Idiotic Musings from the West

Just something to add here. Only country determined in the West to invade us currently is UK due to fact we see them as an existential threat just like USA did in its early years of independence.

Of course if Portuguese, Dutch, French, German and even Danish see an opening they will not hesitate to attack us

Their zeal to invade is not to steal our wealth, but to eradicate and replace our population with themselves
Examples- New Zealand, Australia and USA

India is best piece of real estate on the planet when it comes to sustaining human population. Unlike US and China we can even grow crops in the winter

Colonial powers are cursed with lands that cannot sustain their populations, even today UK imports 48% of all its food

What will ultimately determine our safety is our ability to bring war to London, Lisbon, Paris, Berlin, Amsterdam and Copenhagen etc

Best defence against invaders is extinction and genocide of invader

Russians have followed this policy and it has worked wonders for them.
Turks were invading and enslaving Slavs as early as 3rd century. Russians responded by genociding them, Rusification and using invader's lands as buffer against any potential future invaders.

Demographics will not be of any consequence because
  1. Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and other traitors within our subcontinent willing to collaborate with British or any external invader and compensate for numbers.
  2. Potential of small cheap drones is replacing the need for boots on ground
  3. The threat of successful biological warfare attack can significantly reduce our demograhic advantage.

When colonial British attacked us we had the upper hand in demographics, economy and even in technology in some cases(Mysore rockets, better quality ships)

Only thing we lacked was war of offence. No Maratha, Mughal, Sikh ever made a goal to target London and hence British outlived each of one of these empire. All British needed was one victory vs Indians needing to defend successfully each time.
I disagree with the fundamental premise that the Anglos & Euros wanna colonize us as in settler colonialism and not just re-enact resource extractive ' vassal colonization' model the Euros employed for most of the world.

Look closely and see where are the main populations of Euros in the world outside of Europe. Answer : USA, Canada, south africa, Australia & New Zealand. These are the ONLY lands the whites have been able to colonize and remain white.
Latin america they had to intermingle with the locals to make latino population and everywhere else, especially in Asia & Africa, they flat out failed to settle.

Why ? Because Euros dont have the cultural attributes to survive in hot & humid climates. Fundamentally hot & humid climate people- be it hindus or buddhists or african shamanists - they have a strong sense of hygene in terms of not sharing body fluids - concepts such as 'jhoota/eentho' exists in these cultures that goras do not have.
Goras are also not habitual bathers/showerers- its common for gora dude in his 20s-30s to take 1-2 showers a week and even in college dorms, it was always us asian kids who were taking daily showers.

The euros knew of Indian & other asian land potential from days of rome, they even overhyped how productive our lands were before they actually showed up to colonize. So it wasnt lack of desire, it was lack of capability.
And i see nothing in modern gora culture that will let them survive in hot & humid India. given their degenerate sex habits & low personal sense of hygene, you would basically have 90% of the population having some form of eczema or something in India.

As for taking the war to them - not needed.
All we need to do is to keep immigrating to the gora lands for the next 20-30 years at the same rate as we are doing now.
If we do so, simple math of our growth rate + immigration rate + gora birth rate means that in 20-30 years, we become a sizeable minority and asians as a whole headed for deomgraphic majority by 2100.

Once we get to be sizeable minority, we have inside power to affect their politics re: us.

Take me for eg - i have called every single candidate for federal elections in my riding for last 10 years and asked them flat out what their position is on khalistanis & islamists and if they support them to any degree, they wont get my vote.
Sure, today it means not a whole lot. But in 20 years, it will, because where there is 1 gauda naresh in my riding, in 20 years there will be 50.

What most people do not realize, is that the rules of immigration have changed in the last 15 years.
The main reason 'all goras in north america = anglofied ( except the frenchies of quebec)' is because the dynamics of immigration made it so that you had no choice BUT to assimilate.
Pretend u r gora immigrant from Germany or Poland or Russia or wherever in Europe that isnt British Isles and u came anywhere 1600 to 2010. Just how the hell do u keep abrest of news from Germany ? How do you know whats going on in your city in small details ? U only find out if ur city is in war or had a plague outbreak from american or canadian news. How do you keep abrest of culture ? any new art form from homeland ?
You cannot.
Hence why 'immigrants keeping alive their culture' has ALWAYS been a bunch of old buddhas who go to the desi or croatian culture club and hang out with fellow buddha and the only youngsters there are the actual croatian or desi immigrant who came over in the last 5 years.
But they ALL know - their kids and their kids kids will be americanised coz there is NO alternative.

But that fundamental reality has changed in the last 15 years due to broadband mass internet.

Now u can take bong outta bongistan but you cannot take bongi politics outta the bong, coz bong in San Fransisco can be hooked on to Arnab screaming 24/7 on republic tv and then switch on zeeplus for tv show with family and then spend 2 hrs talking on whatsapp video or facetime with naana naani from back home.
***THIS*** was not available at any point in human history to the immigrant till 15 years ago. And as we immigrants who have a pulse on immigration know, the 'dynamics' of immigration - from India to China to Africa has changed - the immigrant is now far less likely to assimilate - because no one really wants to assimilate but is forced via lack of option for vast majority.

All Indians and India has to do, is not alienate the immigrant desi + promote desi culture & desi culture pride to the max ( without being cringe level) - it will keep the immigrant and their descendants tethered to the home culture.

This is the forced checkmate that is in play for the west. There is simply no need to go all hard power 'aaa mother raashaaa or heil hitler or marg ban amriki' on them for us - we have demographic weight, we have skills weight, we have time on our side and what we are doing is slowly working.

My vision is to simply see modern day immigration to the west as colonization 2.0 but done in civilized Indo-Chinese way, the way we did to SE Asia - show up, live ur life, be productive, dont be bojha on society, keep ur values, dont try to genocide the values of the locals or the locals themselves and soon enough you will interbreed and produce hybrid culture like most of SE Asia with deep fondness for motherland cultures ( like SE Asians do for India & China vs see how natives of Euro colonized lands look at them - with naked hatred).

Given that the west's birthrate is abysmal + immigration is a lot easier today in scale ( as in millions of people immigrating in a given year today - which is hugely bigger than what would be a historical constant rate for eg and even during height of migration periods in some parts of the world, the number of people moving places didnt hit millions), this scenrio will play out much, much quicker than the scenario of colonization 1.0 played out. And also with far more humane results.

At the same time, its important to realize that the west is in a Thucydydes trap in terms of power - those who dont know what it is, i suggest you guys familiarize yourself with the concept, because Thucydydes trap is the fundamental law of hegemon vs challenger(s) power dynamic.

Which means, the west does have a window to attack us before demographic checkmate is complete, which means motherlands would have to remain militarily vigilant.
India hasnt totally dropped the ball on this, but off late is turning into a mediocre C- student at it, who will fail at crunchtime, coz when its crunchtime, you dont want C- dudes to be calling the shots.
As far as the Brits are concerned, i really want Britain to become Al Bartaniya.
Because Britain is slowly and steadily returning to its historic position in the world order, over the last 80 years : To be an irrelevant dehati satellite unga bunga island off of the coast of Europe. yes, it had a great 400 year anomaly out of the 5000+ year material culture we have seen on record and its pretty clear : from ~ 3000 BCE to 1500s CE: UK is to France & most of continental europe corresponding to the roman empire as Chotanagpur is to Bengal or Bihar in history.

Let them become irrelevant dehati islamist fundamentalist and ignore them as they slide into dehat giri again, now that you cant rule the waves anymore by chopping trees and making boats. Trust me, its not a place you'd want to live, the British Isles/ North Sea climate is truely hell on earth - almost always grey to cloudy and dark, most of the year with diffused sunlight or no sun at all, with cold wet rain and almost all the rivers + lakes = cold water.
Plus there is no majestic scenery, at best u get some green mossy hills near a rocky coast somewhere in northern england/scotland that looks decent for 1 hr then u r bored.
Lmao, just a few days ago we were talking about dehumanisation and 10 stages of genocide. I saw this circulating on xitter today. (Although I assume this is either an insider job, the work of greens or a foolish wignat — since they literally copied Wikipedia and didn’t bother to place themselves on a moral pedestal.)


The picture in the tweet:

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