The west had human zoos till 1950s, if anyone thinks the racism that they practiced and preached openly for centuries just goes away in 50 years, then I have a white marble building in Agra on sale for them. But even then America has been quite acceptive of immigrants and meritocracy is awarded, even if America did it to further their own interests. This recent bout of racism is nothing but a periodic resurgence of the dirt that they pushed under the carpet to absolve them of their guilt. It will come and go, just like it has for other ethnicities. The only difference now is that we have the internet and we have social media, so the hate & racism gets amplified probably 100x than before.
But Indians are not the only ones at the receiving end, just check how Chinese have been treated in US historically.
Compared to them, this online drama is soooooo weak and mild.
But there are several silver linings in this as per me, first the often blatant and irrational racism highlights the dark, dirty underbelly of US, second there is very little to no real impact on the immigrants themselves as the screechers are low life individuals with next to no real power except for an open media to air their racism, third it will help pull ethnic Indians out of their disillusionment that somehow US is a heaven and Indian is bad bad, fourth it will polarise them to be more abrasive, confident and do better and better, fifth it will help forge a sense of community building among fellow Indians as they will realise there is no one for them except their own.
As US is going to see more public Indian faces in various fields, expect the racism to rise and not get any less.
But Indians in US also have the $$$ and influence to curb it, if they want to.
There is a law to combat Jew hatred, and there is one to combat Muslim hatred, none to combat Hindu hatred... I wonder why.
Me enjoying this drama with
