828

I can think of several insensitive/tone-deaf headlines for Christmas, Ramadan, Thanksgiving etc but will British rape Island's state sponsored propaganda outlets allow that?

Ye to religious/cultural smearing hai.

During times of Wuhan virus i remember gleeful reporting of India's wuhan virus casualties and drone footage of burning pyres, shot by a mawali Reuters reporter ofc.

I also remember their rage and disbelief at "India's covid casualty figures" when we weren't dying in the large numbers they hoped for.

Westoids promote a genocidal mindset towards us, "street shitting", "gang rape culture" "eating shit" "drinking cow piss" "naked ascetics" all of these narratives serve to dehumanize the Indian Pajeet to the Wasteoid viewer, so when they finally come for us, we can be slaughtered guilt-free.
Local coolie collaborators/native informant providing soundbytes to Gora master

View attachment 21828

I can think of several insensitive/tone-deaf headlines for Christmas, Ramadan, Thanksgiving etc but will British rape Island's state sponsored propaganda outlets allow that?
GOI is full of cucks , just ban these 2-3 media houses from indian net and move on.
Local coolie collaborators/native informant providing soundbytes to Gora master

View attachment 21828

I can think of several insensitive/tone-deaf headlines for Christmas, Ramadan, Thanksgiving etc but will British rape Island's state sponsored propaganda outlets allow that?
Should've chosen better words but that's not their purpose.
Also, I ain't gonna deny that everything in India happens at an extreme scale. Some Sadhus roam around pulling dicks off behaving rogue in front of people being littered with blood & ashes. Foreign medias get never ending materials. Certainly not the tolerance one.
Seen a guardian video yesterday from Kumbh. How polluted the water is where people they dip in.
Need a generational change along with a full blockage of media like BBC & all.
Westoids promote a genocidal mindset towards us, "street shitting", "gang rape culture" "eating shit" "drinking cow piss" "naked ascetics" all of these narratives serve to dehumanize the Indian Pajeet to the Wasteoid viewer, so when they finally come for us, we can be slaughtered guilt-free.
Reminds me of the ten stages of genocide:
1. Classification:
People are divided into "us and them" based on ethnicity, race, religion, or nationality. This division establishes a foundation for prejudice.
2. Symbolization:
Groups are labeled or marked with symbols (e.g., specific clothing, colors, or identifiers) to distinguish them from others.
3. Discrimination:
The dominant group denies basic rights and legal protection to the targeted group, often through laws or policies.
4. Dehumanization:
The targeted group is equated to animals, vermin, diseases, or other subhuman entities to strip them of humanity and make mistreatment more palatable.
5. Organization:
Genocide is systematically planned, often by the state or organized groups. This includes creating militias or systems to enforce violence.
6. Polarization:
Propaganda and laws are used to drive groups further apart, often silencing or attacking moderates who oppose the growing hate.
7. Preparation:
Plans are made for the extermination of the targeted group, including identification, isolation (e.g., ghettos or camps), and the stockpiling of weapons.
8. Persecution:
Victims are identified, separated, and deprived of their resources, freedom, and basic human rights. This stage often includes forced displacement or imprisonment.
9. Extermination:
The mass killing of the targeted group begins, justified by perpetrators as "extermination" rather than murder, as the victims are dehumanized.
10. Denial:
Perpetrators deny the genocide occurred, destroy evidence, blame the victims, or reframe the narrative to avoid accountability.

I don’t think this would happen, but dehumanization ensures that hate crimes and racism become normalized. As a result, the dehumanized group wouldn’t receive as much attention or concern as any other group, since they are seen as beneath 'humans.'
Should've chosen better words but that's not their purpose.

I have been following bbc since 2009/10. That was exactly their purpose. Look at the kind of stock images these subhumans embed on articles related to India.

Also, I ain't gonna deny that everything in India happens at an extreme scale. Some Sadhus roam around pulling dicks off behaving rogue in front of people being littered with blood & ashes. Foreign medias get never ending materials.

Naga sadhus are supposed to move beyond 'earthly desires'. They deny society and civilization and let go of anything that symbolizes consumption/modernity (clothings included). Gora perverts find this amusing/disgusting/stupid etc and go around clicking their pics even though an avg Indian wouldn't even encounter them (because Nagas do not reside in places inhabited by 'mortal humans'). Why would they abandon their traditions because of some obese Joe from burgerland?

Certainly not the tolerance one.
Seen a guardian video yesterday from Kumbh. How polluted the water is where people they dip in.
Need a generational change along with a full blockage of media like BBC & all.

This is something I fully support. Goras need to be harassed more by the gormint babus (they are harassing them already but it is not enough). Also, our e-lashkars need to up their game by a few notches.
I don’t think this would happen, but dehumanization ensures that hate crimes and racism become normalized. As a result, the dehumanized group wouldn’t receive as much attention or concern as any other group, since they are seen as beneath 'humans.'

No, no, I think we are "on the menu" so to speak and I don't mean the Indian diaspora, i mean us, people living here and the govt, this is the purpose that the dehumanizing narratives serve.

You are correct about the 10 stages of genocide, i feel this is their long term goal if we don't bend the knee, and sanctions don't give them the desired results.

They can do it either directly with their 11 super-carriers of democracy, using their Paki slaves or using deniable bioweapons like the Wuhan virus but more deadly.
Ye to religious/cultural smearing hai.

During times of Wuhan virus i remember gleeful reporting of India's wuhan virus casualties and drone footage of burning pyres, shot by a mawali Reuters reporter ofc.

I also remember their rage and disbelief at "India's covid casualty figures" when we weren't dying in the large numbers they hoped for.

Westoids promote a genocidal mindset towards us, "street shitting", "gang rape culture" "eating shit" "drinking cow piss" "naked ascetics" all of these narratives serve to dehumanize the Indian Pajeet to the Wasteoid viewer, so when they finally come for us, we can be slaughtered guilt-free.
They wont come for us.
Because by the time they feel like they MUST come for us, two things already would've happened :
a) west's ability to project force in terms of boots on the ground would be even lower ( west is highly allergic to boots on the ground leading to bodybags) due to demographic decline
b) India is gonna close the gap further in ability to match projected force.

But yes, that is their dream because the reality is, the gora is a shitty creature in peacetime. They lack discipline, motivation and consistency to produce a productive society that can CREATE wealth.
Notice that every single gora kingdom of any major size - from Roman empire to the Frankish empire to british empire and literally everyone in between- they ALL got to 'massive progress' via slavery and conquest, aka loot.
What happens to the gora when there is no conquest & loot ? decadence, degeneracy, low productivity aimlessness and descent into mayhem.

Contrast this with India/China/persia/Thailand - these three are extremely rich empires/kingdoms/regions of Asia and almost every single kingdom/empire got filthy rich with or without conquest - look at Magadh and how rich the pre-mauryan Nanda dynasty were considered. Or look at how rich the small Solanki dynasty kingdom was in Gujarat or how opulently The devagiri Yadavas are described as. Or the small kingdoms of China after the fall of the han empire.
Or thailand ever since they got the better of the Khmer.

These are ALL self-made empires - through good ol 'chop forest-->expand-->trade & expand' model.

The Gora knows this and the elites of the Goras know this axiom : those who are superior in times of peace(meaning via hard work, discipline, social cohesion etc) do not seek war and those who are inferior in peace, do not seek peace.

This is simple truism of how the elites operate - always have and always will. The problem for Gora elite is until sci-fi reality of automation becomes reality, gora elite isnt gonna go to war as their population is extremely pussified and risk averse.
So they are reduced to bombing campaigns in times of war, which only goes so far as to completely destroy a society, as short of nukage, there simply isnt enough explosives in terms of total kg TNT yeild to blow up all the buildings in Maharashtra, let alone all of India.

I think if India can get a robust air force in the next 15-20 years + keep within touching distance of the AI advances the west makes, the window on attacking us is gonna close on a long term basis and it will then see an intensification of racism, as a containment strategy as that would be the only viable strategy for them at that point.

This ofcourse, assuming that we do not become demographically powerful via immigration into the west over the next 20 years, particularly in the 5 eyes countries. For this, we do not have to individually become even 10% of population - so long as Asian population of non muslim (and to a lesser extent muslim) kind gets to about 20-30% of society, the west, particulary the 5 eyes will be *forced* to become the bitches of Asia.
Coz more Asians in the west = more links to the rest of their families back in Asia, aka Asia replaces Europe as main demographic driver for shift of cultural focus. This is inevitable, provided immigration keeps up for another decade and half or so- which it is more than likely for the 5 eyes.

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