Idiotic Musings from the West

Good work by the Indian community in UK, but will it be enough? Time will tell


makes no difference to majid..

Prison power shift: 'WARNING' as Muslim prison gangs 'rise' according to Steve Gallant​


Meanwhile our PR 😭

There is one thing i want to say with an open heart..... We may doxxx and shut down the mouths of venomous racists like Barry Stanton or Leornarda Jonie but their view of India represents what an average westerner thinks of India. Western society's opinion of India is extremely negative. So until and unless we clean up our horrible cities and towns and bring them to 21st-century levels, their perception of India won't change.
You'll see a lot of whites crying about Indians in tech and saying that Indian coders are bad etc.

There was a time when I used to actually believe them. Over time, I realized that it's BS and these rednecks will accuse any non-white of being inferior.

Take Vivek Ramaswamy for example. Vivek is head and shoulders above any Republican intelligence wise, yet you'll see plenty of rednecks saying they'll never support Vivek because he's brown etc

It's not even just Indians. These whites are worse than even Haitians when it comes to actually working.

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You'll see a lot of whites crying about Indians in tech and saying that Indian coders are bad etc.

There was a time when I used to actually believe them. Over time, I realized that it's BS and these rednecks will accuse any non-white of being inferior.

Take Vivek Ramaswamy for example. Vivek is head and shoulders above any Republican intelligence wise, yet you'll see plenty of rednecks saying they'll never support Vivek because he's brown etc

It's not even just Indians. These whites are worse than even Haitians when it comes to actually working.


Why the hell do you think the goras wingnats are threatening violence/war/rebellion against immigrants and imimgrants are not ?
Because the rule of thumb in ALL human history, is the group that is winning at peacetime, wants peace, while the group that is losing at peacetime, wants war.

As a coder/IT guy with western higher secondry and Indian secondary background, i am in a position to compare/contrast Asian IT people vs western IT people.
The only thing the western IT person has an advantage in, from the get go ( as in just graduated uni with BSc/BASc), they know more coding techniques.
Their main disadvantage,is focus and concentration. Never seen a gora coder below the age of 40 who can sit on his terminal and just code for 4 hrs straight. Nope. Not one of them lasts more than 2 hrs before they take a mini-break or end up commenting through their code ( which is basically writing english notes throughout your code so others who are working with u can understand wtf u did and what is your line of logic,given that a problem can be solved in many different ways).

The desi or Chinese coder, they code away for 4-6 hrs straight, no breaks.

The consequence of this, is when gora coder is fired, the guy replacing him usually goes ' he hasnt done much but his work is fairly clear and i can finish it'. When desi or chinese guy gets fired/quits, its always ' omg, there is 1000 lines of code and i have no idea if its half done or almost done, i will need a week to parse through this'.

Goras, be it coders, engineers, doctors or arts losers, they all lack mental discipline and mental stamina vs Asian educated students. That is because the school system here never really teaches you to focus for hours on end at a task, its all about breadth training, not depth training.
These were someone's daughters


The modern western civilization is a male utopia, a man doesn't need to follow a religion to enjoy the company of beautiful women in the afterlife. All the pleasures are available in the material world.

The dating culture is not very different. In fact, it is the cheaper option compared to hiring a prostitute.

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