Idiotic Musings from the West

"How do we counter saars now?":fu:
Aaand............................ he's back!

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Did any one really think that the modern day joseph goebbels aka Elon musk would miss a chance to dehumanize Indians?
He was suspended thrice :lol:
Now Elundiya swines can seethe more. Boer scum thought he is above the law of a nation.
The pig was making fun of the judge of Brazilian SC
Hope this bastard will be shown his place & gets a Durov treatment.


His whole wealth is acquired through charity and subsidies from the US government departments. None of his businesses are sustainable. Unfortunately, he knows powerful people who shield him from the "market forces".

Just because he is a blue-eyed boy of the US government and the US government loves to shower cash on this scum, he believes that he can manipulate the whole world.

Any tech business that believes in the practice of "hire and fire" is sitting on a huge bubble.
Fking low iq pignats

Paki muselmon thought he was one of them

"Pool sapot to barry from us Indian pooslimes!!"
Gets banned🤣🤣


And it continues.

They're targetting LKFC now

Pignats are so easy to fool and deceive,it's so easy to use them . No wonder that they're being ruled by a handful of jooz and being replaced.
well well....firangis r returing to their orignal behaviour. just imagine these guys who did slavery, mass killing, looting, witch hunting, racism, colourism, pornography etc....r now consider civilized world nd moral police of world😂. but now their existence is in danger in their own country, they r "fadfadaying😁" like machli on land. hindus nd indianz r easy target for them, without any consequences. so they r doing, what they r good on. atleast some "gora loving indians" r realising their ugly faces nd mindsets.

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