Idiotic Musings from the West

Going forward, it's gonna be really tough for the Indian diaspora.

Too many Of ours were getting comfortable outside, they need to be constantly reminded of what they are.
Just because you speak a language or live in a locality doesn’t mean you are the owner of that region. Even in the same region, people often speak multiple languages and dialects. Who do you think gets the “ownership” of the state in these cases ?

And reservation/ favouritism based on language, caste, religion etc will not do you any good except for making you more unproductive. Look at all countries who are rapidly growing nowadays like China. They don’t favour certain language or region but merit and look how good they are doing compared to wokeified west and India where reservation are regionalism is the name of game
I am not promoting the goodness of regionalism or caste kanging or the absurdities of reservation . I hate those things because it makes our nation weaker in NCP(National Comprehensive Power).

It is about the inclusion of completely different groups like a group with no cultural, religious and even ethnic similarity to our nation for the sake of increased GDP (Sometimes even that is a lie used to excuse the decision ).

It is also largely about the idea of what is a nation. It is not just an economic zone with paper thin veneer of an identity. It should have exclusive meaning - In the sense that it belongs to a particular set of people, neutral cultural traditions & customs, Religions(if applicable),etc.

Dumping a large population of foreigners into a relatively small country will change it and even if it does economically uplift the nation, it can be argued that it is ultimately of no use if the ancestors of the original people do not get the fruits of the wealth. Outsiders should be seen and used as mercenaries at best and used by a nation sparingly when it has no choice (EG : specialist people having expertise in industry we may want to set up in our nation).

It is nothing to do with any off topic policy/politics such as regionalism or caste kanging or reservation in india.

Indians can be nationalistic and tribalist without engaging in the region/language/caste or victim tribalist - this is what nationalism is. It is the subsuming of all these identities in favour of a national identity. And people with such a national identity will never like their country to favor outsiders in anything within the country for obvious reasons
Elon muskova going against his groyper army which he supported and boosted for over a year is not something i expected. Total jeet victory

these sort of targeted SM campaigns usually have a purpose, it might start as one thing but land entirely somewhere else a few months later.

since the debate is centered around H1B, some of the possibilities :
- AI ethics regulation related (sam altman vs elon school of thought)
- MAGA leadership firing a warning shot at tech company leaderships to fall in line
There is nothing derogatory or racist about what he said except if you are a woke or have victim card in your pocket. Karnataka like Tamilnadu, W.Bengal and Maharashtra has lot of language chauvinism and

Bengal doesn't have 'language chauvinism'. It never did.
Not denying the problems caused by the Cultural Revolution. However, the benefits I was thinking of were entirely different.

What are the problems India is still dealing with? The historical baggage.
We have many outdated systems and past legacies that continue to create issues in our society. To build a new system, the old one must be dismantled; otherwise, remnants of the past will persist in causing problems.

There is an old Chinese saying: "Always pluck the roots of the weeds, or they will regrow in the next rainy season and continue to sap nutrients from other plants."

Another point is that change is constant, but no one wants or likes change. Change always disrupts societal structures, and society itself resists this disruption.

We still grapple with many problems rooted in the past, such as religious conflicts, caste issues, and ethnic divisions. Even today, people fight over differences in religion, caste, and ethnicity.

The first benefit of the Cultural Revolution was thorough destruction. It eradicated the old feudal structures in rural China, the traditional class system (although a new class system quickly emerged), ancient superstitions, and the entrenched social hierarchy. These systems were completely rooted out. It also contributed to forming a collective identity, which is something India significantly lacks.

In addition, the Cultural Revolution promoted a unified identity, goals, culture, and language, all of which are massive advantages for a nation. Traditional gender roles were also dismantled. We still face this issue today, where one gender works far less than the other, which is almost half the population, and represents a significant portion of the workforce.

Once these outdated systems are dismantled, it becomes easier to establish a new system. Resistance to reforms also decreases—a struggle we are still facing today. People resist reforms, and societal and cultural changes occur far too slowly.
So what common ideology is best suited for us ? As for China , China is not as diverse as India racially, culturally ethnically or in terms of language.90% Chinese are Han the largest ethnic group in the entire world while India has dozens of languages , with no single ethnic group controlling large territory, even at village level we have more diversity than entire China. One single village in our country has over three dozen caste identities with different set of values and eating habits. So what works in China will not work in India. Civil war in India would result into Congo, Sudan style massacre without any end in sight. People might not accept it but Democracy is the only workable system for us and as for mediocrity and caste politics, I think British stooge like Ambedkar and ideologies like Communism/Leftism should be held responsible.
A lot of pwnage been happening for the "nothing ever happens" frens.:ROFLMAO:


Well, the people against the jeets seems to be overwhelmingly more than the ones defending them, based on what I have seen. The seeds for this were sowed long ago. I have been seeing a lot of India hate after the Canada immigration fiasco and the hard deep case. The plants have germinated out of those seeds, and it's in full view these days.

Going forward, it's gonna be really tough for the Indian diaspora.

Maybe that's what we needed, to finally come together.

A lot of NRIs pride themselves in being overtly assimilationist, almost to a fault, and to the chagrin of us subcontinent-Indians even. I remember when Western nations would send an Indian origin ambassador to India, some IR pundits would say things along the lines of "oh shit, they sent a desi, get prepared to get fleeced for the next few years".

This should be a good wakeup call, make them realize where they stand and perhaps even prepare for contingencies when things turn to shit.

Liberty, Equality, Fraternity is fake.
Rules based order is fake.
Liberalism is fake.
Bengal doesn't have 'language chauvinism'. It never did.

Actually, it goes. It's not to the extent as I see in the media about Karnataka or Tamil Nadu. But, it's there. Infact, it's true even in North eastern states like Assam. I knew how to speak Assamese, so I didn't have a problem, but usually there is always a subtle discrimination and mockery if you don't speak the language.

Having a commonly understood and spoken language is general a positive for a country. The problem here is we can't choose a language to fill that role. There are disagreements , so one language is never decided upon.

With all our proficiency in English, we have always been absorbing English media and culture from outside, but never exported it. Most of our movies, music are in native language. I think if we had a strong domestic English entertainment media, it could have been used for export and soft power. Just my opinion.
these sort of targeted SM campaigns usually have a purpose, it might start as one thing but land entirely somewhere else a few months later.

since the debate is centered around H1B, some of the possibilities :
- AI ethics regulation related (sam altman vs elon school of thought)
- MAGA leadership firing a warning shot at tech company leaderships to fall in line
I think whether these moves are to placate new voters who switched to Trump during this 2024 election. Every county had the people switching right.
So what common ideology is best suited for us ? As for China , China is not as diverse as India racially, culturally ethnically or in terms of language.90% Chinese are Han the largest ethnic group in the entire world while India has dozens of languages , with no single ethnic group controlling large territory, even at village level we have more diversity than entire China. One single village in our country has over three dozen caste identities with different set of values and eating habits. So what works in China will not work in India. Civil war in India would result into Congo, Sudan style massacre without any end in sight. People might not accept it but Democracy is the only workable system for us and as for mediocrity and caste politics, I think British stooge like Ambedkar and ideologies like Communism/Leftism should be held responsible.
I agree with some of your points, but the Han Chinese are not a monolithic group. They have many languages and various subgroups as well. We can tell the difference between Odias and Bengalis, to outsiders like the Chinese, we probably all look quite similar too.
Actually, it goes. It's not to the extent as I see in the media about Karnataka or Tamil Nadu. But, it's there. Infact, it's true even in North eastern states like Assam. I knew how to speak Assamese, so I didn't have a problem, but usually there is always a subtle discrimination and mockery if you don't speak the language.

Having a commonly understood and spoken language is general a positive for a country. The problem here is we can't choose a language to fill that role. There are disagreements , so one language is never decided upon.

With all our proficiency in English, we have always been absorbing English media and culture from outside, but never exported it. Most of our movies, music are in native language. I think if we had a strong domestic English entertainment media, it could have been used for export and soft power. Just my opinion.

No, it does NOT.

I cannot pinpoint a reason (perhaps a legacy of long commie rule?) but the state has, historically, never exhibited any animosity towards 'outsiders'. An avg Hindi speaker would do just fine (even though Bangla is very easy to pick up for a Hindi/Odia speaker).

This state is also unique in the sense that community/caste/tribe kanging does not yield electoral dividends (again, might be a commie legacy or a direct consequence of the Bengali Renaissance period).

Whatever political violence you witness today in the state is because of inter and intra party rivalries (and not because of language/community/caste kanging). There were even armed class struggles (Naxalist rebellion) but never one arguing in favor of language chauvinism.

The incumbent has been flirting with subnationalism of late and calls the BJP a party of outsiders but has since nominated several 'outsiders' to RS and the state cabinet.

Cannot comment on Assam etc.
Bengal doesn't have 'language chauvinism'. It never did.
Really? Even it’s khela hobe CM is known Bengali chauvinist who leaves no opportunity go waste to demonise Hindi/Biharis and considers them to be the root cause of downfall of Waste Bengal. She even tries to appropriate BJP as Hindi Party/ Party of outsiders
There were multiple Anti-Hindi protests in Waste Bengal in the recent past
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No, it does NOT.

I cannot pinpoint a reason (perhaps a legacy of long commie rule?) but the state has, historically, never exhibited any animosity towards 'outsiders'. An avg Hindi speaker would do just fine (even though Bangla is very easy to pick up for a Hindi/Odia speaker).

This state is also unique in the sense that community/caste/tribe kanging does not yield electoral dividends (again, might be a commie legacy or a direct consequence of the Bengali Renaissance period).

Whatever political violence you witness today in the state is because of inter and intra party rivalries (and not because of language/community/caste kanging). There were even armed class struggles (Naxalist rebellion) but never one arguing in favor of language chauvinism.

The incumbent has been flirting with subnationalism of late and calls the BJP a party of outsiders but has since nominated several 'outsiders' to RS and the state cabinet.

Cannot comment on Assam etc.
I second this Bengalis are comfortable with their own language and they also know Proper English and decent hindi enough to communicate and share thought process with rest of India.

My original post that started this wasn't even about language.
I am not promoting the goodness of regionalism or caste kanging or the absurdities of reservation . I hate those things because it makes our nation weaker in NCP(National Comprehensive Power).

It is about the inclusion of completely different groups like a group with no cultural, religious and even ethnic similarity to our nation for the sake of increased GDP (Sometimes even that is a lie used to excuse the decision ).

It is also largely about the idea of what is a nation. It is not just an economic zone with paper thin veneer of an identity. It should have exclusive meaning - In the sense that it belongs to a particular set of people, neutral cultural traditions & customs, Religions(if applicable),etc.

Dumping a large population of foreigners into a relatively small country will change it and even if it does economically uplift the nation, it can be argued that it is ultimately of no use if the ancestors of the original people do not get the fruits of the wealth. Outsiders should be seen and used as mercenaries at best and used by a nation sparingly when it has no choice (EG : specialist people having expertise in industry we may want to set up in our nation).

It is nothing to do with any off topic policy/politics such as regionalism or caste kanging or reservation in india.

Indians can be nationalistic and tribalist without engaging in the region/language/caste or victim tribalist - this is what nationalism is. It is the subsuming of all these identities in favour of a national identity. And people with such a national identity will never like their country to favor outsiders in anything within the country for obvious reasons
For me Every citizen of a country is the equal owner of all parts of a country and he/she must have equal opportunity to go and get settled or to do job or to open businesses wherever he likes without any hindrance. I’ll never support support sub-nationalism or regionalism in the garb of traditions and regional identity. Every citizen of a nation is equitable owner of that country and individual ownership must be limited to properties one own individually.

Don’t care about other countries though. Its not my problem.
Really? Even it’s khela hobe CM is known Bengali chauvinist who leaves no opportunity go waste to demonise Hindi/Biharis and considers them to be the root cause of downfall of Waste Bengal. She even tries to appropriate BJP as Hindi Party/ Party of outsiders
There were multiple Anti-Hindi protests in Waste Bengal in the recent past
Where do I even start?

Bengal traditionally never votes for a 'weak' party. Given the kind of political environment prevalent in the state, it is the BJPwallahs who are viewed as the 'weak' guys.

As long as they do not course correct or project a credible mass leader (turncoats like Shubhendu do not count) , it does not matter what the Queen says or does - her party will keep getting elected.

Also, the Queen plays both sides. She routinely appeases the Hindi speaking voters, hands out long Chath Puja holidays etc.
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This lady Sandra encapsulates and represents the entire MAGA Gryopyer population as a whole.

High opinion about themselves but nothing to back it up.
Here she is adding up two household incomes and pegging them above 100 k average. These are the type of people saying we have talent at home.

Looking at the twitter profile she is wife of a veteran and in some sort of militray service herself. Rents out real estate for money.

They are living a subsidized life all fruits of their ancestors toil. Disposable income, disposable real estate you name it. They don't feel the economic pressure to succeede but have enough money to barely get through and live decent lives all the while blaming other for their detoriating state.

Most middle age Magatards I have witnessed are into speculative income like, real estate, stocks, and even crypto. If non speculating than they are veterans, law enforcement, state public offices. While all these are enough to get by but it isn't enough to out them ahead of Indian Ameeican. Hence the jealousy.

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