Idiotic Musings from the West

With so many memes peddle by this account who is gonna take them seriously.
Once you douse yourself in memes you become a meme, no one from that point forward will take you seriously.
The USA deserve every meme for the shit they do to India.
The biggest Satan on this earth they destroy every country in the name of Joshua project with the war cry of always "God bless America", that God must hate then humans.
With so many memes peddle by this account who is gonna take them seriously.
Once you douse yourself in memes you become a meme, no one from that point forward will take you seriously.
Been following Sputnik India since they were around ~800 followers, their growth leeching on to Social media trends in India, has been remarkable to say the least
But the more you see their content the more you start to think it operates less like a news platform and more like one specifically operating to get a large following in India and drive public narrative in their favour by pandering to the local population, they do this ever so subtly
And lots of people to respond quite positively as well
Been following Sputnik India since they were around ~800 followers, their growth leeching on to Social media trends in India, has been remarkable to say the least
But the more you see their content the more you start to think it operates less like a news platform and more like one specifically operating to get a large following in India and drive public narrative in their favour by pandering to the local population, they do this ever so subtly
And lots of people to respond quite positively as well

same thing used to happen during soviet period as well, when western press and journals focused on third worldisms like poverty porn, soviet periodicals and fortnightly magazines that used to come here showcased positive stories.

vividly remember the photos because people from stan countries and siberia used to have pink cheeks for some reason, almost like blushing. bright and colourful traditional costumes.
The part that fcks the e. asian men, is that they simply arent seen very masculine without being aggressive assholes by white wimmen. The block imo is there, because of white women more than east azn women being white chasers ( they are, but as the graphs show, not by that much more to other ethnic wimmen).

I know & dated plenty of white wimmen in my life, the vibe from most of them are 'just not very east azn men are sexually attractive. they are delicate looking/not hairy and even less hairy than me is weird' being the most common rejection point of white wimmen being 'ew no' to azn men, which some whitified azn women i know also do very, very openly.

most white wimmen i know, are okay so long as you have at least one of the ' hairy mofo/built like an unit/got a typical brutish manly face' dude and its just so rare to see a chinku thats built like a unit naturally- those are almost all gym bod dudes and you never really grow up with a east azn that often who is built like batul the great - the unit chinku kids tend to be just fatasses. And that steriotype of east azn men seem to stick. Nor do you ever meet a chinku kid growing up who looks like a young nana-patekar - they just dont have that 'big boned/man' look either.
To white wimmen, race doesnt matter so much as long as these notions of 'masculinity' are satisfied.

This is also why, IMO, why even though the murrican graph wont show it, i know white wimmen *mostly* see native american men in the same 'chinku lite' version as they too have a mostly lithe/short build and are also fairy hairless people in the body.
You cant be both and attract white wimmen as far as general rule of thumb goes.

There's another statistic about interracial marriages in Korea but can't find it right now. But apparently there are more Indian man Korean women marriages than Korean men Indian women marriages.

Even though the media might make you think otherwise given the popularity of all the Kpoop dramas and the so called Korean wave.

But it makes sense given that the biggest fans of all this Kpoop nonsense are mostly teenage girls high on hormones, not grown women. Once a woman gets older, she wants a real man, not some frail Kpoop plastic doll femboy.

Ultimately, the vast majority of women want some kind of leadership, safety and security(both financial and physical), and they know jeets a have those traits in ample amounts.
There's another statistic about interracial marriages in Korea but can't find it right now. But apparently there are more Indian man Korean women marriages than Korean men Indian women marriages.

Even though the media might make you think otherwise given the popularity of all the Kpoop dramas and the so called Korean wave.

But it makes sense given that the biggest fans of all this Kpoop nonsense are mostly teenage girls high on hormones, not grown women. Once a woman gets older, she wants a real man, not some frail Kpoop plastic doll femboy.

Ultimately, the vast majority of women want some kind of leadership, safety and security(both financial and physical), and they know jeets a have those traits in ample amounts.
South Asia is again an outlier where Men marry more interacially than other way around.

Been following Sputnik India since they were around ~800 followers, their growth leeching on to Social media trends in India, has been remarkable to say the least
But the more you see their content the more you start to think it operates less like a news platform and more like one specifically operating to get a large following in India and drive public narrative in their favour by pandering to the local population, they do this ever so subtly
And lots of people to respond quite positively as well

same thing used to happen during soviet period as well, when western press and journals focused on third worldisms like poverty porn, soviet periodicals and fortnightly magazines that used to come here showcased positive stories.

vividly remember the photos because people from stan countries and siberia used to have pink cheeks for some reason, almost like blushing. bright and colourful traditional costumes.

Russkies being tryhards for no reason.
US & pals have historically been the #1 pusher of Pro-Russian sentiment, in the same way that greens and liberals are the #1 pushers of pro-Hindutva sentiment.
There's another statistic about interracial marriages in Korea but can't find it right now. But apparently there are more Indian man Korean women marriages than Korean men Indian women marriages.

Even though the media might make you think otherwise given the popularity of all the Kpoop dramas and the so called Korean wave.

But it makes sense given that the biggest fans of all this Kpoop nonsense are mostly teenage girls high on hormones, not grown women. Once a woman gets older, she wants a real man, not some frail Kpoop plastic doll femboy.

Ultimately, the vast majority of women want some kind of leadership, safety and security(both financial and physical), and they know jeets a have those traits in ample amounts.

Many women want that, but there are many women with stronk trad values who do not want that - most bong women want to be leaders for eg.
What women want really, is a man who is a saint to others but projects the aura of ' i can snuff you out if i wish to' power. THAT is what a lot of people dont fundamentally understand about the female perception of power in a man. This is the deep core cause of the symptoms of 'nice guys finish last/women go for bad boys, even at their own detriment' archetypes. Because women are not attracted to a nice guy with no power. They are not turned on by a gandhi, because however nice gandhi is, they know he has no choice but be nice, because even a standard 15 year old bihari could've put a smackdown on bapu.
But give them a pacifist Bruce Lee and they will all collectively cream their panties - because they find the **COMBINATION** of ' he is such a nice guy and so much self control, so much self awareness, but he still can fuckup 10 guys if he wants, so its a choice, not a lack of option like bapu', that is the **bulls-eye** for female attract-o-meter.
This is also why women from ALL cultures look favourably on the 'gentle giant' man type, even if he is a bit stupid, because he has the combination of ' he is a nice guy 99% of the time but if he goes full Hodor on you, you are dead, buddy'.

Women too, often dont know this and that is often why they end up with abusive assholes/loser bad boys because they are all gunning for the 'saint normally, scary when pissed off' angle and the less competent ones often cant identify the 'too far gone cases', where 'hon, they are an asshole 99% of the time coz they are pissed off 99% of the time and u wont change him' factors.

East Asians are the only phenotype people who do not project any sort of menacing presence/masculine ruggedness is why they bat at lower totem pole in other race's female perception. Obviously there are many individuals who dont give a shit and will quite happily marry the chinku takla and dont care that he looks like a chinku gandhi, but by and large, raw sexual attraction does make a difference in influencing the general numbers and this is where the chinku/east asian men lose out.

Its the little things that add up to a big difference - for eg, i didnt know this till my 30s but **most** straight women of any given race find it off-putting a bit if their guys are less hairy than them. Since i am a standard hairy Indian, i didnt ever suffer from this and i always thought hairy is not too attractive, coz ladies will point out the 'wolly gorilla in the jacuzzi pool' and see them in negative light, start talking about how he should wax his shoulders or braid it, etc.
But the **SAME** women go 'whoa! your stomach is actually less hairy than mine ! i may have 10 hairs on my stomach and be sexy and nobody cares, but you have 3 !!! thats weird' .
East Asian men often suffer from this little thing being a 'meh' attraction factor.
To win the coupling game, you have to be considered sexy by the opposite sex to **SOME** degree by simple visual cues. The chinkus/e.asian men lack all the visual cues that most women care for.
That is their sad reality. Ofcourse, they can fix it to some degree in physique, but it will take quite some science and tech of future variety to fix their 'looks like a hairless eunuch' outward physical appearance.

Black men, for eg, tend to be very little in body hair sometimes ( at least 1/4 black men are less hairy than like 99% caucasian men in the body & arms) but black men have the rugged look of a mensch and not the more frail features of e.asian men in outward appearance. So women are fine.

The opposite of the frail e.asian men look, are the west african women : they bat lowest on the totem pole of attract-o-meter and most 'ugly black' whiteboi racism towards blacks are actually towards west african women, because west african women have the 'least feminine' faces, owing to having a strong chin and big wide nose- both typically seen as 'masculine features' and as such, less attactive to men in general.

And if you want the true ultimate street-fighter combo for 'finishing move' towards **ANY** high value woman, combine this 'rugged man' look with the projection of 'is a saint but can be also a sword-saint if he wants' and top it off with a sharp wit. Because wit is a social cue for intelligence that women ALSO find irresistable.
Most men dont know this simple sweet-spot of manhood that will get even a Helen of Troy to go crazy about you:
1) is decent looking and has one of the masculine look quality that will catch Helen of Troy's eye
2) Be a nice guy but always project the power to fuckup the ordinary man if you choose to
3) Make her laugh and your sharpness in wit is what she will admire the most and remember the most when it comes to your intelligence quotient.

Thats it, thats really all there is, to 'basic physical attraction' for women towards men.

Now ally it with ' good earning power + educated + no bad habits' and you are an extremely high value marriage candidate for Helen of Troy ( the top 3 will get you laid and get her to stick around rueing her luck if you lack the good attributes, because then you are the lovable fucktoy she is madly in love with but knows cannot settle down with).

If you intersect in interests + values + life goals with the abovementioned quality, congratulations, you have just graduated to the status of true epic love story and now this woman will be ready to die for you.

Thats the secret sauce, really.
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Comments of whites on her death are disgusting
Whites aren't hated enough by us


Can someone post some screenshots? I ain't opening that post.
Ok,so I saw those vile comments. Expected from those vile pigs.
Also,just checked,the news is trending on google search. Looks like a murder.
She was "locked in"
Ok,so I saw those vile comments. Expected from those vile pigs.
Also,just checked,the news is trending on google search.

Thank god for Elon and his pignats.

Soon we will relearn the "All Mlecchas are Subhuman" mindset of the ancients <3
Thank god for Elon and his pignats.

Soon we will relearn the "All Mlecchas are Subhuman" mindset of the ancients <3
Read the news as well. I won't have peace of mind until I see more dead bodies of pigskins,especially cancuck ones.
Also,I hope this incident motivates the kaneddian khalistani pajeets to actually start doing brutal stuff to pigskins living there unlike doing "muh we will destroy Endia?!!!" while guzzling their pigskin masters' deeks asking for their validations.
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Ok,so I saw those vile comments. Expected from those vile pigs.
Also,just checked,the news is trending on google search. Looks like a murder.
She was "locked in"
Thank god for Elon and his pignats.

Soon we will relearn the "All Mlecchas are Subhuman" mindset of the ancients <3

Rednecks have always been there; Elmo only brought them mainstream.

Trump's loss will kill Xitter tho - Elmo just cannot keep pumping resources into a sinkhole for an eternity. In an election year it has its role to play by promoting and boosting all sorts of propaganda but that is about it.
Rednecks have always been there; Elmo only brought them mainstream.

A Trump loss will kill Xitter tho - Elmo just cannot keep pumping resources into a sinkhole for an eternity. In an election year it has its role to play by promoting and boosting all sorts of propaganda but that is about it.
Kamala aunty ftw. Idc about her being a libtard or a deep state agent.
Trump's win might help these rednecks come into mainstream politics as well since jewlon got really close to him.
Rednecks have always been there; Elmo only brought them mainstream.

Trump's loss will kill Xitter tho - Elmo just cannot keep pumping resources into a sinkhole for an eternity. In an election year it has its role to play by promoting and boosting all sorts of propaganda but that is about it.
When trump won the first time my fathers friend living in pignat central started getting so many confrontations that he straight up bought automatic rifles for his home and workplace + pistols for walking around.
Pignats love quoting "God made man but samuel colt made them equal".. Well that works both ways.
Thank god for Elon and his pignats.

Soon we will relearn the "All Mlecchas are Subhuman" mindset of the ancients <3
Read the news as well. I won't have peace of mind until I see more dead bodies of pigskins,especially cancuck ones.
Also,I hope this incident motivates the kaneddian khalistani pajeets to actually start doing brutal stuff to pigskins living there unlike doing "muh we will destroy Endia?!!!" while guzzling their pigskin masters' deeks asking for their validations.

It’s not just xitter. These subhuman cumskins are there in instagram as well. They are everywhere actually. Nothing these pignatcels do surprises me anymore.


And btw this is a sikh woman, yet these Khali pigs will still keep sucking the di*k off their wyt masters.

Anyway next time there’s another 9/11 style attack, we know what to do. Humiliate these cumskins and laugh at their misery.
It’s not just xitter. These subhuman cumskins are there in instagram as well. They are everywhere actually. Nothing these pignatcels do surprises me anymore.


And btw this is a sikh woman, yet these Khali pigs will still keep sucking the di*k off their wyt masters.

Anyway next time there’s another 9/11 style attack, we know what to do. Humiliate these cumskins and laugh at their misery.

Kamala aunty ftw. Idc about her being a libtard or a deep state agent.
Trump's win might help these rednecks come into mainstream politics as well since jewlon got really close to him.
Kamala -> Close relation with India, occasional fingering (Nijjar, Pannun etc), occasional sermons on 'muh rules based order'/'muh democracy' etc, 100% backing to every anti china stance of the GoI, would happily relocate industries to India from ccpstan, will incentivize American companies who are looking to diversify into India, sensible climate and emission policy (which benefits emerging economies like India), predictable foreign policy.

Trump -> Close relation with India, little to no fingering on Nijjar and Pannun, less virtue signalling, 100% backing to every anti china stance of the GoI, would want manufacturing to move back to the US, will surely slap tariffs on Indian exports, the kind of incentives First Solar etc are receiving for diversifying into 'friendly nations' (read India) would stop, batshit crazy climate and emission policy which in turn puts disproportionate burden on emerging economies like India, unpredictable and at times, crazy foreign policy.
It’s not just xitter. These subhuman cumskins are there in instagram as well. They are everywhere actually. Nothing these pignatcels do surprises me anymore.


And btw this is a sikh woman, yet these Khali pigs will still keep sucking the di*k off their wyt masters.

Anyway next time there’s another 9/11 style attack, we know what to do. Humiliate these cumskins and laugh at their misery.

1. Meta's algorithms are not rigged.
2. Insta/FB do not boost MAGAtards. If anything, they censor them heavily.
3. Unlike Xitter and plebbit, Insta/FB are actually big in India.

Think our e-lashkars are enough for Insta/FB MAGAcels.

Edit: Quoted wetback (his insta has gone private btw :troll:) is an actual MAGA. LMAO! What's next? MAGA antifa?

Fun fact: Beaners themselves are often stereotyped as smelly.
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Many women want that, but there are many women with stronk trad values who do not want that - most bong women want to be leaders for eg.
What women want really, is a man who is a saint to others but projects the aura of ' i can snuff you out if i wish to' power. THAT is what a lot of people dont fundamentally understand about the female perception of power in a man. This is the deep core cause of the symptoms of 'nice guys finish last/women go for bad boys, even at their own detriment' archetypes. Because women are not attracted to a nice guy with no power. They are not turned on by a gandhi, because however nice gandhi is, they know he has no choice but be nice, because even a standard 15 year old bihari could've put a smackdown on bapu.
But give them a pacifist Bruce Lee and they will all collectively cream their panties - because they find the **COMBINATION** of ' he is such a nice guy and so much self control, so much self awareness, but he still can fuckup 10 guys if he wants, so its a choice, not a lack of option like bapu', that is the **bulls-eye** for female attract-o-meter.
This is also why women from ALL cultures look favourably on the 'gentle giant' man type, even if he is a bit stupid, because he has the combination of ' he is a nice guy 99% of the time but if he goes full Hodor on you, you are dead, buddy'.

Women too, often dont know this and that is often why they end up with abusive assholes/loser bad boys because they are all gunning for the 'saint normally, scary when pissed off' angle and the less competent ones often cant identify the 'too far gone cases', where 'hon, they are an asshole 99% of the time coz they are pissed off 99% of the time and u wont change him' factors.

East Asians are the only phenotype people who do not project any sort of menacing presence/masculine ruggedness is why they bat at lower totem pole in other race's female perception. Obviously there are many individuals who dont give a shit and will quite happily marry the chinku takla and dont care that he looks like a chinku gandhi, but by and large, raw sexual attraction does make a difference in influencing the general numbers and this is where the chinku/east asian men lose out.

Its the little things that add up to a big difference - for eg, i didnt know this till my 30s but **most** straight women of any given race find it off-putting a bit if their guys are less hairy than them. Since i am a standard hairy Indian, i didnt ever suffer from this and i always thought hairy is not too attractive, coz ladies will point out the 'wolly gorilla in the jacuzzi pool' and see them in negative light, start talking about how he should wax his shoulders or braid it, etc.
But the **SAME** women go 'whoa! your stomach is actually less hairy than mine ! i may have 10 hairs on my stomach and be sexy and nobody cares, but you have 3 !!! thats weird' .
East Asian men often suffer from this little thing being a 'meh' attraction factor.
To win the coupling game, you have to be considered sexy by the opposite sex to **SOME** degree by simple visual cues. The chinkus/e.asian men lack all the visual cues that most women care for.
That is their sad reality. Ofcourse, they can fix it to some degree in physique, but it will take quite some science and tech of future variety to fix their 'looks like a hairless eunuch' outward physical appearance.

Black men, for eg, tend to be very little in body hair sometimes ( at least 1/4 black men are less hairy than like 99% caucasian men in the body & arms) but black men have the rugged look of a mensch and not the more frail features of e.asian men in outward appearance. So women are fine.

The opposite of the frail e.asian men look, are the west african women : they bat lowest on the totem pole of attract-o-meter and most 'ugly black' whiteboi racism towards blacks are actually towards west african women, because west african women have the 'least feminine' faces, owing to having a strong chin and big wide nose- both typically seen as 'masculine features' and as such, less attactive to men in general.

And if you want the true ultimate street-fighter combo for 'finishing move' towards **ANY** high value woman, combine this 'rugged man' look with the projection of 'is a saint but can be also a sword-saint if he wants' and top it off with a sharp wit. Because wit is a social cue for intelligence that women ALSO find irresistable.
Most men dont know this simple sweet-spot of manhood that will get even a Helen of Troy to go crazy about you:
1) is decent looking and has one of the masculine look quality that will catch Helen of Troy's eye
2) Be a nice guy but always project the power to fuckup the ordinary man if you choose to
3) Make her laugh and your sharpness in wit is what she will admire the most and remember the most when it comes to your intelligence quotient.

Thats it, thats really all there is, to 'basic physical attraction' for women towards men.

Now ally it with ' good earning power + educated + no bad habits' and you are an extremely high value marriage candidate for Helen of Troy ( the top 3 will get you laid and get her to stick around rueing her luck if you lack the good attributes, because then you are the lovable fucktoy she is madly in love with but knows cannot settle down with).

If you intersect in interests + values + life goals with the abovementioned quality, congratulations, you have just graduated to the status of true epic love story and now this woman will be ready to die for you.

Thats the secret sauce, really.
Damn,man. You must have a lot of experience in these cases.
Nonetheless,as a formerly blekpilled zoomerjeet,I thank you for your advice. Bookmarked.
Kamala -> Close relation with India, occasional fingering (Nijjar, Pannun etc), occasional sermons on 'muh rules based order'/'muh democracy' etc, 100% backing to every anti china stance of the GoI, would happily relocate industries to India from ccpstan, will incentivize American companies who are looking to diversify into India, sensible climate and emission policy (which benefits emerging economies like India), predictable foreign policy.

Trump -> Close relation with India, little to no fingering on Nijjar and Pannun, less virtue signalling, 100% backing to every anti china stance of the GoI, would want manufacturing to move back to the US, will surely slap tariffs on Indian exports, the kind of incentives First Solar etc are receiving for diversifying into 'friendly nations' (read India) would stop, batshit crazy climate and emission policy which in turn puts disproportionate burden on emerging economies like India, unpredictable and at times, crazy foreign policy.
One thing you are understating about kamala. The interference will intensify. Bhudden is in the end a cold war guy and he has gone easy on us. It's his state department and associated private donors that ungli us.
Heck there are folks in our "strategic community" that have said that bidens senility has caused these state department walas to run rampant on US Bharat relations contrary to what bhudden would want.
kamala the throat goat has straight up "condemned" article 370 removal.
This state department or like some folks like to call "deep state" fuckery will be enhanced 3 fold. Lefties are ideologues righties are pragmatists.
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