Only against pissful momins.
I would rather spend energy on creating incentives for conversion back to Hinduism vs trying to suppress Muslims. Right now the minorities in India have preferential rights vs the Hindu population.
1) temple rights
2) state subsidies for sanskrit
3) hindu NGOs globally
4) restoration of nalanda, taxila
5) investment into more museums and historical knowledge
6) changing the narrative in textbooks
7) subverting social media algorithms
I would specifically buy land in south East Asia and build museums about Indian history. I would do the same in Iran, Saudi and UAE. Convert the Arabs, you automatically Convert the subcontinental Muslims.
Right now Hindus are always in survival mode reacting to hits from others. It needs to change into proactive engagement with the world where we engage on our terms. This is how we evolve from people who seek validation to people who set the narrative about ourselves and control future outcomes.
India should be allocating massive funds to convert the five eyes population into Hindus. Specifically target the scientific community and the institutional leaders. Subvert and infiltrate the deep state to hold your values.
India’s gdp is larger than Saudi’s; why don’t we have this infrastructure in place?