Idiotic Musings from the West

Crime reports India is run by an Indian sulla. Huge amount of anti India/Hindu content is provided by the mujeet sullas who want to differentiate themselves from 'me not pajet saar'. This is the cost that we pay for not getting rid of these vermin during independence itself.
We know that,but we can't do anything about it,all because of that slave pajeet lehru and ganduji.
Nothing ever changes for hindus.
Dirty Rat shows its true colours. Post BRICS jewish tricks.


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So much shitshow could have been avoided if the Indian RW normies kept their mouths shut on social media and quietly enjoyed the war between two mlecch tribes.
What's done,is done. Let's hope this anti-India(hindu) dehumanization brings a positive outcome for us in the long term,maybe become a fuel to bring back "Shatrubodh" in the minds of hindus.


This Ankur guy speaks as though he has figured it out all & the rest are all fools. He speaks as though the "muh entire Muslim world" was with Hindus to begin with. I have come across thousands of extremely VILE, hate filled tweets/posts from Namassi Ummah accounts even before Schlomo & Achmad started culling each other. They do what they do irrespective of what Indian RW does.

Remember the Indian RW is of transactional nature.

Let me remind that Indian RW asked the long nose Schlomo Yuval Novah Harami if the "Schildler's List" film is "vulgar propaganda" in response to his comment on Kashmiri Pundit film. Also Indian RW has pitched fights with Schlomo's over the Swastick.

If tomorrow Pissrael starts anything on Kashmir or muh demoncrazy expect the same Indian RW to spit on der jude vituperatively.

And yes, Schlomo is vile & racist, so is Achmed, Indian RW support is tactical in nature.

My opinion - No need to pile on Indian RW too much.
Don't want to say it again but BJP IT cell is the most stupidest. Mostly run by half educated UP, Biharis. The geopolitics channels on YouTube are the main cause of the shit happens to us. They overdo most in their videos for views and gullible wannabe UPSC chutiyas go on commenting and making videos-love to Russia , love to Israel but they don't feel the same about us.
Also do you guys remember when a bunch of pool sapot dudes wanted to join ijrail army to fight pooslimes,and that photo of a bunch of hindu priests holding the ijrail flag?
I doubt that these people actually have any loyalty towards their own country,only thing that probably makes them "patriotic" is only the hate towards pooslimes. Remove the pooslimes,they'll just be a bunch of sickular sepoys giving pool sapot to some other type of mlecch.(you have probably seen those Indian accounts trying to blend in with the pignats right?)
It's not "be wary of all types of mlecch" for them,they only hate the pooslimes.
What is FBI gonna do other than crying? We need CCP approach of dealing with all these brown sepoys in India. I mean that guy's family is still in India- yet he is able to do these things online. only shows how low self-respect has fallen in India allowing these people to go scot-free.
I don’t think we should go down CCP path. It will lead to more exodus of people and more people choosing to not have children. The main reason Chinese don’t want kids, is that they don’t want to raise children under draconian laws. During Covid Children were separated from parents in China. I’m sure you can imagine the psychological scarring that creates in a society.

Please refrain from looking up to CCP as some super efficient governance model. They had lock down longer than India and even had scandals where people were locked in when a fire was happening in an apartment.
I don’t think we should go down CCP path. It will lead to more exodus of people and more people choosing to not have children. The main reason Chinese don’t want kids, is that they don’t want to raise children under draconian laws. During Covid Children were separated from parents in China. I’m sure you can imagine the psychological scarring that creates in a society.

Only against pissful momins.
Only against pissful momins.
I would rather spend energy on creating incentives for conversion back to Hinduism vs trying to suppress Muslims. Right now the minorities in India have preferential rights vs the Hindu population.

1) temple rights
2) state subsidies for sanskrit
3) hindu NGOs globally
4) restoration of nalanda, taxila
5) investment into more museums and historical knowledge
6) changing the narrative in textbooks
7) subverting social media algorithms

I would specifically buy land in south East Asia and build museums about Indian history. I would do the same in Iran, Saudi and UAE. Convert the Arabs, you automatically Convert the subcontinental Muslims.

Right now Hindus are always in survival mode reacting to hits from others. It needs to change into proactive engagement with the world where we engage on our terms. This is how we evolve from people who seek validation to people who set the narrative about ourselves and control future outcomes.

India should be allocating massive funds to convert the five eyes population into Hindus. Specifically target the scientific community and the institutional leaders. Subvert and infiltrate the deep state to hold your values.

India’s gdp is larger than Saudi’s; why don’t we have this infrastructure in place?
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I would rather spend energy on creating incentives for conversion back to Hinduism vs trying to suppress Muslims. Right now the minorities in India have preferential rights vs the Hindu population.

1) temple rights
2) state subsidies for sanskrit
3) hindu NGOs globally
4) restoration of nalanda, taxila
5) investment into more museums and historical knowledge
6) changing the narrative in textbooks
7) subverting social media algorithms

I would specifically buy land in south East Asia and build museums about Indian history. I would do the same in Iran, Saudi and UAE. Convert the Arabs, you automatically Convert the subcontinental Muslims.

Right now Hindus are always in survival mode reacting to hits from others. It needs to change into proactive engagement with the world where we engage on our terms. This is how we evolve from people who seek validation to people who set the narrative about ourselves and control future outcomes.

India should be allocating massive funds to convert the five eyes population into Hindus. Specifically target the scientific community and the institutional leaders. Subvert and infiltrate the deep state to hold your values.

India’s gdp is larger than Saudi’s; why don’t we have this infrastructure in place?
It's like rabies, it can be cured if treated early, but if it's too late then you have no options left.
Dirty Rat shows its true colours. Post BRICS jewish tricks.


View attachment 13683
So much shitshow could have been avoided if the Indian RW normies kept their mouths shut on social media and quietly enjoyed the war between two mlecch tribes.
What's done,is done. Let's hope this anti-India(hindu) dehumanization brings a positive outcome for us in the long term,maybe become a fuel to bring back "Shatrubodh" in the minds of hindus.

jews r elder brother of two other middle east dessert cults. they hv also same "my way is highway" nd others faith doesnt matter teachings. only thing they didnt rampage nd involved in loots, coz they hv more brain than other two. unlike other two cult, they didnt increase their population size coz they dont believe in converting others. nd they were busy in surviving themself. so i dont think they r dangerous for us, coz we r not in their periphery. neither they hv "lets converts" all mindset. but u can say they neither like us, neither they hate us. so our relationship is neutral. but u cant judge some jews act nd say "they r anti hindu or india" etc. there r many librandu nd sicular hindu in india/america etc who hate jews. same case with them.
I would rather spend energy on creating incentives for conversion back to Hinduism vs trying to suppress Muslims. Right now the minorities in India have preferential rights vs the Hindu population.

1) temple rights
2) state subsidies for sanskrit
3) hindu NGOs globally
4) restoration of nalanda, taxila
5) investment into more museums and historical knowledge
6) changing the narrative in textbooks
7) subverting social media algorithms

I would specifically buy land in south East Asia and build museums about Indian history. I would do the same in Iran, Saudi and UAE. Convert the Arabs, you automatically Convert the subcontinental Muslims.

Right now Hindus are always in survival mode reacting to hits from others. It needs to change into proactive engagement with the world where we engage on our terms. This is how we evolve from people who seek validation to people who set the narrative about ourselves and control future outcomes.

India should be allocating massive funds to convert the five eyes population into Hindus. Specifically target the scientific community and the institutional leaders. Subvert and infiltrate the deep state to hold your values.

India’s gdp is larger than Saudi’s; why don’t we have this infrastructure in place?
All that seems too far fetched,beyond our dreams.
As for those points, 4) & 6) are already happening,dunno much about others except 7) where we are failing miserably.
It's like rabies, it can be cured if treated early, but if it's too late then you have no options left.
Israel is surrounded by Muslim countries but they manage to have a deep hold on the narrative across party lines in the US. If a country sets up five NGOs, set up ten in their country. This is what I want to see. If US funds social media companies, fund double that in India. Our cost of labor is cheap, what we lack is vision and mission.

US deep state cultivates assets over decades. India needs to build and project power in a similar way.
All that seems too far fetched,beyond our dreams.
As for those points, 4) & 6) are already happening,dunno much about others except 7) where we are failing miserably.
if you feel like that, keep your opinion to yourself. We need less naysayers and more optimists who have a bias for action. You don’t help anybody by being the first to say we can’t do it. Unless you have a solution, keep your opinion to yourself that we can’t do it. This naysaying is the ultimately reason why Indians don’t even try. IMHO it is remnants of colonial mentality and why India punches below its weight and why tiny nations have a disproportionate influence vis a vis India.

If India needs to be respected on world stage, the world should be acclimatized to Hindus who have a bias for action. This requires investment in Unity, a common vision and mission. It also means institutional muscle to back the individual in their endeavors if there is an overlap between the individual’s goals and the mission of the institution. That requires money, resources and warm bodies to coordinate.
I would rather spend energy on creating incentives for conversion back to Hinduism vs trying to suppress Muslims. Right now the minorities in India have preferential rights vs the Hindu population.

1) temple rights
2) state subsidies for sanskrit
3) hindu NGOs globally
4) restoration of nalanda, taxila
5) investment into more museums and historical knowledge
6) changing the narrative in textbooks
7) subverting social media algorithms

I would specifically buy land in south East Asia and build museums about Indian history. I would do the same in Iran, Saudi and UAE. Convert the Arabs, you automatically Convert the subcontinental Muslims.

Right now Hindus are always in survival mode reacting to hits from others. It needs to change into proactive engagement with the world where we engage on our terms. This is how we evolve from people who seek validation to people who set the narrative about ourselves and control future outcomes.

India should be allocating massive funds to convert the five eyes population into Hindus. Specifically target the scientific community and the institutional leaders. Subvert and infiltrate the deep state to hold your values.

India’s gdp is larger than Saudi’s; why don’t we have this infrastructure in place?
nice....but starting nd most important things we need to do is:-
1:- bind all hindus with each other.. with no superiority nd inferiority mindsets...nd try to bind jains, buddhist, sikh, tribals (nature worshipper ones), agnostic nd atheist also.
2:- make hindu schools, colleges, grukuls, hospital, yoga nd meditation schools, barbershop, mutton shop etc. so hindus dont depend in haleloya nd peaceful.

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