Idiotic Musings from the West

Giant ass cope from a basement dweller pigskin incel whose nation is currently a sheeithole with dying industries,increasing crimes(not just mudslimes and blacks but pigskins as well) and a stagnating economy,so he resorts to kanging on the blood stained "glorious" past of his already fallen nation and how they "civilised" us.
Last para was funniest bcuz it seems that he's scared of muslims and doesn't want any backlashes from them.
Chagnonpill,the more violent you are towards them,the more fear and respect(even if it's fake) they'll show towards you,both irl and sometimes on social media as well. This violent nature and ethno-religious unity is exactly what NRIs lack.
Giant ass cope from a basement dweller pigskin incel whose nation is currently a sheeithole with dying industries,increasing crimes(not just mudslimes and blacks but pigskins as well) and a stagnating economy,so he resorts to kanging on the blood stained "glorious" past of his already fallen nation and how they "civilised" us.
Last para was funniest bcuz it seems that he's scared of muslims and doesn't want any backlashes from them.
Chagnonpill,the more violent you are towards them,the more fear and respect(even if it's fake) they'll show towards you,both irl and sometimes on social media as well. This violent nature and ethno-religious unity is exactly what NRIs lack.
While I appreciate the spirit behind these suggestions, I think money buys power. NRIs should put money to work instead of taking to the streets.

Establish more VC funds, create more NGOs who fund Indians, build more institutions that don’t rely on individuals. Power is projected through institutions, protests are projected through street power but those movements don’t have the staying power of institutions.

Every city should have a Hindu school similar to how they have Jewish schools. Every city should have a council member that is Indian.
Every city should have a DA member that is Indian.
Every city should have a couple police that is Indian.
More judges need to be Indian.
LMAO , say whatever you want .. Elon Musk is based ! From PayPal to Tesla to SpaceX the man has a plan & I respect him .

This one is not a rags-to-riches story. He belongs to a super-rich family that minted money during the apartheid era SA (mining business).

He knows how to use people and trends. He understands business, I will give him that.
Such a hilarious cope he deleted the post
No shit muslims dont make arguments in favour of 'muh great indegenous civilisation and history of India' as muslms see themselves as doots of Allah civilising and saving a savage land by removing jahilliyat and promoting deen.
The same reason you dont find very many mexicans chest thump as 'muh aztec glorious past'. They see themselves as christoids who civilised the savage land.
Whites have their own dehat.

The recent wignat meltdown has made it abundantly clear.
And their dehatis are far, far worse than desi dehatis.
White dehatis mostly, as in 99.9% of the time, come in two flavours :
a) Think of christ all the time, christ christ christ, christ while eating, christ while pooping, christ while cheating.
b) Cucks who's greatest fantasies are railing his neighbour's wife while looking and seeing his wife being ralied by the said neighbour.

The other 0.1% dehatis are not really dehatis, they are 'city refugees' who havent fully become proper white dehatis yet and have just shown up for 'sunsaan quietness of nature and away from gali galoj and haarns of city life'.

The above describe 100.00% of white dehatis from mexico borderland to frozen tundra of the arctic in north america.

I used to fantasize in my 20s about having a quit life in the country, in white dehaat, away from big cities and riding horses and having my own garden and shit ( i can do this, as i work remotely most of the time). Then i actually visited white dehat.
And i realized that your options socially are either the above 2 situations or having 4 friends in total, all of which are the token pujabi guy, token chinese guy, token filipino guy and token city fleeing dude who, like me, is pretending to be dehati.
No shit muslims dont make arguments in favour of 'muh great indegenous civilisation and history of India' as muslms see themselves as doots of Allah civilising and saving a savage land by removing jahilliyat and promoting deen.
The same reason you dont find very many mexicans chest thump as 'muh aztec glorious past'. They see themselves as christoids who civilised the savage land.
Christcvcks and mudslimes are "jaat bhai". No matter how much they hate each other,they'll always unite when they fight against pagans.
Figures why the britpigskin praised kanglus and porks in his cope post.
Christcvcks and mudslimes are "jaat bhai". No matter how much they hate each other,they'll always unite when they fight against pagans.
Figures why the britpigskin praised kanglus and porks in his cope post.
Dharmics dont realise this- that dharmics ( jains hindus buddhists, sikhs, taoists) are jaat-bhais, the same way abrahamics are.
The whole argument between jooz, christoids and moosloids can be summed up in one sentence : " New updated rules and regulations from lord god has come, all prior shit is shit and there can be no more new shit and we are most accurate".
Jooz did this first against pagans even amongst the jooz ( the golden calf story of the bible), christoids did this to jooz, moosloids did this to chrsitoids.
But they are arguing over the same damn desert demon of arabia as to who are the true 'khidmatgaar' and who will get more kudos from the same huzoor. And all three agree that nothing pisses off this huzoor, who is supposedly all knowing, all seeing & all powerful, to see a random few people do good things and pray to some dolls they made up to worship. You must worship and worship only this huzoor.
Christcvcks and mudslimes are "jaat bhai". No matter how much they hate each other,they'll always unite when they fight against pagans.
Figures why the britpigskin praised kanglus and porks in his cope post.

Also, a PC diss on white dehatis that my friend discovered and i am having great success with it online: Sun dodger. Lets make that the new pajeet of the internet.
Also, a PC diss on white dehatis that my friend discovered and i am having great success with it online: Sun dodger. Lets make that the new pajeet of the internet.
"Sun-dodger"? Really? It sounds less insulting than "p!gskin" though
A stupid white pajeet is trying to troll me with overcrowded Indian trains. I need something to hit back with pictures that shows US trains in a bad light or something similar.

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