Idiotic Musings from the West

After reinstalling instagram after months and arguing with a chilean pignat,my account got suspended. Thus I uninstalled it again.
His only arguments were:-"brown","smelly","5'4",plus some religious slurs(same as the sulloids use) and he was literally spamming them. In the end he was asking me to come to his dm to send him my pic,date of birth etc so that I can "Reclaim my pride",even sent me follow request.
Bunch of obsessed weirdos these pignats are.
Create a new account and go after him again. And spam mutt wojak memes this time - not that difficult to troll a latrino tbh. :cmegusta:
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A Chilean wignat?

Some leftover sperm from Kraut Nazi exodus aka ratline to South America?

Also people from countries whose name are that of vegetables should not be so uppity.
I kept calling him a spic druggie plus said that "one earthquake and your cuntry will be finished". That got on his nerves so he told me to "SeNd Dm".
Create a new account and go after him again. And spam mutt wojak memes this time. :cmegusta:
Nah,I uninstalled that app for good. Somehow,I feel like instagram is worse than xitter,despite it having a great number of Indians. Since most of those Indians are just normies that don't have much knowledge about this anti-India campaign,even many of the it-cell accounts,the rest few being the e-lashkar.
I kept calling him a spic druggie plus said that "one earthquake and your cuntry will be finished". That got on his nerves so he told me to "SeNd Dm".

Nah,I uninstalled that app for good. Somehow,I feel like instagram is worse than xitter,despite it having a great number of Indians. Since most of those Indians are just normies that don't have much knowledge about this anti-India campaign,even many of the it-cell accounts,the rest few being the e-lashkar.
Insta/FB are normie platforms with normie algo. You probably wouldn't find incels unless you actively look for and interact with them.
Insta/FB are normie platforms with normie algo. You probably wouldn't find incels unless you actively look for and interact with them.
Nope,I was flooded with those kind of posts despite blocking and tapping "not interested" a bunch of them,moderation has become shit there as well.
Looks like Zucker(((berg))) is going the Musk way.
Nope,I was flooded with those kind of posts despite blocking and tapping "not interested" a bunch of them,moderation has become shit there as well.
Looks like Zucker(((berg))) is going the Musk way.
Insta algo is designed to keep you doom scrolling. You previously interacted with them and the algo (correctly) concluded that those stuffs interested you. Tapping 'not interested' on a few posts will not change that. YouTube is like that too - it takes a herculean effort to curate your feed once it is corrupted. One of the major drawbacks of algo based SM. These platforms understand this too and hence, encourage you to keep multiple accounts (dedicated to mutually exclusive interests).

Also, Insta/FB/YT have always been more accommodating of extreme views (unlike old Twitter which used to be uber cautious of them). It is just that those posts are deboosted and typically won't go viral like a normie post would. Their moderation has always been shit and only mass reporting worked - nothing new in that.
So called Richest Nation USA, build their homes with wood.
Here in Poor country named India, even Dharavi types would not do that, or even if they are coarced to built wood house would always try to upgrade to brick and cement house as soon as possible
Why do americans build wood house? Is it because of temperature?! The richest country can't even provide central heating system and compare themselves with Russians apartments.

Propaganda of US exceptionalism is too strong.

I guess they have a lot of wood.
btw this simping for wood is just an Amerimutt thing, turns out even the Euros build brick/concrete homes just like us

Anti-Indian thoughts are very popular. Just see the comment of this video. Not barely 10 hrs passed, and It looks like 4chan and wignats had marriage and consummated together.

Pignats come from 4chan, elon's takeover of twatter made them mainstream

After reinstalling instagram after months and arguing with a chilean pignat,my account got suspended. Thus I uninstalled it again.
His only arguments were:-"brown","smelly","5'4",plus some religious slurs(same as the sulloids use) and he was literally spamming them. In the end he was asking me to come to his dm to send him my pic,date of birth etc so that I can "Reclaim my pride",even sent me follow request.
Bunch of obsessed weirdos these pignats are.

Pinochet didn't throw enough of them from helicopters it seems.
Works well to convert the desis from white worship to white hate. We should form a temporary alliance with the Joos. But they are also racist and hate us too. So gotta make a alliance of convenience rather than Hondu Juice bhai bhai Saar.

Jooz are a joke on the internet, they don't have the numbers or quality of burns and ratios like our e-lashkars do.
Their strengths are outside the internet in the realms of banking, academia, media, hollyjude etc

On r/Israel there were literally jooz bitching about random Indian dudes doing more for Israeli PR and blasting Poliostinian propaganda than Israelis and the Israeli govt itself was doing.
Create a new account and go after him again. And spam mutt wojak memes this time - not that difficult to troll a latrino tbh. :cmegusta:
Always these Mexicans. I dunno the ground for this obsession. Most Wignats you see on Twitter are basically them. There have been multiple videos of Mexicans racially abusing Indians in the last few years. Some went very vital on Indian media.
After reinstalling instagram after months and arguing with a chilean pignat,my account got suspended. Thus I uninstalled it again.
His only arguments were:-"brown","smelly","5'4",plus some religious slurs(same as the sulloids use) and he was literally spamming them. In the end he was asking me to come to his dm to send him my pic,date of birth etc so that I can "Reclaim my pride",even sent me follow request.
Bunch of obsessed weirdos these pignats are.
I had to leave Instagram for the same reason as well. They got my each account banned & the insta AI is very rogue now. They moderate even if you say the slightest against anyone, if not the "Anyone" happens to be Indian.
Always these Mexicans. I dunno the ground for this obsession. Most Wignats you see on Twitter are basically them. There have been multiple videos of Mexicans racially abusing Indians in the last few years. Some went very vital on Indian media.

Inferiority complex for being mutts and even a majority of them are mutts with "white mexicans" in the minority.
I had to leave Instagram for the same reason as well. They got my each account banned & the insta AI is very rogue now. They moderate even if you say the slightest against anyone, if not the "Anyone" happens to be Indian.
Use pics and memes. Else, type problematic stuff on your device, take an SS and post. Avoid typing directly.

Have seen a lot of e-lashkars respond this way.

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