Idiotic Musings from the West

Okay, I don't even know what to say to that.
I liked cultural revolution, because it dismantled the previous system, and I don't like the way India carries the historical baggage with it. To remove it, a thorough Revolution was required just after independence and to give rise to a collective identity.

Do you feel China would have been better without a thorough dismantlement of its old structure? It had gone through a civil war, there were still ROC sympathisers.
Perhaps, it would have been burdened by the massive seperatist movements, like how we continued to suffered through.

Secondly, I don't mind being called a fascist, but communist seems like an insult. As someone who grew up in Bengal, communism is one thing that i hate the most.
Just to clarify, I wasn't branding you as xyz

Once upon a time even i believed cultural revolution in India would help until I read about it
A message to all those Indians living in the US and Canada

View attachment 19778

They did not even spare Brown coconuts like Vivek Ramaswamy and Dinesh Dsouza. Therefore, you would be deluding yourself if you think you will be an exception.
why the hell do you think i have been 'imma hinduvta colonizer, PHACK integrating into wignat culture' from day1 from defenceforumindia days ??
The way the left and right has been merging for the immgration issue Indian-Americans will have a tough time.Also remember musk and trump differ on number of issue including H1B issue.
People who hasn't read history will bat for something as retarded as "Chinese Culture Revolution".
Not me , I bat for "The Great Leap Forward" & annihilation of all traitors of Bharat.


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Oh ok, so I can repeat someone telling shitty things and it is not derogatory?

Stupid people whose life revolves around reels will only see shitty things may be you should come and live in Bangalore then you will know.
There is nothing derogatory or racist about what he said except if you are a woke or have victim card in your pocket. Karnataka like Tamilnadu, W.Bengal and Maharashtra has lot of language chauvinism and people dont hesitate to force their choices on migrants who are in these places temporarily just for jobs in MNCs and PSUs. And yes even Autowallas too do that and not just politicians. If calling someone a kannadiga or Tamil or Bengali or Autowallas as Autowalla is racist as per some comedian, he must be suffering from low self confidence
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if tomorrow in the name of 'meritocracy', our nation of people, its customs and culture are abolished, then i would oppose this so called drive for merit.

And many times the drive for merit is just an excuse for rootless cosmopolitans who don't have any affinity for the country to just impose a foreign population on your homeland for monetary or political gain. Dont be surprised that people will oppose it.
Just because you speak a language or live in a locality doesn’t mean you are the owner of that region. Even in the same region, people often speak multiple languages and dialects. Who do you think gets the “ownership” of the state in these cases ?

And reservation/ favouritism based on language, caste, religion etc will not do you any good except for making you more unproductive. Look at all countries who are rapidly growing nowadays like China. They don’t favour certain language or region but merit and look how good they are doing compared to wokeified west and India where reservation are regionalism is the name of game
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There is nothing derogatory or racist about what he said except if you are a woke or have victim card in your pocket. Karnataka like Tamilnadu, W.Bengal and Maharashtra has lot of language chauvinism and people dont hesitate to force their choices on migrants who are in these places temporarily just for jobs in MNCs and PSUs. And yes even Autowallas too do that and not just politicians. If calling someone a kannadiga or Tamil or Bengali or Autowallas as Autowalla is racist as per some comedian, he must be suffering from low self confidence
It just not south per se Retards are everywhere in the country.
It just not south per se Retards are everywhere in the country.
In Northern and most Central states nobody really cares what language do you speak or write as long as you are able to communicate. have lived in cities of UP, Delhi, MP, RJ, CG for many years and never seen any movement against Tamil, Kannada, Bengali or any other language. People just don’t care. You can find multilingual signboards in important tourists areas in these states to help tourists navigate. Also people willing to help tourists with whatever broken English they know.
Paypal, SpaceX, Tesla, Starlink etc

Guy is a true genius. Typically speaking, such guys tend to lean hard libertarians. He was a Democrat remember. Had the left not gone so extreme, he'd have stuck with Democrats.

He's now realising that right has extremes too.
Also add NeuralLink and Boring company.
He is ready to go to war on this.
Copy pasting in case it gets deleted.

“The reason I’m in America along with so many critical people who built SpaceX, Tesla and hundreds of other companies that made America strong is because of H1B.

Take a big step back and FUCK YOURSELF in the face. I will go to war on this issue the likes of which you cannot possibly comprehend”

Elon muskova going against his groyper army which he supported and boosted for over a year is not something i expected. Total jeet victory

Well, the people against the jeets seems to be overwhelmingly more than the ones defending them, based on what I have seen. The seeds for this were sowed long ago. I have been seeing a lot of India hate after the Canada immigration fiasco and the hard deep case. The plants have germinated out of those seeds, and it's in full view these days.

Going forward, it's gonna be really tough for the Indian diaspora.

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